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Head's Blog   Year 6 get a rush of adrenalin at Adrenalin Quarry!

Posted 30/06/2024
by Michele Spencer

On Friday, the adults who went to Adrenalin Quarry with the Year 6s really had to dig deep and prove that learning can sometimes mean facing your fears and going for it anyway! The year 6s enjoyed a thrilling ride on the zip wire, a splash or two in the quarry and some speedy laps of the go-kart track. All were exhausted but elated - it was a magical day together (I did manage to open my eyes half way down and let go!).


Year 1/2   Summer 2 Week 4

Posted 28/06/2024
by Jacob Lewis


Head's Blog   Wear Yellow in support of Cystic Fibrosis Trust and PTA fun run 2024

Posted 24/06/2024
by Michele Spencer

Well done all of the children and adults who took part in our Wear Yellow to school/PTA fun run on Friday. All donations will be split between the PTA and the CFT #wearyellow campaign. Every tacked the laps in their own way; from a chatty stroll to a speedy sprint - you all did yourselves proud. Thank you to the PTA for providing a refreshments stall and a treat for all of the children. We really appreciate all of the staff, family and friends who also ran along with the children and cheered them around the track. 


Year 3/4 A   Sky Arts' Week June '24

Posted 23/06/2024
by Kimberley Appleby

Year 3/4A have enjoyed: Doodling, 2D mark making and sculpture during Sky Arts' Week last week. We created dioramas linked to our topic on 'Investigating Coasts'. Take a look at our masterpieces! 


Year 1/2   Summer 2 Week 3

Posted 21/06/2024
by Jacob Lewis


Head's Blog   Around the World in 80 Minutes with Glee Club

Posted 21/06/2024
by Michele Spencer

Thank you so much to Glee club for taking up on a musical trip that included under water escapades, graceful dancing and British sign language. Thank you for entertaining us and showing that wonderful connection you have found with each other through the arts. We were impressed and entertained in equal measure.


Pre School   Fun in the sun

Posted 21/06/2024
by Rebecca Whitty

Fun in the sun. 

We have had a fun filled week this week here in Pre school.  We had a BIG change to our morning routine where parents/ carers stayed outside and the children had a go at putting their stuff away independently. Well, everyone did it and everyone was happy! Everyone remembered to pop book bags and drink bottles into the cubby, then  go and sit down and write their names. We  were so impressed with them and they were proud of themselves. 
' Miss Whitty, we are big kids now we can do it',  ' I feel good, I can do it I big kid now!'  We will be doing this from now on. 

The children requested a bubble station and they made their own wands. 

Friday was wear yellow day for CFS to celebrate a brave child in our school. We also had our fun run, we all managed to do at least three laps of our field, we then enjoyed an ice pole after. Thankyou to the PTA for these. 

This week in phonics we have been learning the sounds 'l' and 'h' the children are doing really well with these and some have even started to sound  and blend CVC words. h a t = hat, h o p = hop,   l e g = leg they hold up three fingers and use their pinch fingers when saying each sound. Well done everyone. 

Scissor skills are a big focus for us all at the moment, the children have been enjoying practicing these skills. 

Next week we will be looking at the sounds 'j' and 'r'. 

We have been lucky to have our wonderful student Ellie in with us three times this week. Thank you Ellie for everything you do to support the children. Ellie is with us until the end of the year. We are very lucky! 

Well done everyone, we are so proud of you!   Have a lovely weekend and we shall see you all next week. :)

Miss Whitty, Miss Ronald and Ellie. 


Year 1/2   Summer 1 Catchup

Posted 10/06/2024
by Jacob Lewis


Pre School   Our last half term!

Posted 10/06/2024
by Rebecca Whitty

Our last half term together! 

Wow! we can not believe we are now into our last half term together.  

This half term out topic is  - 'School readiness' You will shorty be receiving a  leaflet that we hand out every year so you know what to expect and what the expectations are.  

From Monday the 17th we will be asking parents / carers to stay outside in the morning. The children will need to carry their bags in and sort themselves out. We of course will be here to help them, but this is what they will be doing next year. 

The children are really enjoying learning their phonics sounds. Some have even started to use Fred talk and sound and blend CVC words together! 
This week we are focusing on 'e' and 'f'. 

Last week we had lovely weather and we made the most of it outside. The children built their very own outdoor library. Explored new musical instruments creating lovely pieces of music. 

We are still enjoying our forest school sessions, please remember to bring footwear for this. 

We are asking please can EVERYONE bring a sun hat in and apply long lasting sun cream before school, we can top up and assist the children but we cannot 'rub' it in. 

This Friday we have Shelia's school of dance coming in for a session. 
We can't wait to see you when you are next in!

Miss Whitty and Miss Ronald. 


Year 5/6 H   SUMMER 2 UPDATE

Posted 07/06/2024
by Thomas Hazlewood

Summer 2 Update

I can’t believe that we have already moved into the final half-term in Year 5! I hope that you and the children have had a great half-term  We have a whole range of fantastic learning opportunities planned for this half term and the focus in firmly on ensuring that the children are prepared and confident going into Year 6. Please see some of the important details below.

The Year 5 Mind-map - attached below is a mind-map which details what we plan to learn across the curriculum this half term.

PE Lessons - Our timetable for PE remains the same this half term. Our PE will be on Tuesday. Children can come into school in their PE kit on PE days.

Times-tables and Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRFs) – Much of the maths we do in Year 5 and Year 6 relies heavily on the children already knowing important number facts.  We call this ‘declarative’ knowledge.  We use the KIRFs in school to help the children learn and remember these important facts.  The most important facts that the children learn and remember are their quick addition and subtraction facts (eg: 13 - 6 =, 21 + 7=) and their times-tables facts (and corresponding division facts).  We do a lot of work in school to support your child to know these key facts and any support you can give at home to ensure that these facts are recalled automatically would be fantastic.

Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)

This year, we have continued to implement the Jigsaw PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) Programme in Year 5.

The Summer Term units are all about Relationships (unit 1) and Changing Me (unit 2) and they will cover all areas of statutory requirements for the delivery of Health and Relationship education which came into place for schools to follow from September 2020. The Changing Me unit includes lessons to help children understand the changes puberty brings and how human reproduction happens.

We sent a letter home with the children detailing the objectives we cover in Year 5, and have attached a copy of the letter below.

Supporting learning at home - We encourage learning at home to support the work we do in school and enable children to become more confident.

Our home-learning expectations are:

Daily reading (15 minutes) - reading which is recorded in your reading record will contribute towards your Reading Karate reward.

Times-tables and KIRF practice (20 minutes weekly) using Times Tables Rock Stars (TTRS) and the KIRF sheets (attached below).

Spellings (20 minutes weekly) - focusing on our focus spellings and the Year 4/5 and 5/6 statutory spelling lists (attached below).

Online learning - This will be set on Atom Prime (logins stuck in thy front of children's reading records)

This term we will be running additional 'booster' sessions for selected children in Reading, Writing and Maths.  To support these sessions we may send home a CGP Question Book for the children to use.  We will be in touch directly if we have selected your child for the additional booster sessions.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns please do get in touch.

All the very best, the Year 5 team.


Head's Blog   Thank you PTA!

Posted 06/06/2024
by Michele Spencer

Last year we purchased a set of litter pickers which the children loved and have been asking for replacements for, for many months. Thank you so much to the PTA who agreed to replenish our stock and this week we received a brand new set of 10 litter picker packs! We are looking forward to putting them through their paces over the coming weeks to keep our site clean and tidy!


Year 3/4 A  

Posted 03/06/2024
by Kimberley Appleby

Sunshine and smiles to end the term

Year 3/4 ended their Learning Adventure with a visit to Pendennis Castle, Falmouth.

As part of our topic on Tudors and Henry VIII, we wanted the children to deepen their understanding of how Cornwall played a part in the reign of Henry VIII and thought, where better than Pendennis Castle to really draw upon cultural capital. We know Pendennis Castle was part of Henry's defense preparations and having an awareness of how our own heritage, here in Cornwall, and how it played a part in the 'bigger picture' and his decision making whilst in reign, can only embed and compliment the learning we've had within lessons. 
It's important for children to have an awareness of historic, local settlements and the part they played, giving pupils a sense of place but also an awareness of local heritage in our Chronology and the British History timeline.
Visiting the castle enhanced and deepened their understanding of Tudor England and gave them a 'real-life experience' that we couldn't offer within the classroom setting. We had a fab day!

I've attached the Summer Term 2 KIRFS to practise.


Year 5/6 MG   Greek Picnic

Posted 23/05/2024
by Jenifer Kite

This week, the children have been putting their cooking skills to the test! They have spent time learning about traditional Greek food, sampling some Greek specialties (tzatziki, sundried tomatoes, Kalamata olives, pita bread, dalmades), practicing their cutting, peeling and grating skills and baking.
They worked together to create Greek salads and a Greek village bread. This afternoon thy enjoyed a Greek picnic on the field.


Year 1/2   Phonics booklet 3

Posted 22/05/2024
by Jacob Lewis


Year 5/6 H   Karma & Dharma

Posted 21/05/2024
by Thomas Hazlewood

Karma and Dharma

In RE this half term we have been learning about what Hindus believe.  We have learned about how they believe that their God 'Brahman' is present in everything - and represents all aspects of life on earth.  We also learned that although there are lots of different different Hindu Gods (we particularly like Ganesha, the God who looks like an elephant), they are all representations of different aspects of Brahman (the one true God).

We learned that Hindu's believe that all living things have a piece of Brahman inside them (called Atman) so Hindu's treat all life as sacred.  We learned that the Atman goes through a cycle of birth, death and reincarnation called the Samsara.

Hindu's believe that if they do their duty (their Dharma) then they will receive good Karma.  Receiving good Karma in this life will mean that Hindu's get reincarnated closer to Brahman in the next life.  Eventually, Hindu's believe that they can achieve Moksha which means that their Atman is released from the cycle of reincarnation and is joined back with Brahman for eternity.  They are really tricky beliefs to understand - so to help us we played a game of Moksha Chitram (snakes and ladders).  At the foot of every ladder we wrote examples of things which Hindus would do which might lead to good karma, and at the head of every snake we wrote actions which might lead Hindus to receive bad karma.  We think we are starting to understand the Hindu beliefs about birth, death and reincarnation.


Year 1/2   Phonics check booklet 2

Posted 20/05/2024
by Jacob Lewis


Year 5/6 MG   WELL DONE YEAR 6!

Posted 17/05/2024
by Jenifer Kite

A HUGE well done to all of Year 6 this week. The children have really persevered with their SATs assessments and have done themselves, and their adults, very proud indeed.  They are all FAB-U-LOUS! Thank you also for your continued support at home.

We celebrated the end of a busy week with a walk, BBQ and the children receiving their hoodies along with a special invitation. Thank you very much to the adults who have organised this for the children to celebrate the end of their time at St Cleer.


Year 1/2   Phonics check booklet 1

Posted 17/05/2024
by Jacob Lewis


Year 1/2   Summer 1 Week 5

Posted 17/05/2024
by Jacob Lewis


Pre School   What we have been up to.

Posted 14/05/2024
by Rebecca Whitty

We have been super busy here in Pre school. 

We have been very busy with our 'At the seaside' topic this half-term. We have spoken about beaches we have visited on Cornwall and learnt a bit about our costal paths. The children have also enjoyed learning 'Cornwall my home' as our sea shanty and learning about the RNLI. 

The children have also really enjoyed our outdoor area as it has changed a little bit. We now have a gross motor area, the children enjoy playing with the ball and putting all their skills they learn with coach James on a Monday in to their play. They also enjoy building, running, skipping and balancing on our scooter. 

We have been learning our sounds last week we learnt 'o' and this week it's 'c' the children enjoy writing these with chalk and spotting them in our environment. 

Forest school is a big hit and the children are really enjoying exploring it while its dry ' It looks different!' 

On drop off please feel welcome to come in and have a look at all of the work they have been up to on the display board. 


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We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.



We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.



We are passionate about learning.



We are the best we can be.



We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.

A reminder that we have an INSET day on Friday 14th February - enjoy the half term and we look forward to seeing you all back in school on Monday 24th February.

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