Happy New Year and welcome back to the Spring Term; What a snowy start!
Year 3/4A have started their unit on Multiplication and Division in Math, talking about efficiency in methods and practising recall of related facts as well.
With the Year 4 MTC approaching in June, we've stepped up our daily activities and challenged ourselves to improve our scores each week, aiming for 25/25.
Please find attached your KIRFS and Timetable for the Spring Term. We're looking forward to our Ukulele lessons starting next Friday.
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We've had a fantastic start to Autumn Term 2 starting our new topics with lots of enthusiasm!
Science -
Year 3/4A have started to investigate the three states of matter (Liquids, Solids and Gases), making jelly last week to show how states can change through heating and cooling.
Geography -
We've started our journey to Europe discussing the continents of the world and how countries (or states) make up continents.
We've started to bring in photographs from our European holidays to add to our working wall, sharing our memories and discussing the climate and geographical features that we can see and how these are similar/different to England.
English -
Myths, legends and traditional tales have captured our imagination this week; discussing the impact that high quality vocabulary has on the reader.
A great start! Please find this term's KIRFS and Mind Map below.
Dates for your diaries:
Class Assembly - Friday 29th November @9am
All things Christmas - Saturday 7th December, St Cleer Church.
Both Year 3/4 classes have been asked to decorate a Christmas tree as part of the celebrations. We'll be taking it up to the church on Friday 6th December.
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Choo-choo Tuesday!
Both Year 3/4 classes visited the Bodmin and Wenford Railway on Tuesday as part of their 'Learning Adventure' on 'The First Railways'.
We received VIP treatment with our own carriages and enjoyed keeping the ticket collector busy, punching 60+ tickets. We are very grateful to the Cornish Heritage Trust for funding our travel and offering us a grant for the coach travel - thank you.
During our lessons we've:
- described how the first trains and railways were
developed and composed a timeline of important events in the history of rail
- explained why some steam locomotives are
historically significant, say how and why steam locomotives changed over time
and describe the similarities and differences of different steam locomotives.
- described how and why the railway network in
Britain grew and changed over time.
The Bodmin and Wenford Railway opened in 1834 during the Victorian era, we situated this on our British History Timeline within the class and discussed the use of the branch line in transporting minerals and agricultural sea sand.
During the journey, we completed train -themed booklets and following on from National Poetry Day, we were able to practise our choral poetry remembering the rhythm, rhyme and repetition.
If you'd like to book a trip yourself or find out more, please visit: The Railway - Bodmin Railway
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Welcome Back Year 3/4 A - What a fantastic start!
We've been busy familarising ourselves with class routines and topics for this Half Term. We've also had chance to practise our handwriting and talk about the importance of learning Multiplication Tables, using rhymes to help us remember key facts.
"I ate and ate 'til I was sick on the floor, 8 x 8 = 64". I wonder if you can create your own?
Below are your KIRFS and this term's Mind Map.
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We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.
We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.
We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.
We are passionate about learning.
We are the best we can be.
We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.
A reminder that we have an INSET day on Friday 14th February - enjoy the half term and we look forward to seeing you all back in school on Monday 24th February.
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