Posted 31/03/2025
by Michele Spencer
Thank you to all who were able to come and join us in our curriculum sharing afternoon on Friday. After a week of parent consultations, it was great to share our Easter crafts, stop-motion animation, orienteering, maths, writing, art and many more aspects of our learning here together. I am looking forward to sharing our photos from the 'when I was young' photo booth soon too!
Posted 28/03/2025
by Jacob Lewis
Posted 28/03/2025
by Rebecca Whitty
This week at preschool, we had an amazing time learning and playing outside. There’s something special about being in the fresh air while discovering new things, and we made the most of it!
One of our favourite activities was playing with play dough – what a fun way to help our hands get stronger! Rolling, squishing, and moulding the dough helped our little fingers work hard and build fine motor skills.
We also had fun learning the sound of the letter T. We practiced saying "t t tower" and looking for things that start with the sound, like tiger, tree, tent and toy. We even made the letter T out of our play dough! It was a great way to connect our learning to the hands-on fun we were having.
We have also been working on writing our names helps us recognise letters and practice holding our pencils. We are getting better at writing the first sound of our names and some of us even wrote our full names by the end of the week! Next week you will all be getting a copy of the dotted names to have a go at over the Easter holidays
Learning outside is always a great way to stay engaged, have fun, and practice important skills in a new way.
We were also very lucky to have the easter bunnies come in today!! Thank you Miss Selby for teaching us all about how to look after a bunny and letting us stroke them.
Come back next week to see what we get up to.
Posted 27/03/2025
by Carmel Alberts
In Maths, we’ve been learning all about place value, focusing on numbers up to 50. It’s been fun working with different ways to represent numbers and understanding the value of each digit. We’ve had a lot of hands-on practice with comparing and ordering numbers, which has helped us get a better grasp on this important concept.
We also went on an exciting trip to Lanhydrock, where we had an amazing time exploring the beautiful gardens. We took part in a nature hunt, which allowed us to discover various plants and animals while enjoying the fresh air. After that, we ventured into the house, where we learned about what life was like during the Victorian times. It was fascinating to see how people lived back then, and we even had the chance to dress up in Victorian-style clothing, which made the experience even more special.
In our Art lessons, we’ve been exploring colours and learning about how to mix them. It’s been so interesting to experiment with different combinations and see the different shades we can make.
In English, we’ve started a new unit all about poetry, specifically focusing on dragons! We’ve been reading different poems about these mythical creatures and even started writing our own. It’s exciting to use our imaginations and come up with creative ways to describe dragons in our poems.
In Geography, we’ve been learning about the Berbers, a fascinating group of people with a rich history and culture. We’ve discovered a lot about their traditions, way of life, and the places they live. It’s been an enriching lesson, and we’ve gained a deeper appreciation for different cultures.
Finally, we are really looking forward to our sharing afternoon tomorrow! We can't wait to showcase everything we’ve been working on and share our learning with others.
Posted 24/03/2025
by Michele Spencer
Posted 24/03/2025
by Michele Spencer
Amazingly well done to all of the children who took part in the Landrake Run 2025 but especially our St Cleer super star runners!
You ran with enthusiasm and determination! Well done to you all. Nothing can quite prepare you for the energy and excitement of the East Cornwall cross country series but as the season comes to an end well done to all of our children who turned up to running club and who entered any of the races. It really is a great achievement and we are very proud of you all.
Posted 21/03/2025
by Rebecca Whitty
We have places available for September 2025.
Is you child born between September 2021 and August 2022? Then we have a space for them!
We take children the year before they start school. 15 and 30 hour funding available.
"I like Preschool as we make pizzas for snack time"-A
"I love Pre school you make it fun!" - K
"Pre school is fun. I Iike playing outside"- L
"We dress up, we have fun, we also go on the adventure play ground!"
Please phone the school to arrange a walk around or email us @
Miss Whitty and Miss Ronald.
Posted 21/03/2025
by Rebecca Whitty
Hello, everyone! What an exciting week we've had here at preschool! Last week, we had a special visit from PCOS Bex and Chloe, who taught us all about the important job that police officers do. We learned about how they keep us safe, and we even got to ask lots of questions! One of the things we discussed was how important it is to know where we live and our parents' names, just in case we ever need help. PCOS Bex and Chloe were so friendly, and taught us the police want to keep us happy and safe. We loved seeing their uniforms and seeing their car, we even got to hear the sirens and lights!
This week, we switched gears and learned all about vets and how they take care of our furry friends. We talked about how vets help animals when they're sick, and how they make sure our pets stay healthy and happy.
In phonics we’ve been working hard on learning sound D. We’ve been practicing saying words like "dog," "duck," and "dinosaur." The children loved making the D sound and finding things in the room that start with D. It’s amazing to see how quickly everyone is picking up new sounds!
Next Friday we have our open afternoon, if your child is in session please feel free to come along and share a fun afternoon with us.
Come back next week to see what we get up to in Pre school.
Have a lovely weekend.
Miss Whitty, Miss Ronald and Mrs Evans.
Posted 21/03/2025
by Jacob Lewis
Posted 20/03/2025
by Carmel Alberts
An update on a few on the areas we have covered this week-
In Maths, we focused on understanding place value up to 50, using tens and ones to help visualise and organise numbers.
In Science, we embarked on an exciting bug hunt, exploring the natural world around us to identify and learn about different insects and their habitats. We also had the opportunity to toast marshmallows in the Forest School area, learning about fire safety while enjoying the experience of cooking outdoors.
In Geography, we delved into the fascinating culture of the Maasai tribe, locating their homeland in East Africa and studying their traditions, lifestyle, and the unique aspects of their society. This helped us understand global diversity and the rich cultural heritage of different communities.
In English, we worked on innovating the story of Zahra, reimagining different parts of the narrative to make it our own.
Posted 14/03/2025
by Michele Spencer
Fantastically well done to all of our Year 4 and Year 6 swimmers who completed their lessons over two weeks. It has been great to see your confidence and skills develop further.
Posted 13/03/2025
by Carmel Alberts
This week we have covered a wide range of exciting subjects and learned many new things. In art, we explored the life and work of the artist Dora Carrington, studying her unique style and the influence she had on the world of art.
In cricket, we focused on both batting and bowling techniques, learning how to improve our skills and understanding the strategies behind the game.
In science, we studied seasonal changes and how the weather can vary throughout the year. We also had the opportunity to create our own wind socks, helping us to observe wind direction and speed in a hands-on way. During PSHE lessons, we explored the importance of healthy eating and how the right foods can help our bodies stay strong and energised.
In music, we practiced singing, learning new songs and developing our vocal skills. In maths, we delved into place value, focusing on numbers up to 50, which helped us to strengthen our understanding of number patterns and how to compare and order numbers accurately. In English, we worked on using adjectives to describe the desert, learning how to create vivid and detailed descriptions that painted pictures with words.
Finally, in geography, we studied the nomadic cultures of Mongolia, learning about their lifestyle, traditions, and the challenges they face in such a unique environment.
Posted 10/03/2025
by Michele Spencer
Thank you for filling our World book Day 2025 with imagination and colour.
Posted 10/03/2025
by Rebecca Whitty
What a week it has been at school! From celebrating St. Piran’s Day to enjoying the sunshine in our outdoor area, there has been so much to look forward to.
We kicked off the week by celebrating St. Piran’s Day, a special day for Cornwall! Our school was filled with excitement as we all came together in the morning to sing traditional Cornish songs on the playground.
The fun didn’t stop there! In the morning, we got our hands dirty making Cornish pasties. With the help of our teachers and the very kind Will from Ginsters, we mixed, folded and crimped our yummy pasties.
Thursday was another highlight with World Book Day! The school was buzzing with excitement as everyone arrived dressed as their favorite book characters. From Mog to Matilda, we had a range of creative costumes. It was amazing to see so many of our friends dressed up as characters from the books we love.
As if the week wasn’t already packed with fun, we were lucky enough to have some beautiful sunshine to enjoy! Our outdoor area was the perfect place to play and soak up the sun. We spent time running, playing games, and just enjoying the fresh air. It was so nice to take a break from the classroom and play outside, especially after all the busy events of the week.
In phonics we learnt the sound 'a' a a apple!
In maths we are looking at representing number 1-5 can you count 4 objects and then find the number 4? have a go at home and let us know.
Come back next week to see what else we get up to. We have special visitors coming in to see us!
Miss Whitty, Miss Ronald and Mrs Evans.
Posted 07/03/2025
by Jacob Lewis
Posted 06/03/2025
by Carmel Alberts
This week has been filled with lots of exciting activities and learning experiences! We had a wonderful day celebrating World Book Day, where the children wore fantastic costumes and took part in a fun and lively catwalk. It was so wonderful to see the creativity and imagination that went into each outfit. The children also had the opportunity to design their own bookmarks, which they got to take home, and create a beautiful book cover, showcasing their artistic talents. To top it all off, we spent time sharing and enjoying lots of wonderful stories together, sparking plenty of discussions about our favourite books and characters.
In Maths, we continued to build on our subtraction skills. The children have been working hard to understand the concept of subtracting numbers.
In RE, we delved into the teachings of the Qu'ran. The children learned about its significance in Islam and how it guides the lives of Muslims around the world. They asked thoughtful questions and engaged in meaningful discussions about respect, faith, and understanding different cultures.
In English, we focused on describing Zahra using adjectives and expanded noun phrases. The children used their creativity to come up with vivid descriptions, learning how to make their writing more detailed and interesting. They really enjoyed exploring the different ways to describe a character.
On Wednesday, we had a special treat when we made pasties in celebration of St Piran's Day. With the help of Ginsters, the children got to roll up their sleeves and try their hand at making this traditional Cornish dish. The pasties were delicious, and it was a fun and educational way to learn about Cornish culture and traditions.
It has truly been a week full of fun, learning, and celebration, and we can’t wait to see what next week brings!
Posted 05/03/2025
by Michele Spencer
Depending on what you read - some accounts of St Piran speak of a man who enjoyed being at the centre of the community. He was born in Ireland but was banished by the King of Munster across the Celtic Sea. He amazingly managed to survive and landed on the beautiful North Cornwall coast and made Cornwall his home. As we joined together as a community we celebrated that we have each made Cornwall our home - some of us born here, some of born elsewhere in England and some of us born elsewhere in the world. We are all welcome and have been lucky to make Cornwall our home and St Cleer our community. Thank you celebrating with us and Gool Peran Lowen to all!
Posted 04/03/2025
by Thomas Hazlewood
SPRING 2 in Year 5/6H
It has been so lovely to have some sunshine to start this half term. The children have settled back in brilliantly after half-term and we are enthusiastic to get stuck into our learning.
Our topics for this half term can be found in the overview that I have attached below. In addition to this you will find this half term’s Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRFs) to practice with your child. I have also included the Year 5 and Year 6 recommended reads and statutory spelling lists.
Our PE day has had to change to a THURSDAY – please remember that children should come into school in full PE kit.
We will endeavour to regularly update this blog to give you a flavour of what we have covered in class, and also pass on any important information. To help us with this, please make sure that all permissions are up to date on Arbor so that we can share images as soon as possible.
In preparation for the SATs in May – we have given Year 6 children access to ‘’ which has a range of videos, practice tasks and assessments for each area of the Maths and Grammar curriculum. If you have lost your child’s login then please do get in touch and we can send it to you.
In Upper Key Stage 2, it is important to support the children’s learning at home as much as possible. A reminder that our home learning expectations are:
Daily Reading (15 minutes) – recorded reading record to contribute to a Reading Karate reward
Times-tables and KIRF practice (20 minutes weekly) using TTRS and the KIRF sheets below
Spellings (20 minutes weekly)
Online learning – set on Atom Prime (logins will be stuck into children’s reading record)
As always, if you have any questions or concerns please do get in touch.
All the very best, Mr H and the Year 5/6 team
Posted 28/02/2025
by Rebecca Whitty
We have been very busy in our first week back to Pre school!
We welcomed Mrs Evans to Pre school on a Monday and Tuesday morning.
Our topic this half term is 'People who help us' and this week we have been learning all about fire fighters, and how they help us. We created beautiful fire pictures using tin foil to create flames. Next week we are going to learn about dentists and oral health. We are hoping to have a visit from a dental nurse.
This week we have also started to learn our sounds! We follow the RWI nursery program. We follow the same phonics scheme as the school ready for September. This week we looked at 'm' Maisie mountain mountain. Everyone loved this. We also thought of a few words that begin with the sound 'm' - mummy, moon, mouse, monster, mermaid, milk. How clever are they?!
Speaking, of very clever children. This week the very clever super star children have started to learn to write their names. We looked at how we hold our pens and where we start to form each sound. Well done everyone. In a few weeks time I will be sending out a copy for you to have at home.
We have also been loving the beautiful sunshine and been outside in our outside area. If anyone has any plants we could plant we would be very grateful.
Come back next week to see what exciting things we get up to. World book day, St Piranis day and lots lots more!
Miss Whitty, Miss Ronald and Mrs Evans.
Posted 27/02/2025
by Charlotte Godby
We hope you've all had a lovely half term break. It's wonderful to see the pupils so engaged with their learning on their return to school - and with the sun shining too!
Our topics for this half term can be found in the overview that I have attached below. In addition to this you will find this half term’s Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRFs) to practice with your child. I have also included the Year 5 and Year 6 recommended reads and statutory spelling lists.
This week we've launched our Learning Adventure with orienteering in the school grounds to provide the pupils with an engaging learning opportunity to enable them to build on this knowledge during the term.
PE continues to be on a Tuesday afternoon and pupils can wear their PE kits to school on these days.
In Upper Key Stage 2, it is important to support the children’s learning at home as much as possible. A reminder that our home learning expectations are:
Daily Reading (15 minutes) – recorded reading record to contribute to a Reading Karate reward
Times-tables and KIRF practice (20 minutes weekly) using TTRS and the KIRF sheets below
Spellings (20 minutes weekly)
In preparation for the SATs in May – we have given Year 6 children access to ‘’ which has a range of videos, practice tasks and assessments for each area of the Maths and Grammar curriculum. If you have lost your child’s login then please do get in touch and we can send it to you. Year 6 pupils and their parents or careers will have received additional information regarding supporting learning at home in the lead-up to assessments in May.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns please do get in touch.
We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.
We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.
We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.
We are passionate about learning.
We are the best we can be.
We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.
Team point winners non-uniform day Friday 4th April. School closes to children at 1.30pm Friday 4th April.
© 2025 Bridge Schools trust is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Registration number 7736425. It is an exempt charity.