Class Blog for Reception/Y1

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Week beginning 10th February 2025 


This week in Maths, we have been learning all about doubling. We practiced doubling numbers and explored how it can be used in various real-life situations. It was fun seeing how doubling simple numbers can lead to larger numbers and then we looked at doubling plus one!

In English, we worked on innovating the story of The Tiger Who Came to Tea. We got to be creative and change parts of the story, adding our own characters. Some of us even came up with new endings for the tiger’s visit! It was exciting to see how different everyone's stories turned out, and we shared our ideas with the class.

In History, we took part in a learning forum to discuss everything we had learned about schools in the past. We looked at how classrooms, teachers, and learning materials have changed over time. After that, we had a Victorian school morning, where we experienced what it was like to attend school in Victorian times. It was so interesting to see how different the rules and lessons were back then!

In Science, we explored the seasons and the changes that happen in nature throughout the year. One of the things we focused on was how trees respond to the different seasons. We learned about how they grow, change their leaves, and prepare for winter. It was great to observe how nature adapts and evolves throughout the year.


Week beginning 3rd February 2025 

In PSHE, we have been learning about dreams and goals and how important it is to set stepping stones to achieve success. We've discussed how setting smaller, manageable goals can help us work towards bigger dreams and how persistence is key to overcoming challenges. We've also explored different strategies that can help us stay motivated along the way.

In Maths, we've recently started learning about addition. We've been practicing using number lines to help us understand how numbers increase and how to solve addition problems more easily. It's been really helpful because the number line allows us to visualise the process and double-check our answers.

In PE, we've been working with the gymnastics frame and practicing our jumping skills. The gymnastics frame has allowed us to explore different movements, and we've been learning how to balance, climb, and jump safely. It's been fun to challenge ourselves and see how our skills improve.

In History, we explored classrooms now and in the past. We compared how classrooms have changed over time, looking at old-fashioned desks and how lessons were taught many years ago. It's fascinating to think about the differences in technology, teaching methods, and even the layout of the rooms. We also discussed how these changes affect how we learn today.

In English, we've been working on sequencing the story of The Tiger Who Came to Tea. We've focused on understanding the order of events in the story and practicing how to retell it clearly. 


Week beginning 20th January 2025 

This week in Religious Education (RE), the children have been exploring the culture and beliefs of Muslims. They had the opportunity to learn about the Arabic language and its significance in the Muslim world. The students also studied the work of the renowned Muslim artist Ali Caligraff, discovering how he uses calligraphy and art to express his faith. This helped broaden the children's understanding of Islamic art and culture.

In Mathematics, the children focused on plotting numbers on a number line, specifically ranging from 10 to 20. They practiced identifying the position of numbers on the line and explored how numbers increase and decrease. 

In English, the class have been researching dolphins. The children gathered information and created a list of interesting facts, writing bullet points to summarise their findings. 

In Design and Technology (DT), the children have been working on developing their own pouch designs. They have explored different materials and considered what would be best for creating a functional and stylish pouch. The child have been putting their creativity to the test as they plan and sketch their ideas.

In Music, the class is learning a vibrant song about rainbows. The children have been practicing the melody and lyrics, enjoying the cheerful tune. Additionally, in their singing assembly, the children have been introduced to Cornish songs, allowing them to experience and appreciate a different regional musical tradition.

Finally, in Information and Communication Technology (ICT), the children have been learning how to format text, including making fonts bold and italic. This skill will help them when creating presentations and documents in the future, giving them a better understanding of how to present information clearly and effectively.

It's been a week full of learning, creativity, and fun across a variety of subjects!


Week beginning 13th January 2025 

What a busy week it has been so far! We've had lots of exciting and interesting lessons.

In PSHE, we have been focusing on how to reach our goals. As part of this, we had a fun activity where we made jam sandwiches. The process wasn’t as simple as just putting jam between two slices of bread – we had to think about the 'stepping stones' to success, breaking down the task into smaller, manageable steps. This helped us understand how we can achieve our goals, whether they're big or small.

In Maths, we are continuing our work on place value. This week, we've been using bead strings and rekenreks to explore the concepts of tens and ones. We focused particularly on the numbers between 10 and 20, practicing how to represent these numbers using the tools. This hands-on approach has really helped us understand how the value of digits changes depending on their place in a number.

In English, we have been thinking about whales and how we can learn more about them. We’ve come up with some great questions that we’d like to ask Greenpeace. We’ve also been exploring what we would like to know about whales, which has sparked some very interesting discussions.

Finally, in PE, we have been practicing our balancing skills. Everyone had a turn walking along a bench to see how well we could maintain our balance. It was both fun and challenging, and we all improved as the lesson went on. 


Welcome to Spring Term 2025! 

Welcome back, we hope you had a wonderful holiday and are ready for an action packed Spring 1!
I've attached the plan below so you can all see the coverage for the term.
More updates and pictures will be added as we go through the term!
Mrs Alberts and Mrs Nute

 Image Gallery




R/1 have been very busy the last few weeks, we have been preparing for our Nativity, dressing up for Elf Day, learning about why we celebrate Christmas and why it is important to Christians, learning about 2D and 3D shapes, innovating the story of Where the Wild Things Are and drawing wonderful pictures linked to Picasso!
We have just finished learning about shape and finished with a shape hunt around the school grounds.
Yesterday we walked around the village looking for Human and Physical features, we have been learning about our local area in our Learning Adventure!!
This afternoon we will demonstrating our singing skills in Church!


Week beginning 18th November 2024 


Year 1 have been learning about the artist Picasso. We looked at his cubist artwork and have learnt about his style. We have also learnt about different types of lines we can use in our drawing. We have a class of artists!

In Maths this week we have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes, next week we are going to go and look for them in our environment!!

In English this week we have been writing postcards from Max, we have been learning to describe his adventures and use conjunctions to put together two clauses.

In Ge
ography we have been looking at maps and the children had to draw a picture of their classroom.

We have been learning our Christmas songs and we have started to think about our dance.


Autumn 2 

Autumn 2- November-December 2024 

Welcome back to Autumn 2, we had an exciting start to the term with a visit from Liskeard Fire Service!! The children have settled back in well and are very enthusiastic about what we will be covering this term!

Autumn 2 Curriculum

RE-We are learning all about the birth of Jesus and the festival of Christmas and that the Bible is a sacred text for Christians, which teaches about Jesus. 

PE (Dance Celebrations) The children will learn to dance on their own, with partners and in groups. They will experiment with dancing with objects and pretending to dance with them. They will make shapes with objects, their bodies and others, holding them and moving in them. They will learn to copy and develop dance patterns of their own to the music. They will explore light and heavy movements, moving along different pathways, retelling stories and considering ways to demonstrate emotions linked to Chinese New Year and Christmas linking movements together. 


PSHE-Our topic of learning this term is Celebrating Differences. We are learning to: identify similarities and differences between people in our class. Explain what bullying is and who I can talk to about being bullied. Know how to make new friends and explain our similarities and differences. 

Mathematics- We will be learning all about addition and subtraction before moving on to learning about shape. We will be learning about 2D and 3D shapes and grouping them by their properties. 

English- We will be covering Familiar stories, Story writing using adjectives and noun phrases. 

Poetry, patterns and rhyme with performance. 

Music -We will be learning a range of songs to perform in preparation for our nativity play as well as learning to improvise and compose music to accompany the action on stage. 


Geography- Where do we live? 

We will be using learning about the United Kingdom and it’s 4 countries and capital cities. We will also be looking at the local area using aerial photos of St Cleer. We will draw simple features of the environment and use fieldwork and observation. 


Art-Picasso, line drawing, observational drawing and using a range of media. 


Science: All about animals 

We will be learning to group, classify and describe different animals according to their characteristics and behaviour. We will learn the difference between wild animals and domestic animals as well as how to care for pets. 


ICT- We will be learning to recognise that digital content can be represented in many forms. 



Week beginning 21st October 2024 

A huge well done to R/1 for having such a fantastic first half term!!

Here is an overview of some of the things we have been doing this week.


In English this week the children have been designing their own Billy Goat and then using adjectives to describe it.


In Maths we have been continuing to learn number bonds to 10.


In PSHE we reviewed our classroom charter and came up with good learning behaviours, these included listening and helping others.

In DT the children reviewed their smoothies by deciding what was good about them and what they could improve, they suggested adding milk to make it smoother.


Week beginning 14th October 2024 

This week R/1 made smoothies in DT, they practised cutting up fruit, juicing and blending!
In Maths, we have continued to learn about number bonds to 10 and addition problems, in English we have been writing sentences for The Ugly Ducking and The Three Little Pigs!
In ICT we edited photos and we are going to be making a collage soon.
In History we found out facts about Amelia Earhart and Lance Armstrong.
Reception have been working really hard in Phonics and have enjoyed some autumnal art activities.


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We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.



We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.



We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.



We are passionate about learning.



We are the best we can be.



We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.

A reminder that we have an INSET day on Friday 14th February - enjoy the half term and we look forward to seeing you all back in school on Monday 24th February.

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