Posted 10/05/2024
by Jacob Lewis
Posted 03/05/2024
by Jacob Lewis
See the video below to find out what we have been learning this week. Click here to play the game we have been using in maths
Posted 03/05/2024
by Thomas Hazlewood
We were really pleased to be invited by Cornish Heritage to join them in the St Cleer well dressing ceremony. After last year, we were also pleased that it didn't chuck it down with rain!!
Our class had worked with a local artist to produce a fantastic collage of the well, and we were excited to process through the village to the well. We took part in a small ceremony, laid flowers on the well wall and watched some traditional Cornish dancing. We were interested (and a bit confused) that half of the ceremony was conducted in the Cornish language. We agreed that we'd need a bit of practice before we could understand any of it!
We'd like to say a big thank you to Cornish Heritage for all of their support in making the day a success.
Posted 03/05/2024
by Thomas Hazlewood
This week in maths we have been learning about perimeter and area of 2D shapes. We learned how to calculate perimeter in different ways, and how we can use information we are given to calculate the length of any sides of the shape where the dimensions are missing. We applied our understanding to regular shapes and also to rectilinear shapes.
Once we were confident with perimeter, we learned how to calculate the area of different rectangles and rectilinear shapes. To apply our learning we used an adaptive teaching software called Learning by Questions (LbQ). The children really loved the different types of questions they were asked and also that they had visual representations of the problems to help them master the concepts of perimeter and area.
We all wanted to use LbQ every day - which Mr H didn't allow!
Posted 03/05/2024
by Michele Spencer
Thank you so much to Cornwall Heritage Trust for including St Cleer Primary Academy in the St Cleer Well Dressing event this year. On Friday 3rd May in the Cornish sunshine, Year 5 paraded their well dressing art work; Reception presented their posies and Year 4 presented two of their Cornish dances for us all to enjoy. This year’s event is particularly significant as it celebrates the site’s removal from the Heritage at Risk Register in November 2023. Cornwall Heritage Trust CEO, Cathy Woolcock said: “We are absolutely thrilled that our interventions have saved St Cleer Holy Well and Cross from the Heritage at Risk Register, and the Well Dressing Ceremony is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate with the local community. We hope as many people as possible can come along!” Thought to date from the late 15th or early 16th century, St Cleer Holy Well is a Scheduled Monument and also Listed Grade One – a demarcation earned by only 2.5% of listed buildings and marking it out as nationally important.
Posted 01/05/2024
by Michele Spencer
The RNLI visited us this week as part of their Be Safe; Have Fun campaign. The team spoke with children and staff about how to stay safe on our beautiful Cornish beaches. The children learned how to identify the key flags used and what they mean as well as what to do if ever caught in a rip tide. Visit for more information.
Posted 29/04/2024
by Lisa Nute
As part of their immersive learning experience on the Great Fire of London, our Year 1 students embarked on an exciting adventure to the local fire station. Accompanied by dedicated firefighters, they explored the evolution of firefighting tools and techniques, bridging the gap between past and present.
Through engaging activities such as trying on firefighter gear and wielding hoses, the students gained firsthand insight into the bravery and teamwork essential in emergencies.
Returning to the classroom, the students shared their newfound knowledge and enthusiasm, inspired to continue their exploration of history. The trip not only ignited curiosity but also instilled appreciation for the courageous efforts of firefighters then and now, leaving a lasting impact on their educational journey.
Posted 26/04/2024
by Jacob Lewis
Posted 26/04/2024
by Michele Spencer
Posted 25/04/2024
by Kimberley Appleby
Year 3/4a have been busy with their learning over the last two weeks; starting their new Learning Adventure on Henry VIII in History, exploring and investigating forces in Science and braving fierce dragons and sinister characters, such as Morgan Le Fay, in their writing on 'Myths and Legends' and 'King Arthur'. We enjoyed 'Hot-Seating' key characters.
Our term's Value of 'DETERMINATION' has turned our focus to presentation and handwriting where we've been thinking carefully about cursive joins and the consistent size of our letters within independent writing. Well done to all those who have been practising at home - SUPERSTARS!
Within Math, Year 3 have started their new topic on 'Mass and Capacity' and have worked hard at learning their KIRFS too as these have helped us with certain scales.
Year 4 are consolidating their understanding on fractions and are working hard at applying their knowledge of multiplication and division to convert improper fractions to mixed numbers. With the Multiplication Check nearly upon us, we're also working hard to have a quicker recall of our tables, improving our scores each day - Well Done!
Posted 24/04/2024
by Daisy Rowe
This term we are looking at all things farming. Where does our animals grow and thrive? Where does our food come from? Why is it important to back British farming? How has farming changed?
The terms book choice is 'Duck in a truck' and 'Farmer Duck'.
We started off our duck in the truck topic by discussing different modes of transport. Our first step was to brainstorm the different types we could think of, reception thought of loads: plane, train, car, van, horse, feet, bicycle and more.
We then talked about tally charts and how so many different things can be recorded through tally charts, reception know one line marked, equals the number one and know that when you reach five you cross over the 4 tally marks.
We then Fred talked 4 different modes of transport: Car, Van, Bus and Tractor and headed out to the front of the school to start our tally charts. Reception kept their eyes peeled for their 4 different moving vehicles, they were so excited when they saw each one and they were predicting what would come next.
Their final tally charts looked neat and you could see reception really understood the concept. Final tally marks came to: car =6, Van = 2, Bus = 1, Tractor = 0.
This was a great hook to start off our duck in the truck story.
What better way to learn about the ins and outs of a farm than by visiting a working one! Duchy farm kindly welcomed us to their working farm grounds for the day.
We started off our visit by exploring their equine centre, Martin, our guide, explained how the horses are looked after, how you can work within the equine industry and all about their diets and the horse’s biology. They were very beautiful, some of our children showed a real gentle and calming presence when saying hello to them all.
Within this topic we are really exploring British farming- how it works and why it is so important. Martin was really excited to share about all the different roles you will find on a farm and how important they are to our country.
Once we had visited the equine centre we moved on to the guinea pigs, bunnies, chickens and ducks. The children loved getting up close and personal with these animals and found them very cute. The lady in this centre explained to the children how they look after these animals, including their diets, grooming and health checks, they all had really funny names also.
Moving on over to the exotic animals centre where the children met different species of frogs, snakes, bearded dragons, spiders, snails etc. These were a big hit, the children were very intrigued by all these animals, the frogs were adamant on escaping and jumping all over the children! One was called Kermit!
To top off a brilliant day the children got to have a tractor trailer ride around the remainders of the working farm. This is when they got to see the cows and sheep. The tractor ride was very fun but also very informative, we met different people along the way. One particular lady worked in the dairy part of the farm, she told us that they have nearly 250 cows on their farm, all of which produce 21 litres of milk a day that makes our cathedral city cheese and David stow milk!
Exploring a career in farming is something Duchy Farm are really passionate about and this was evident in the friendly welcome and high-quality care of their animals.
Reception had the best time visiting Duchy Farm, I wonder whether any of them will become a farmer one day?
Today in forest school we had a fantastic rope activity set up.
The activity focused on balance and co-ordination along with teamwork and trust.
We started off by following the rope around and we were not allowed to let go, they had navigate through low parts and high parts. The next part that impressed us the most was when the children were in pairs and they had to give instructions to their partner who had their eyes closed, their communication skills with one another was great and they guided their partners well.
They also tried walking backwards whilst trying not to let go of the rope.
They worked really well as a team and enjoyed the activity.
Posted 23/04/2024
by Jenifer Kite
Today, in the morning, group one started with archery and bushcraft; group two did zip lining, the leap of faith and a climbing wall; and group three did tunnels and stream studies.
After a lunch of assorted rolls, group one did problem solving; group two did bushcraft and archery; and group three did zip wiring, the leap of faith and climbing.
We are looking forwards to our woodland walk and bonfire. See you back at school tomorrow!
By Tom
Posted 22/04/2024
by Jenifer Kite
The children did not let the early start this morning put them off their activities today! They have had a super day. After unpacking and lunch, Group 1 completed the zip line, leap of faith and climbing wall whilst groups 2 and 3 carried out the problem solving activities.
We were incredibly proud of all the children for giving the zip line a go and lots even tried out the leap of faith!
The problem solving groups impressed us with their determination and communication skills- they did not give up and worked really well in their teams.
This evening, the children have enjoyed their evening meal and spent time in the games room and watching a movie.
Hopefully we will all get a good night sleep ahead of tomorrow’s activities.
Please see below for some more pictures.
Posted 22/04/2024
by Lisa Nute
In a vibrant celebration of art and creativity, our class embarked on a journey inspired by the iconic works of Niki de Saint Phalle. Through the study of her bold and expressive sculptures, we discovered the power of imagination and innovation.
Guided by our newfound inspiration, we immersed ourselves in hands-on sculpture using Mod Rock. With each twist and turn, we transformed our visions into three-dimensional masterpieces, channeling Saint Phalle's spirit of whimsy and joy.
During this art topic, we learnt the difference between warm and cool colours, learnt about primary and secondary colours, mixed colours, gave our opinions on works of art and developed our 3D and sculpture skills.
Posted 22/04/2024
by Lisa Nute
Recently, our Year 1 class embarked on an exciting journey to The Box in Plymouth, where art and science converged to inspire young minds. Our visit began with an engaging art workshop centered around plankton, the tiny organisms that play a vital role in our oceans' ecosystems.
Guided by skilled instructors, the students delved into the world of plankton through hands-on activities and creative exploration. From observing intricate plankton sculptures to crafting their own interpretations, the workshop sparked curiosity and imagination.
Posted 21/04/2024
by Georgina Harden
We hope you all had a wonderful Easter break and managed to get out in the sunshine when it arrived! We have a busy half term ahead of us and I will be sending home some reading and maths work each week to support the upcoming SATs in May. All of this will be in the children's book bags and reminders will be put on Class Dojo. If you have any questions about the upcoming SATs or what you can do at home to support your child, please don't hesitate to ask. Below I have outlined what we will be learning this half term, please do have a look at the maths section in particular as I have included some helpful and interactive videos for your child to watch at home that will support their learning. In this post I have also included information and pictures about our amazing trip to The Box in Plymouth! At the bottom of this post you will find the Year 2 spellings (please can the children continue to practise these at home), our KIRFs (key instant recall facts) and the parent mind-map detailing what we are learning this half term.
This half term we will start by focusing on shape before swiftly moving onto money. We will also keep refreshing our arithmetic skills once per week. I can see lots of the children are accessing Times Table Rock Stars at home which is fantastic, please do keep practising at home as this really supports their mental arithmetic. We'd like children to be able to count in 2s, 3s, 5s and 10s by the end of Year 2. Below are some of the songs we use in school to help us. I have included lots here as the homework we send home will touch on all of these at different points so it may be a useful bank of resources to support your child at home.
Counting in 2s:
Counting in 3s:
Counting in 5s:
Counting in 10s:
This half term we are learning all about shape. Here are some songs and videos we will watch in class.
2D shapes:
3D shapes:
Shape videos and resources:
Some other helpful resources:
Sharing (division):
Multiplication sentences:
Using an array for multiplication:
Using an array for division:
Addition and subtraction (all of these guides and videos will be useful):
Fractions (all of these guides and videos will be useful):
This half term we will start by very quickly finishing off our recounts from before the Easter holidays. Then we will be moving onto story writing once again focusing on Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers.
Our topic this half term is living things and their habitat. We explore microhabitats and lots of different living things so we are excited to take our learning outside as much as possible!
This half term we are learning all about The Great Fire of London! The children are beyond excited about this topic and cannot wait to learn all about what happened, why it happened and how it happened.
Our trip to The Box in Plymouth
On Friday 19th April we went on a school trip to The Box in Plymouth. The children were brilliant and their behaviour was exceptional! They listened intently to our guide and loved each and every exhibit we went into. They listened and asked questions and it was a joy to watch how enthusiastic they were.
The second part of the day was an artist workshop focusing on sea life sculpture. The children explored plankton and noticed how different it all looks. They discussed how art made them feel and even got to use different materials to design and make their own plankton sculptures. The artist leading the workshop then joined all their sculptures together and this is now hanging up in the classroom if you'd like to come and see it! Please enjoy these great photos from our trip.
Posted 21/04/2024
by Georgina Harden
This half term we packed in lots of learning. We wrote stories in our English, learnt all about fractions in Maths, explored materials in Science, using rackets in PE, an artist called Nicki de Saint Phalle and finished off our fruit kebabs in DT. Please enjoy some more information below.
This half term we having been learning about an author and illustrator called Catherine Rayner. We loved exploring different books she had written, some of them we knew already.
We based our stories on Augustus and his smile. It's all about a tiger who was sad because he lost his smile and searches all over the world to find it. We practised sequencing the story and using ambitious vocabulary to describe what happens.
We also used story mapping to really embed the sequence of the story and used actions to help us retell the story accurately.
We also used boxing up the text to help us identify the key parts of the story: the opening, build-up, dilemma, resolution and ending. We noticed in Augustus and his smile the build-up and dilemma were swapped around which we found was an interesting way to tell a story.
Firstly we practised re-writing the original story using lots of expanded noun phrases, verbs, adverbs and ambitious adjectives. Then, we made some small changes to the story to make it our own. We finished off this unit by writing our own versions of Augustus and his smile.
This half term we have been learning all about fractions. We have focused off halves, thirds and quarters. We found out the half has two equal groups, thirds have three equal groups and quarters have four equal groups. We started by firstly recognising these different fractions by colouring in half of a shape, a third of a shape and a quarter of a shape. Then we started to use our knowledge from multiplication and division to help us divide numbers to help us find one half, one third and one quarter of a number. We used sharing into equal groups to help us.
This half term we were learning all about cities from all over the world. We started by focusing on capital cities in the United Kingdom before looking at some capital cities from all around the world. We thought about and discussed some key differences between cities and villages. We noticed that cities have more human features and villages have more physical features. We then compared Edinburgh to Cape Town in South Africa and the children thoroughly enjoyed learning about a very different capital city! We have used lots of songs this year to help us with our geography learning that the children have loved listening to. Here are some links below in case they'd like to listen to them at home too.
Capital cities of the UK:
This half term in our PE lessons we were learning how to use rackets, the children loved this unit particularly when we were able to get outside! The children loved tracking their progress across the weeks and were very pleased with themselves when they were able to start short rallies! Well done Year 2.
This half term we studied a French-American artist called Nicki de Saint Phalle. We found some interesting information out about her, one thing in particular was that she didn't got to an art school, everything she did she taught herself! The children found this to be very inspirational.
We explored some of her sculptures and used this to help us learn about primary and secondary colours, mixing colours, bold and vibrant colours, strong lines and tints and hues.
The children thoroughly enjoyed learning the skills when it comes to mixing colours but some of their favourite parts were creating different patterns using a range of colours inspired by a picture of one of her sculptures. The children loved exploring using black to create strong lines and contrasts.
Some of the children even incorporated our English learning and included tiger stripes!
We finished off this unit by creating sculptures in the style of Nicki Saint de Phalle using mod rock. We will finish painting and evaluating these after the half term.
This half term we caught up and finished off our DT project all about food and we looked at fruit kebabs. We started by exploring different fruits by taste testing them and deciding which our favourite fruits were. Then we designed a fruit kebab thinking about our favourite fruits, colours, shapes and textures. Next we made our fruit kebabs before trying them of course! After we had eaten our fruit kebabs, we evaluated them and thought about what we could do next time to improve them.
Posted 21/04/2024
by Georgina Harden
We saw some fantastic costumes this year and the children thoroughly enjoyed sharing their stories and characters with each other. We started the day by reading some of our favourite stories as a class before designing our potato character. In the afternoon we then made our potato characters before sharing the afternoon with family and friends sharing stories together. Please enjoy the photos below!
Posted 20/04/2024
by Thomas Hazlewood
Our learning adventure this half term is investigating the legacy of the Ancient Greeks. We started it off by looking at where Greece is on the map - and how the physical features of Greece impacted on how their civilisation developed.
Then we worked to create a timeline of important events in Greek history. We were surprised that the Ancient Greeks were around at the same time as the Ancient Egyptians and the Romans. We discussed some important features of Ancient Greek society - like the Olympics and democracy. We had also heard of quite a few of the famous Ancient Greeks.
We had heard about lots of different Greek myths and legends. One of the legends was Theseus and the Minotaur. We wanted to think like historians - so we set up an evidence trail with lots of different types of evidence which would be available to historians today. We needed to think about how these pieces of evidence could have proved that the encounter between Theseus and the Minotaur could have actually happened. We enjoyed looking at the different historical sources, and we were great at thinking like a historian!!
Posted 19/04/2024
by Jacob Lewis
We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.
We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.
We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.
We are passionate about learning.
We are the best we can be.
We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.
A reminder that we have an INSET day on Friday 14th February - enjoy the half term and we look forward to seeing you all back in school on Monday 24th February.
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