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Reception 1   Plants

Posted 16/01/2024
by Lisa Nute

Have a look at us learning about plants. This half term we are learning that seeds grow into plants and identifying different parts of a plant. We will be identifying and naming some common garden and wild plants and learn about evergreen and deciduous trees. We will also record the growth of a plant. In these pictures, we are planting different seeds and will watch them grow. We have planted cress seeds and beans. 


Reception 1   KIRFS

Posted 16/01/2024
by Lisa Nute

Key Instant Recall Facts

Below you will find an attachment for this terms KIRFS for Reception and Year 1. KIRFs (Key Instant Recall Facts) are designed to support the development of the mental skills that underpin much of the maths work in school.


An important part of maths development has always been rote learning of certain maths facts. Each half term children will be assessed on Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRFs) that will be taught in school but also need to be practised at home as well.


It is important that they know these facts thoroughly and can recall them instantly. Whilst children have a wide range of abilities in mathematics, the KIRFs are designed to be a set of facts that need to be learnt thoroughly as they build on each other - year on year. Again, we stress that the children must aim to know their KIRFs inside out, back to front and with instant recall. Your help at home engaging with your children in the learning of their KIRFs and using fun and practical ways to do this is so beneficial. Thank you for your support.




Reception 1   Happy New Year

Posted 16/01/2024
by Lisa Nute

Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year. We are all very excited about our new learning in 2024! The Year 1 learning adventure question for this half term is  'What is farming like in Cornwall?' and our Reception question is 'Moon or the Earth?' Reception children will be focusing on the book 'Aliens Love Underpants' and will be learning about what planet we live on, what the moon is like, what astronauts do and so much more! We look forward to learning through play in our space rocket too!


Have a look at the Year 1 Overview for this half term. 


Year 2   Week beginning: 08.01.24

Posted 14/01/2024
by Georgina Harden

A week in Year 2 08.01.24

The children have made a fantastic start to their learning this week and their enthusiasm for our topics is infectious. Well done Year 2! I have attached the Maths KIRFs (key instant recall facts) and the Year 2 spellings to the bottom of this blog post so that the children can practise these at home. Just a gentle reminder that we ask children to be reading their reading book every day and for this to be recorded in their reading records, KIRFs at least 2x per week and spellings at least 2x per week. If the children would like to share the learning they have done at home, such as the spellings or KIRFs, please do share this via Class Dojo or they are more than welcome to bring it into school. Please enjoy reading about our week below.


This week the children made a great start to our topic all about non-chronological reports. We started by reading the story called The Great Kapok Tree by Lynne Cherry and discussed what could happen if the characters chose to cut down the Kapok Tree. We then thought about the purpose of a non-chronological report and what genre this writing is. We worked out it is an information text so it is non-fiction.

Then, we read our WAGOLL (what a good one looks like) all about Kapok trees. We found some features of a non-chronological report and coloured these in on our own WAGOLLs. Later on in the week, we started to learn about the four main sentence types: commands, statements, exclamations and questions. We then found lots of statements and exclamations in the WAGOLL before we started to write our own statement sentences all about Kapok trees. We watched this video below to help us understand the four main sentence types:


We are continuing to focus on number this half term and we have started to look at multiplication and division. This week we focused just on multiplication and although it was tricky at first, we used our school value of determination to keep us going! We first looked at equal groups and what this meant. From this, we could understand that our equal groups were repeating and we could write addition number sentences to match these. Once we practised this a few times, we then introduced the multiplication symbol and thought about some different ways of saying it to help us understand. Then, we were able to apply our knowledge of repeated addition and equal groups to multiplication calculations. This was definitely tough but we tried and tried again and by the end of the week, it was much easier! Well done Year 2. 

This is us practising recognising equal groups. We had to identify how many groups there were and how many there were in each group.

Then we started to write repeated addition number sentences about equal groups.

Then we were able to use our knowledge of equal groups and repeated addition to help us write multiplication calculations to match pictures.


This week we started our unit all about gymnastics. We started off with a warm up and then, most importantly, stretching our muscles. We then thought about different ways in which we can move our bodies that may be similar to a gymnast. We thought about stretching our bodies all the way down to our toes and also curling our bodies in different ways.

Then we enjoyed using benches to practise our balancing skills and moving in stretched and curled positions along the benches. Next week we will start to look at sequencing moves together to make a small routine. 


Year 1   Spring 1 Week 1

Posted 12/01/2024
by Jacob Lewis


Year 6   12th January 2024

Posted 12/01/2024
by Jenifer Kite


Year 3 4 B   January 12th 2024

Posted 12/01/2024
by Eleanor Boney

This week 3/4B have made a cracking start on our new topics. In Science we began our learning by recapping what a plant needs to grow. We designed our own experiments and planted seeds to test the conditions in which a plant grows best. I wonder whether the plants we put in the freezer will grow? We also learnt what photosynthesis is and why it is so important for plants (and humans!)

In geography, we are learning about Mexico. The children have been asking lots of curious questions about Mexico, such as:

• Does Mexico have big forests?
• Does Mexico have volcanoes?
• How hot is it in Mexico?
• Where is Mexico?
• Does Mexico have rivers?
• What is the climate like in Mexico?
• How many people live in Mexico?

We will be finding out the answers to these questions throughout the term.

In English we have enjoyed reading "The Tunnel" by Anthony Browne which will inspire our own adventure stories. In Maths we are learning about multiplication. It is as ever extremely beneficial if the children can keep learning, and recapping, those KIRFs at home and reading every day please :) The KIRFs for this term are attached as well as a mind map explaining all of the topics we are learning this term.


Year 5   Maps and Micro:bits

Posted 12/01/2024
by Thomas Hazlewood

Maps and Micro:bits

We have had a great week this week.  As well as learning about suspense stories in English, and converting mixed numbers and improper fractions in maths - we have had a chance to get into our new topics.

In our learning adventure we are learning about China - and comparing China to the UK.  We were excellent at using the atlases and maps to identify the different continents and labelling the UK and China.  We found out that although China has the worlds biggest population, it is only the third largest country in the world.

We looked at how China is separated into provinces, and autonomous regions and compared it to the UK, which is split into counties.

We also had the chance to learn how to use Micro:bits.  They are small computers which we can program on the i-pads.  We used our algorithms to create a name badge which displayed our names on the LED lights of the Micro:bits.  We can't wait to use the Micro:bits again as we were becoming a lot more confident!


Year 5   Haunting learning

Posted 12/01/2024
by Thomas Hazlewood

Haunting learning

This week, we discovered that St Cleer is haunted by a ghost!  To launch our writing unit on 'suspense narratives' we were told the story of 'The Ghost of St Cleer.'

Year 5 and 6 were taken into the hall, given a candle to hold and all the lights were turned out!  Mr Hazlewood told us the ghost story.  Incredibly, while he was reading the story the fire-door slammed and at the end of the story we came face-to-face with the GHOST!!

Once we had calmed down, we learned our story map and are starting to learn about tricks we can use as authors to build and drop the tension in our stories!


Year 3 4 A   Year 3/4a St Cleer Primary

Posted 12/01/2024
by Kimberley Appleby

Partitioning in Math

This week we have been consolidating our understanding of partitioning and repeated addition to support our multiplication. We have discussed related facts and factors too. Keep practising those KIRFS.


We have revised our knowledge of: nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs to create some fantastic descriptive character descriptions as well as think carefully about how description creates imagery and can 'paint a picture' for the reader. We'll be moving on to innovate an adventure story in the next few weeks. Keep reading!

Y3/4a have ventured into the topic of 'Plants' planning a fair test to see which factors will affect plant growth and how this compares to our 'control' plant.

"Pepperoni, cheese, tomato salsa and pineapple!" we've introduced Tag Rugby through fun games, learning how to tag, dodge using 'snake hips' and pass the ball. Well done Year 3/4a it was COLD! Brrrrr!

CONGRATULATIONS to all those who completed the Christmas Reading Challenge - there will be another one soon!


Year 2   Happy New Year!

Posted 07/01/2024
by Georgina Harden

Happy New Year!

Hello everyone,

I can only apologise for not being in school last week. I was able to teach via Teams for some of the lessons so it was nice to be able to see the children even if it was on a screen! I’m pleased to say I’ll be back to school tomorrow and I’m really looking forward to getting stuck into this half term of learning. I have attached a mind-map of what we are learning this half term for your reference - it’s a really good half term with lots of interesting and interactive learning!

I have also attached our maths KIRFs (key instant recall facts) for the Spring term. These are maths facts that build a strong foundation for children moving forward in their maths learning. Please do practise some of these at home with the children, we practise three questions every day in school so any practise at home would be fantastic for their learning. Even just writing three of these questions down for your children to have a go at would be enough - little and often!

 The last thing I have attached are the Year 2 common exception words. These are words that we expect children to be able to spell independently by the end of Year 2. We use the regularly in school in our writing but again, any practise you can do at home is always great!

Apologies if your child’s reading book has not been changed yet, this is due to me being off. They will be changed tomorrow. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. I look forward to seeing you all tomorrow!

Take care,
Miss Harden 


Year 6  

Posted 05/01/2024
by Jenifer Kite

Pulleys and Gears

The Year 6 children have been working hard today to design their WWII vehicles for their DT project. They created the frames for their vehicles and will soon be adding a pulley system with a battery operated motor to power their vehicles. 


Year 5   Happy New Year!

Posted 05/01/2024
by Thomas Hazlewood

Spring 2 learning update

Welcome back to a new half term! I hope that you and the children have had a great half term.  We have a whole range of fantastic learning opportunities planned for this half term. Please see some of the important details below.

Year 5 Mind-map
Attached below is a mind-map which details what we plan to learn across the curriculum this half term.

PE Lessons
Our timetable for PE remains the same this half term. Our PE will be on Tuesday. Children can come into school in their PE kit on PE days.

Supporting learning at home
We encourage learning at home to support the work we do in school and enable children to become more confident. Our home-learning expectations are:

Daily reading (15 minutes) - reading which is recorded in your reading record will contribute towards your Reading Karate reward.

Times-tables and KIRF practice (20 minutes weekly) using Times Tables Rock Stars (TTRS) and the KIRF sheets (attached below).

Spellings (20 minutes weekly) - focusing on our focus spellings and the Year 4/5 and 5/6 statutory spelling lists (attached below).

Online learning - This will be set on Atom Prime (logins stuck in thy front of children's reading records)

As always, if you have any questions or concerns please do get in touch. All the very best, the Year 5 team.


Pre School   Christmas Magic

Posted 05/01/2024
by Sophie Ronald

Christmas fun!

We had so much fun the last few days of term. We decorated the Christmas tree, made reindeer food, sang carold and made lots of other lovely Christmas bits to put in the boxes to take home :) We   dressed up for 'Elf day' and visited the church for the school carol service. The children sang beautifully!


Year 6   Thirza Schaap inspired sculptures

Posted 04/01/2024
by Jenifer Kite

Thirza Schaap inspired sculptures

The children have bene hard at work today completing their sculptures which were inspired by the works of Thirza Schaap. Using household plastic, they planned and created their sculptures. Have a look at see pictures below to see 6K's amazing creativity.


Year 6   Happy New Year!

Posted 04/01/2024
by Jenifer Kite

Good afternoon,
Happy New Year to you all and welcome back! I hope you and your families all had a restful and enjoyable Christmas break.
The children have come back today very excited about what is to come this year. We have a lot to look forward to: mini police, bikeability, residential, Adrenalin Quarry and all of the exciting topics we will be covering in our learning. 
I attach the overview for this half term as well as the Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRFs) for the term. These also went home with the children today.
A reminder that our PE day has gone back to a Friday- this will start from next week. As we are doing netball this half term, we will be outside when possible; please ensure children have the appropriate kit- no tights or boots on PE days, please.
A reminder that children should be reading frequently at home and reading records will be checked each Friday. In addition to this, I will continue to set homework each Friday on Atom and there is also an expectation that children practise their times tables and KIRFs.
If you have any questions, please do get in touch.
Many thanks,


Year 3 4 A   Happy New Year

Posted 03/01/2024
by Kimberley Appleby

Happy New Year!
The Autumn Term and the Christmas festivities seem a distant memory now. I hope you've all had a magical and restful Christmas and are feeling rejuvenated and ready for a new term of learning? With new learning goals?

We're heading to the warmer weather of Mexico for our Learning Adventure; I can't wait! 

Please find attached the: Spring Timetable, Year 3 and 4 KIRFS and our topic mind-map.


Head's Blog   Glee make their Liskeard Food Bank donation in person!

Posted 19/12/2023
by Michele Spencer

Well done to Glee who welcomed Sarah Riggs to our end of term assembly to present her with £197.35 for the Liskeard Food Bank. Glee performed to the school as well as to family and friends on the 5th December and wanted to show their appreciated to Liskeard Food Bank for everything they do to support our community. Thank you to everyone who donated and to all who give their time for free as volunteers to our local Food Bank. Merry Christmas from all at St Cleer. 


Year 5   Christmas carols

Posted 16/12/2023
by Thomas Hazlewood

Christmas carols

This Thursday we were excited to visit St Cleer church for our Christmas Carol service.  We always enjoy our carol service and there were SO many of our parents and friends there to join us!

As well as singing some of the songs we have learned in singing assembly, we listened to poems from our student leaders and the sermon.

It was also a chance to perform the music we have been learning in our music lessons for our parents.  Mr Warwick said that it was the best we have ever performed the song!

Merry Christmas!


Year 5   We've been elfed!

Posted 16/12/2023
by Thomas Hazlewood

We've been elfed!

There have been some suspicious events happening over the last few weeks!  Mistletoe - the school's mischievous elf - has gone missing and we've all had to help search for her!

We know that she is still in the school because she leaves clues - and mischief - wherever she has been.  Mrs Spencer's room had all of the furniture tuned up-side down.  Other classrooms have been glitter-bombed by Mistletoe and she has even kidnapped class teddy-bears!

Unfortunately, our class was elfed this week.  We arrived to warning tape across our classroom door - and it was clear that Mistletoe had left her mischievous gifts in our class.

After our initial concern that something might have been stolen - we soon realised that Mistletoe just wanted to bring some fun to our classroom!  Merry Christmas!


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