Posted 01/10/2024
by Michele Spencer
On Monday, Mrs Goldsmith and I travelled to Sterts theatre with 9 of out students to enjoy Grandma on the Moon written by Belinda Lazenby. “Grandma on the Moon!” is a beautiful, high quality piece of theatre exploring death and bereavement from a child’s perspective. It used movement, music and drama to show the importance of memories, keeping those we have loved alive within our hearts and minds, even though they are no longer with us. This play shows it is ok to have fun, even though someone you love has died. We really enjoyed the performance and being back at Sterts theatre!
Posted 27/09/2024
by Jacob Lewis
Posted 27/09/2024
by Thomas Hazlewood
Our science focus this half term is on how we can 'classify' living things. We are learning about the system which Carl Linnaeus devised to classify living things according to their different characteristics.
To get used to the idea of classification, we thought of all the different places we may see classification in real-life (eg: the fruit and vegetables in a supermarket, the stationery in our classroom trays) and thought about how we might go about sorting large groups of items into different categories.
We looked at sorting diagrams (classification keys) and thought about the type of questions we could use to help us sort different items into their own individual categories. Then came the fun part. Working together, we needed to create a classification diagram which would separate all of the different liquorice all-sorts into categories based on their characteristics.
We had all-sorts of fun - and every group successfully classified their sweets!
Posted 19/09/2024
by Carmel Alberts
The children have had an action packed week so far, they really enjoyed searching for Goldilocks and writing 'WANTED' posters. There was even more excitement when the children arrived on Wednesday to find the three bears sat at the classroom table but Baby Bear's porridge was missing!!!
In History, they have been finding out about the Wright Brothers and they watched their first flight, they couldn't believe it was in black and white!
In Science, they wore blindfolds to experience what it is like to walk without sight.
In Maths, they have continued to work on Place Value and have been thinking about whether there are fewer or more.
Reception have been enjoying the sunshine, they've been practicing number formation, painting and threading!
Posted 18/09/2024
by Charlotte Godby
The class are off to a fantastic start with their PE this term! We are lucky to be supported by a professional under 12s hockey coach who is working in the school and the class are already displaying a range of key skills in their sessions. Keep up the good work Class 5 6 MG!
Posted 15/09/2024
by Michele Spencer
It has been a great start back to the new academic year. The children are settling back into their classes and routines. In assembly we have been focusing on the positive learning behaviours we want to harness as we work together on the next stages of our learning journey together. We talked about the power of words and how our words have the potential to add so much to our positive experiences together and how we feel about ourselves.
We spoke together about the nicest things people have said to us and these words made us feel. In the words of Dr Wayne W. Dyer “If you have the choice between being right and being kind, choose being kind.”
We look forward to exploring these ideas together over the half term.
Posted 13/09/2024
by Thomas Hazlewood
To start our learning adventure about the Kingdom of Benin we first discussed what we knew about Africa. We were able to ask Anenyasha about his ideas about Africa and he explained that Africa has many different countries and regions which have very different cultures and religions.
We used the Atlases to learn about the different countries which make up the continent of Africa. We discovered that there are 54 countries - the most in any continent. We used the Atlases to help us locate different countries on the continent of Africa and went on to discuss how we can use an 8 point compass to begin to be more accurate in our discussions about where different countries are in relation to each other.
We really enjoyed using the atlases and are looking forward to finding out lots more about the Kingdom of Benin.
Posted 13/09/2024
by Thomas Hazlewood
Despite the wet weather this week, we were able to introduce the children to hockey. None of us had played hockey outside of school so our first session was about how to hold the hockey stick correctly and then a range of different drills to help us feel more comfortable running and dribbling with a hockey stick.
In the beginning we felt awkward and our dribbling skills were very slow and deliberate but after a few practice runs we were much more confident and dribbling with speed and accuracy.
We are very keen to get onto passing, pushing and hitting the ball in the weeks to come.
Posted 13/09/2024
by Jacob Lewis
Posted 11/09/2024
by Carmel Alberts
Ordering the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears and Counting Objects.
Welcome to Autumn Term in R/1, the children have settled into being back at school and are extremely enthusiastic.
This term the Year 1's will be learning about 'Aviation and Transport' and Reception will be learning about 'Magic Me- Superheroes!!'
Mrs Nute will be teaching the class on Monday and Tuesday, Mrs Alberts' the rest of the week.
We are very lucky to have an amazing team of TA's to support the children too.
We will regularly update the blog but we have daily updates on Seesaw, if you would like to access your child/children's learning.
Posted 08/09/2024
by Kimberley Appleby
Welcome Back Year 3/4 A - What a fantastic start!
We've been busy familarising ourselves with class routines and topics for this Half Term. We've also had chance to practise our handwriting and talk about the importance of learning Multiplication Tables, using rhymes to help us remember key facts.
"I ate and ate 'til I was sick on the floor, 8 x 8 = 64". I wonder if you can create your own?
Below are your KIRFS and this term's Mind Map.
Posted 06/09/2024
by Jacob Lewis
Posted 06/09/2024
by Charlotte Godby
Welcome to Year 5&6!
I hope that all of the children are happy and will have a wonderful time in our class. Miss May will teach the class on Mondays and Tuesdays with Ms Godby-Blake teaching the class on Thursdays and Fridays. Both Miss May and Ms Godby Blake will teach the class on Wednesdays. Mrs Hillyard and Mrs Smith will also be part of the team inb class 5 6 MG.
We have been busy setting up the classroom and making sure that the start of term can be as smooth as possible.
Our topics for this half term can be found in the overview that we have attached below. In addition to this you will find this half term’s Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRFs) to practice with your child. We have also included the Year 5 and Year 6 recommended reads and statutory spelling lists.
Our PE day has had to changed to a Tuesday– please remember that children should come into school in full PE kit.
We will endeavour to regularly update this blog to give you a flavour of what we have covered in class, and also pass on any important information. To help us with this, please make sure that all permissions are up to date on Arbor so that we can share images as soon as possible.
In Upper Key Stage 2, it is important to support the children’s learning at home as much as possible. A reminder that our home learning expectations are:
Daily Reading (15 minutes) – recorded reading record to contribute to a Reading Karate reward
Times-tables and KIRF practice (20 minutes weekly) using TTRS and the KIRF sheets below
Spellings (20 minutes weekly)
Online learning – set on Atom Prime (logins will be stuck into children’s reading record)
As always, if you have any questions or concerns please do get in touch.
All the very best, Miss May, Ms Godby-Blake and the Year 5/6 team
Posted 23/07/2024
by Michele Spencer
A wonderful morning at Siblyback with year 6 and a calm morning back at school leads us nicely into the summer break. Take very good care and we look forward to welcoming you all back on Wednesday 4th September.
Posted 22/07/2024
by Michele Spencer
Year 6 - we are looking forward to our Siblyback farewell on Tuesday 23rd July - we will miss you all and wish you the very best as you move forward. You are well prepared for these next steps and we are so pleased that we have been part of your journey. Remember this is not an is just the part of your story where you turn the page.
Posted 22/07/2024
by Michele Spencer
Thank you to Matt and well done to all of our guitar super stars this morning!
Posted 22/07/2024
by Jacob Lewis
Posted 11/07/2024
by Kimberley Appleby
Scrumptious Science:
We've put our scientific enquiry questions to the test this week; creating solar ovens to cook s'mores. The sun was on our side and we were able to prove that the darker the box colour, the quicker the s'mores cooked. We ensured fair testing and discussed how we'd observe and record our findings/results. They tasted great too!
Coastal erosion and sea defenses are very close to home living in Cornwall. We have thought carefully about how this is caused, discussing erosion and deposition features and also the benefits of sea-defenses.
We also put on various 'hats' when thinking about differing views in the light of tourism and how developments in natural beauty spots can come with a mixed view. As you may of guessed, we voted 'NO' to building a hotel on a beach!
Posted 08/07/2024
by Rebecca Whitty
We had a lot of fun last week.
We are all really enjoying the new jelly numbers we have. Some super star learners took them out and drew around them, they then identified and represented that number.
Our topic this term is school readiness and in preparation for this the children asked if they could colour pictures for their new teachers. They really enjoyed this all a while looking at pen grip and colours. The children were also discussing what they are looking forward to and what they want to learn. We of course were on hand to answer the many questions they had. They then passed their pictures to their new teacher and they LOVED them.
We also went down on Friday to have a play in our new outdoor area.
Sports day -
Wow, we all had a lot of fun!
'I enjoyed the parachute when all the parents waved it above us, it was so much fun!'
"I run really fast and ran to the end"
"I liked the ice poles we got"
"I liked the football game, I shoot and score!"
Phonics- The sounds we explored were v and y. The children enjoyed this and a few thought of words beginning with that sound! van, vet, violin, yak, you, yell.
Come back next week to see what we have been up to. :)
Posted 03/07/2024
by Michele Spencer
We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.
We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.
We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.
We are passionate about learning.
We are the best we can be.
We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.
A reminder that we have an INSET day on Friday 14th February - enjoy the half term and we look forward to seeing you all back in school on Monday 24th February.
© 2025 Bridge Schools trust is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Registration number 7736425. It is an exempt charity.