Class Blog for Pre School

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Fun in the sun 

Fun in the sun. 

We have had a fun filled week this week here in Pre school.  We had a BIG change to our morning routine where parents/ carers stayed outside and the children had a go at putting their stuff away independently. Well, everyone did it and everyone was happy! Everyone remembered to pop book bags and drink bottles into the cubby, then  go and sit down and write their names. We  were so impressed with them and they were proud of themselves. 
' Miss Whitty, we are big kids now we can do it',  ' I feel good, I can do it I big kid now!'  We will be doing this from now on. 

The children requested a bubble station and they made their own wands. 

Friday was wear yellow day for CFS to celebrate a brave child in our school. We also had our fun run, we all managed to do at least three laps of our field, we then enjoyed an ice pole after. Thankyou to the PTA for these. 

This week in phonics we have been learning the sounds 'l' and 'h' the children are doing really well with these and some have even started to sound  and blend CVC words. h a t = hat, h o p = hop,   l e g = leg they hold up three fingers and use their pinch fingers when saying each sound. Well done everyone. 

Scissor skills are a big focus for us all at the moment, the children have been enjoying practicing these skills. 

Next week we will be looking at the sounds 'j' and 'r'. 

We have been lucky to have our wonderful student Ellie in with us three times this week. Thank you Ellie for everything you do to support the children. Ellie is with us until the end of the year. We are very lucky! 

Well done everyone, we are so proud of you!   Have a lovely weekend and we shall see you all next week. :)

Miss Whitty, Miss Ronald and Ellie. 


Our last half term! 

Our last half term together! 

Wow! we can not believe we are now into our last half term together.  

This half term out topic is  - 'School readiness' You will shorty be receiving a  leaflet that we hand out every year so you know what to expect and what the expectations are.  

From Monday the 17th we will be asking parents / carers to stay outside in the morning. The children will need to carry their bags in and sort themselves out. We of course will be here to help them, but this is what they will be doing next year. 

The children are really enjoying learning their phonics sounds. Some have even started to use Fred talk and sound and blend CVC words together! 
This week we are focusing on 'e' and 'f'. 

Last week we had lovely weather and we made the most of it outside. The children built their very own outdoor library. Explored new musical instruments creating lovely pieces of music. 

We are still enjoying our forest school sessions, please remember to bring footwear for this. 

We are asking please can EVERYONE bring a sun hat in and apply long lasting sun cream before school, we can top up and assist the children but we cannot 'rub' it in. 

This Friday we have Shelia's school of dance coming in for a session. 
We can't wait to see you when you are next in!

Miss Whitty and Miss Ronald. 


What we have been up to. 

We have been super busy here in Pre school. 

We have been very busy with our 'At the seaside' topic this half-term. We have spoken about beaches we have visited on Cornwall and learnt a bit about our costal paths. The children have also enjoyed learning 'Cornwall my home' as our sea shanty and learning about the RNLI. 

The children have also really enjoyed our outdoor area as it has changed a little bit. We now have a gross motor area, the children enjoy playing with the ball and putting all their skills they learn with coach James on a Monday in to their play. They also enjoy building, running, skipping and balancing on our scooter. 

We have been learning our sounds last week we learnt 'o' and this week it's 'c' the children enjoy writing these with chalk and spotting them in our environment. 

Forest school is a big hit and the children are really enjoying exploring it while its dry ' It looks different!' 

On drop off please feel welcome to come in and have a look at all of the work they have been up to on the display board. 

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Last week of Spring term.  

Our last week of spring term. 

We have had a lovely last week here at Pre school. The sun shone, the rain came down, we even had a little snow and hail. But most of all we all had FUN!

This weeks sound of the week was 'i' we learnt lots of words starting with the ' sound. ' ink, invitation, inch, inside, in, if,- Here is the video we watch. 

You should all now have a copy of your child's name and the rhymes to help them form them. Please keep doing this at home and encourage them to write it on the line as well. Any questions please just ask. 

Please keep practising number 1-10. Recognising  and making the number. 

When we come back we will be in the summer term! Our new topic will be 'At the seaside' If you manage to go to any Cornish beaches during the Easter holidays please get a photo of your child and we can pop it on our map!  
Also, if you collect anything that would be fantastic too!

A few areas we will learning about are the  RNLI and what they do,  different beaches in Cornwall, animals of the sea, how to be safe ant the beach and Ocean pollution. We will keep you up to date on what we will be doing each week Via Tapestry. 

We hope you all have the most amazing Easter holidays. Please take lots of pictures and add them to Tapestry for your child to share when we get back. We will see you from the week of the 15th.

Miss Whitty and Miss Ronald :) 


Spring is in the air! 

Embracing Spring Fun!

Wow, we have had a lovely SUNNY week here at Pre school.  We have mainly spent the week outside in our outdoor area. 

The outside area of our school is abuzz with laughter and joy as children engage in various activities that celebrate the arrival of spring. From honing their scissor skills to mastering kicking techniques, there's never a dull moment.

Practicing scissor skills was in one of our tuff trays this week and all of the children enjoyed it. We have been looking at how to hold and how to snip with scissors. The children were able to cut up leaves, twigs, sticks and petals. All ready for next weeks magic potion making.

Meanwhile, in the gross motor area the children also were able to practice their kicking skills with the net, and their throwing and catching skills. We also had the scooter out again which everyone enjoyed. We all took it in turns to have a go.

We also had a lovely afternoon on Thursday in the forest school area with reception class. The children had to look for signs of spring.

This weeks sound was 't' the children thought of lots of different words that start with a 't' "Tango, TV, turtle, telephone, tree, tin, tan," and many more. They even had a go at forming the sound and all you could hear was "Down the tower across the tower" We are so proud of all the children and how the are trying to apply their phonics within their play!

We have a busy last week next week.

Tuesday is class photo day - if you don't come in on a Tuesday please feel free to come for normal time but if an adult can wait up in the reception area we will bring your child up after the photo has been taken! We'd love to have as many as possible.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Whitty and Miss Ronald :)


Learning Adventures in Preschool 


Learning Adventures in Preschool 

This week we embarked on a marvellous exploration into the world of the letter D. D is for so many wonderful things, like dinosaurs, dog, dirty and even daddy. The children have loved learning this sound. The enjoy the rhyme ' Around the dinosaurs bottom, up his tall neck and down to his toes' They have had go at forming this during their free flow play.

We have also been honing our number recognition and fine motor skills this week through the magical world of colouring by numbers. With crayons and pencils in hand, the children eagerly identified numbers and carefully coloured each section according to the corresponding colour. It was incredible to witness their concentration and determination as they navigated through the activity, all while reinforcing their understanding of numbers and enhancing their fine motor skills.

As you have noticed our sandpit has been taken down and we have a brand new one! In the area where the sand pit used to be, is now going to become a dynamic gross motor space for the children to explore. The children will have the opportunity to develop their coordination, strength, and spatial awareness in a safe and stimulating environment. This week we had the football goal and scooter out. The children are already putting in requests.

We wish you all a lovely St Patricks day on Sunday. Join us again soon as we continue our journey of discovery, curiosity, and endless possibilities.

Have a lovely weekend.
Miss Whitty, Miss Ronald and Ellie :)


A busy week. 

What an exciting week. 

We have had a very busy week here in Pre School

From Kixx on Monday to WBD on Thursday and then today making Pasties. 

We learnt about St Piran's day on Tuesday and today we were lucky enough to have Will from Ginsters come in and show us how to make a pasty. The children really enjoyed this. We learnt what ingredients are needed to make a pasty and how to crimp!  

Our sound of the week is 's' the children are really enjoying learning their sounds. We have learnt  m , a and s.

In maths we are continuing to count objects from 1-10, by using touch counting. The children then need to find the correct number for example they counted 7 sports they then need to find the number 7 card. 

Next week we have lots of exciting things planned for St Patricks day!

Have a lovely safe weekend and we will see you next week :) 


Christmas Magic 

Christmas fun!

We had so much fun the last few days of term. We decorated the Christmas tree, made reindeer food, sang carold and made lots of other lovely Christmas bits to put in the boxes to take home :) We   dressed up for 'Elf day' and visited the church for the school carol service. The children sang beautifully!


Week 5 of fun 

 Week 5 

We have had another fun and exciting week here in Pre school.  

We have been learning the number seven, we are able to recognise it within our environment and a few of us are now working on representing  it by counting out  objects.

We have gone all things Christmas this week and we were really lucky that on Thursday is SNOWED!! of course we had to go outside and have a play. We spoke about what snow is and why we get it. The children spoke about what they need to wear to keep warm in this weather. We all had lots of fun. 

Friday our the school Elf came to our room and put toilet paper everywhere!!  We spoke about what advent is and why and who celebrates it. The children then of  course had to go on a elf hunt to find Mistletoe. Sadly we couldn't  find it. 

We had popped a list of names on Tapestry for Christmas cards.  

* You will be receiving a permission letter from our lovely student Ellie for her to observe you child. Ellie is with us everyday next week!

* ELF DAY - Wednesday the 6th please bring a  voluntary donation for  Alzheimer's society.

* Singing in the Church - Thursday the  14th - There is a Tapestry message regarding this!

Have a lovely safe weekend everyone. Stay warm!!

Miss Whitty and Miss Ronald :) 


Week 4 fun! 

Week four. 

We have had another fun week here in Pre school. We hope everyone who has been off poorly is starting to feel better. 

This week we have been very busy learning and practising our songs for the church. We are all doing really well and are all very excited about this. 

This week in maths time we have been focusing on recognising the numbers 1-5. We had a number hunt around the classroom, we had to find the number recognise it and then make that number by counting out that amount of counter. We are all doing very well. 

We are still really enjoying the boom wakas the PTA kindly brought us.  In our music sessions we are focusing on  different beats and  the timings we all come in on. 

Christmas has arrived rather early in Pre school, thankyou to those who have brought their Christmas boxes in this week. Please remember them next week if you haven't. The children are doing lots of different crafts, these are all supporting their development in some way. Either fine motor, imagination, creativity, scissor skills, independence ect. 


Wednesday the  29th - 12:30 pick up from the red door! 

Wednesday the 6th - Elf day - please come dressed as an elf all donations will go to charity.  

Thursday 14th - 2pm - Church performance - all children are welcomed to join us even if it is not your day. A message will go out on Tapestry nearer the time!

Monday the 18th - Christmas jumper day!

Tuesday the 19th - HLAF DAY pick up at lunch time!

Have a lovely weekend everyone, we will see you next week :)

Miss Whitty and Miss Ronald. 


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Sports Day Thursday 4th July - 9.15am EYFS/KS1; 1:45pm KS2.

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