Class Blog for Year 1/2

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Spring 1 Week 2 


Spring Week 1 


Autumn 2 Week 6 


Autumn 2 Week 5 


Snow Day activites to keep you warm and happy 

Snow is here and your school is closed

Here are some stories and activities to make sure the fun and learning continue on. Make sure you stay warm and interested.

All about animals

Have a think about what it would be like today if your home was outside like these animals. How do they survive?

Now for the science...

Watch the video and find out the scientific names for how animals survive the winter.

How can we help?

Look at this photo. What could it be? Which animal might this help in winter?

How could you make one? 

You could use an old carton or small box. Ask an adult to help with the cutting.

Think about how you would decorate it.

What sort of food would you put in it? How could you find an answer to this?
Where would you put it so that the animals could use it?

Looking for tracks

Take a look in the snow. What can you see? Have any animals been near to your house?

Look for animal tracks in the snow. If you cannot find any then try making some yourself. Check out the video below to see all about animal tracks.

Animal tracks

Just replace 'mud' for snow in this video. Unless the snow has melted and it is muddy!

A bit more fun in the snow if you can...

Catching snowflakes. If it is snowing and you have some black fabric, paper or plastic you can catch and look at snowflakes. 

You need to freeze whatever you are using to catch the snowflakes. Take it out of the freezer when it is snowing and then you can catch and take a very close look at snowflakes.

Are they all different? What shapes can you see? Can you draw what you saw?

Finally a story all about winter arriving


Autumn 2 Week 2 


Autumn 1 Week 8 


Autumn 1 Week 7 


Autumn 1 Week 5 


Autumn 1 Week 4 


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We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.



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We are passionate about learning.



We are the best we can be.



We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.

A reminder that we have an INSET day on Friday 14th February - enjoy the half term and we look forward to seeing you all back in school on Monday 24th February.

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