Class Blog for Reception


Super start back to Summer Term 1 

This term we are looking at all things farming. Where does our animals grow and thrive? Where does our food come from? Why is it important to back British farming? How has farming changed?
The terms book choice is 'Duck in a truck' and 'Farmer Duck'.

Duck in a Truck 

We started off our duck in the truck topic by discussing different modes of transport. Our first step was to brainstorm the different types we could think of, reception thought of loads: plane, train, car, van, horse, feet, bicycle and more.

We then talked about tally charts and how so many different things can be recorded through tally charts, reception know  one line marked, equals the number one and know that when you reach five you cross over the 4 tally marks.

We then Fred talked 4 different modes of transport: Car, Van, Bus and Tractor and headed out to the front of the school to start our tally charts. Reception kept their eyes peeled for their 4 different moving vehicles, they were so excited when they saw each one and they were predicting what would come next.

Their final tally charts looked neat and you could see reception really understood the concept. Final tally marks came to: car =6, Van = 2, Bus = 1, Tractor = 0. This was a great hook to start off our duck in the truck story.

Duchy Farm 

What better way to learn about the ins and outs of a farm than by visiting a working one! Duchy farm kindly welcomed us to their working farm grounds for the day.

We started off our visit by exploring their equine centre, Martin, our guide, explained how the horses are looked after, how you can work within the equine industry and all about their diets and the horse’s biology. They were very beautiful, some of our children showed a real gentle and calming presence when saying hello to them all.

Within this topic we are really exploring British farming- how it works and why it is so important. Martin was really excited to share about all the different roles you will find on a farm and how important they are to our country.

Once we had visited the equine centre we moved on to the guinea pigs, bunnies, chickens and ducks. The children loved getting up close and personal with these animals and found them very cute. The lady in this centre explained to the children how they look after these animals, including their diets, grooming and health checks, they all had really funny names also.

Moving on over to the exotic animals centre where the children met different species of frogs, snakes, bearded dragons, spiders, snails etc. These were a big hit, the children were very intrigued by all these animals, the frogs were adamant on escaping and jumping all over the children! One was called Kermit!

To top off a brilliant day the children got to have a tractor trailer ride around the remainders of the working farm. This is when they got to see the cows and sheep. The tractor ride was very fun but also very informative, we met different people along the way. One particular lady worked in the dairy part of the farm, she told us that they have nearly 250 cows on their farm, all of which produce 21 litres of milk a day that makes our cathedral city cheese and David stow milk! Exploring a career in farming is something Duchy Farm are really passionate about and this was evident in the friendly welcome and high-quality care of their animals.

Reception had the best time visiting Duchy Farm, I wonder whether any of them will become a farmer one day?

Forest School Team Work

Today in forest school we had a fantastic rope activity set up. The activity focused on balance and co-ordination along with teamwork and trust.

We started off by following the rope around and we were not allowed to let go, they had navigate through low parts and high parts. The next part that impressed us the most was when the children were in pairs and they had to give instructions to their partner who had their eyes closed, their communication skills with one another was great and they guided their partners well. 

They also tried walking backwards whilst trying not to let go of the rope. 

They worked really well as a team and enjoyed the activity. 



Expressive Arts and Design 

This art we have focused on sculpture making and the skills that go with that. 

Work Inspired by Brian Mock 

Our artist this half term has been Brian Mock. Brian Mock is an American artist who creates life size sculptures of animals, instruments, people and much more out of recycled metal pieces. 

It has been really fun exploring his work, when the children were looking at the photos of his work they kept seeing familiar objects such as forks to make chicken feathers or nuts to make suckers on an octopus, they found this very intriguing.

They then went off and used a variety of construction to make different models of their favourite animals, playing with the height, width, amount of legs etc needed to make it look real (it was slightly tricky to get the height of a giraffe accurate :)). After this they went on to design their animal sculptures that they were later to make, they even labelled it. 

Our Final Pieces

Pictured above are just a few of the amazing final pieces reception created. 

To make their clay sculptures they focused on key skills, such as: scoring between pieces to help them stick, making slip to help adhere the pieces together ( Clay slip is a liquid mixture of clay in water which acts as a thick glue), rolling and squeezing clay into the correct shapes, all these key skills really helped build the fine motor strength. 

They started their clay creations off by cutting a block of clay off the block, then they rolled and squeezed the clay to form the correct shapes, scored each part using a scoring tool, added slip and then added  recycled metal can pulls to resemble Brian Mocks welding work ( we thought it best rather than using blow torches :)). Reception really enjoyed this art project, which is evident in their attention to detail with their final pieces. 


Wider World Experiences 

Our Wider World Experiences

Reception have had so many visitors recently that have all shared their knowledge of different topics with them. They have all been so inquisitive, curious, determined and kind when they have all visited. Take a look at some of our visits!

Learning Cornish 

The Cornish Language is something that we celebrate in Reception class, we share the tales from Porth often in the classroom.

We were lucky enough to be visited by a very knowledgeable lady named Maureen Pierce. She can fluently speak the Cornish language and is very passionate about doing so. She taught all sorts of different words in Cornish and made sure we had the correct pronunciation. We learnt colours, emotions, names of toys and our numbers to five. The children loved learning the Cornish words. Celebrating and learning about this language is very important the opportunity we were provided this day was huge! We often still hear the children saying some of the Cornish words in their everyday provision and learning! It makes Miss Rowe feel Splann! (happy) If you would like to share some of the Tales from Porth click the link attached:

Diabetes UK Visit:

We had a visit from a lovely lady named Jane Gilbert from Diabetes UK, she came in to share her experience of having type 1 diabetes and explained how it works. She showed the children some educational stuffed toys of a red blood cell, pancreas and a bear, called Ralph, that showed where the injection areas are on the body. The children asked lots of great questions and understood really well! Our children in reception are very understanding of people with diabetes due to their knowledge of a child in our classroom with it, they are always so kind and curious. Having this experience was so beneficial for the children as it made them aware of just how important it is to look after our peers.

Care Home Project:

In support of Anti-Bullying week, that was a couple of weeks ago the Receptions set about to start their kindness project. Today the receptions were visited by Jonathan Steed to talk about his role as a Clinical Director for At The Park and about the residents that live there. He spoke about how his residents may walk, talk, see, hear, speak and look different to us but we are all still humans who are filled with love, care and kindness and love doing the same things such as swimming, playing in playgrounds, art and more.

It was lovely to see the children's curious and kind response to what Jonathan was sharing and how insightful they all were when answering questions. At one point an apple was passed around for the children to say something kind to ''you are beautiful'', ''you are kind'' were some of my favourites. We also learnt some sign language that we included in our animal song in our nativity.

Encouraging the children to see and understand difference but to also celebrate it, is such as important thing and something we foster in our school and classroom. Thank you so much to Jonathon for joining us this afternoon and making it so enjoyable! As our project the reception children made each resident a stain glass window decoration to help with the sensory needs of the residents. Reception also wrote notes to each resident to add an extra kind touch. Well done reception we are proud of your love and respect of all people.



Sometimes all you can do is say 'WOW'- Kevin Henkes

What a fabulous start to your first year at school, Reception have settled so well into school life, have made great friends and continue to show our school values on the daily! Along our journey so far we have shared lots of 'WOW' moments from visitors, to trips, to workshops, we have had a busy, engaging and surprising time so far, keep reading to find out what we have been up to!   

Police Officer Rebecca Steed!

Our first visit was from a very kind and friendly Police Officer named Bex! When Miss Rowe entered the classroom early one morning, she walked in to find a crime scene! Someone had covered the table in paint and knocked all the chairs over, we had no clue who did it! Reception then started to discuss who we could call if we needed help straight away; so we called the number 999 and Bex answered and came straight to help us! 

When she had arrive she picked 2 trainee officers to help try and solve this messy case. Bex talked through what an officer would do in this situation and how it would be handled. Upon inspecting the crime scene one of our trainee officers spotted something, STRANDS OF HAIR!! They started comparing the hair to those sat on the carpet to see if the culprit we were looking for was already in the room, but no success.

Clara said 'it must have happened at night then, as it isn't anyone on the carpet'- I think you are on to something there Clara! What else in our room has hair? It's not a human, it's not an animal... IT MUST BE A CUDDLY TOY. Once narrowed down, they searched the room for a cuddly toy with long, blonde hair, with a suspicious look on their face! It didn't take long to find Dolly hidden behind the bears and other cuddly toys, one other incriminating thing found on Dolly was paint, the same colour that was found at our crime scene! She was caught RED HANDED!

Bex talked about how it is not kind to ruin other peoples things and that it can get you in trouble. We learnt lots of interesting facts about Police officers and how they work hard to keep us all as safe a possible! They are safe strangers and people you can approach when lost, scared, happy or need help!

Reception worked as such a great team to figure out the case and were so enthusiastic, curious and determined when doing so. The most important thing we have learnt from this visit is that when you see a Police Officer out and about just smile and wave and they'll do it back! :) 


Our Values...



We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.



We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.



We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.



We are passionate about learning.



We are the best we can be.



We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.

Sports Day Thursday 4th July - 9.15am EYFS/KS1; 1:45pm KS2.

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