Class Blog for Year 2

Welcome back! 

Welcome back to Summer 1!

We hope you all had a wonderful Easter break and managed to get out in the sunshine when it arrived! We have a busy half term ahead of us and I will be sending home some reading and maths work each week to support the upcoming SATs in May. All of this will be in the children's book bags and reminders will be put on Class Dojo. If you have any questions about the upcoming SATs or what you can do at home to support your child, please don't hesitate to ask. Below I have outlined what we will be learning this half term, please do have a look at the maths section in particular as I have included some helpful and interactive videos for your child to watch at home that will support their learning. In this post I have also included information and pictures about our amazing trip to The Box in Plymouth! At the bottom of this post you will find the Year 2 spellings (please can the children continue to practise these at home), our KIRFs (key instant recall facts) and the parent mind-map detailing what we are learning this half term. 


This half term we will start by focusing on shape before swiftly moving onto money. We will also keep refreshing our arithmetic skills once per week. I can see lots of the children are accessing Times Table Rock Stars at home which is fantastic, please do keep practising at home as this really supports their mental arithmetic. We'd like children to be able to count in 2s, 3s, 5s and 10s by the end of Year 2. Below are some of the songs we use in school to help us. I have included lots here as the homework we send home will touch on all of these at different points so it may be a useful bank of resources to support your child at home.

Counting in 2s:

Counting in 3s:

Counting in 5s:

Counting in 10s:

This half term we are learning all about shape. Here are some songs and videos we will watch in class.

2D shapes:

3D shapes:

Shape videos and resources:

Some other helpful resources:

Sharing (division):

Multiplication sentences:

Using an array for multiplication:

Using an array for division:

Addition and subtraction (all of these guides and videos will be useful):

Fractions (all of these guides and videos will be useful):


This half term we will start by very quickly finishing off our recounts from before the Easter holidays. Then we will be moving onto story writing once again focusing on Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers.


Our topic this half term is living things and their habitat. We explore microhabitats and lots of different living things so we are excited to take our learning outside as much as possible!


This half term we are learning all about The Great Fire of London! The children are beyond excited about this topic and cannot wait to learn all about what happened, why it happened and how it happened. 

Our trip to The Box in Plymouth

On Friday 19th April we went on a school trip to The Box in Plymouth. The children were brilliant and their behaviour was exceptional! They listened intently to our guide and loved each and every exhibit we went into. They listened and asked questions and it was a joy to watch how enthusiastic they were. 

The second part of the day was an artist workshop focusing on sea life sculpture. The children explored plankton and noticed how different it all looks. They discussed how art made them feel and even got to use different materials to design and make their own plankton sculptures. The artist leading the workshop then joined all their sculptures together and this is now hanging up in the classroom if you'd like to come and see it! Please enjoy these great photos from our trip.


Wrapping up Spring 2 

Wrapping up our learning in Spring 2

This half term we packed in lots of learning. We wrote stories in our English, learnt all about fractions in Maths, explored materials in Science, using rackets in PE, an artist called Nicki de Saint Phalle and finished off our fruit kebabs in DT. Please enjoy some more information below.


This half term we having been learning about an author and illustrator called Catherine Rayner. We loved exploring different books she had written, some of them we knew already.

We based our stories on Augustus and his smile. It's all about a tiger who was sad because he lost his smile and searches all over the world to find it. We practised sequencing the story and using ambitious vocabulary to describe what happens. 

We also used story mapping to really embed the sequence of the story and used actions to help us retell the story accurately.

We also used boxing up the text to help us identify the key parts of the story: the opening, build-up, dilemma, resolution and ending. We noticed in Augustus and his smile the build-up and dilemma were swapped around which we found was an interesting way to tell a story.

Firstly we practised re-writing the original story using lots of expanded noun phrases, verbs, adverbs and ambitious adjectives. Then, we made some small changes to the story to make it our own. We finished off this unit by writing our own versions of Augustus and his smile. 


This half term we have been learning all about fractions. We have focused off halves, thirds and quarters. We found out the half has two equal groups, thirds have three equal groups and quarters have four equal groups. We started by firstly recognising these different fractions by colouring in half of a shape, a third of a shape and a quarter of a shape. Then we started to use our knowledge from multiplication and division to help us divide numbers to help us find one half, one third and one quarter of a number. We used sharing into equal groups to help us.


This half term we were learning all about cities from all over the world. We started by focusing on capital cities in the United Kingdom before looking at some capital cities from all around the world. We thought about and discussed some key differences between cities and villages. We noticed that cities have more human features and villages have more physical features. We then compared Edinburgh to Cape Town in South Africa and the children thoroughly enjoyed learning about a very different capital city! We have used lots of songs this year to help us with our geography learning that the children have loved listening to. Here are some links below in case they'd like to listen to them at home too.



Capital cities of the UK:


This half term in our PE lessons we were learning how to use rackets, the children loved this unit particularly when we were able to get outside! The children loved tracking their progress across the weeks and were very pleased with themselves when they were able to start short rallies! Well done Year 2. 


This half term we studied a French-American artist called Nicki de Saint Phalle. We found some interesting information out about her, one thing in particular was that she didn't got to an art school, everything she did she taught herself! The children found this to be very inspirational.

We explored some of her sculptures and used this to help us learn about primary and secondary colours, mixing colours, bold and vibrant colours, strong lines and tints and hues. 

The children thoroughly enjoyed learning the skills when it comes to mixing colours but some of their favourite parts were creating different patterns using a range of colours inspired by a picture of one of her sculptures. The children loved exploring using black to create strong lines and contrasts.

Some of the children even incorporated our English learning and included tiger stripes!

We finished off this unit by creating sculptures in the style of Nicki Saint de Phalle using mod rock. We will finish painting and evaluating these after the half term.


This half term we caught up and finished off our DT project all about food and we looked at fruit kebabs. We started by exploring different fruits by taste testing them and deciding which our favourite fruits were. Then we designed a fruit kebab thinking about our favourite fruits, colours, shapes and textures. Next we made our fruit kebabs before trying them of course! After we had eaten our fruit kebabs, we evaluated them and thought about what we could do next time to improve them.


World Book Day! 

Year 2 World Book Day 2024!

We saw some fantastic costumes this year and the children thoroughly enjoyed sharing their stories and characters with each other. We started the day by reading some of our favourite stories as a class before designing our potato character. In the afternoon we then made our potato characters before sharing the afternoon with family and friends sharing stories together. Please enjoy the photos below!



Week beginning: 08.01.24 

A week in Year 2 08.01.24

The children have made a fantastic start to their learning this week and their enthusiasm for our topics is infectious. Well done Year 2! I have attached the Maths KIRFs (key instant recall facts) and the Year 2 spellings to the bottom of this blog post so that the children can practise these at home. Just a gentle reminder that we ask children to be reading their reading book every day and for this to be recorded in their reading records, KIRFs at least 2x per week and spellings at least 2x per week. If the children would like to share the learning they have done at home, such as the spellings or KIRFs, please do share this via Class Dojo or they are more than welcome to bring it into school. Please enjoy reading about our week below.


This week the children made a great start to our topic all about non-chronological reports. We started by reading the story called The Great Kapok Tree by Lynne Cherry and discussed what could happen if the characters chose to cut down the Kapok Tree. We then thought about the purpose of a non-chronological report and what genre this writing is. We worked out it is an information text so it is non-fiction.

Then, we read our WAGOLL (what a good one looks like) all about Kapok trees. We found some features of a non-chronological report and coloured these in on our own WAGOLLs. Later on in the week, we started to learn about the four main sentence types: commands, statements, exclamations and questions. We then found lots of statements and exclamations in the WAGOLL before we started to write our own statement sentences all about Kapok trees. We watched this video below to help us understand the four main sentence types:


We are continuing to focus on number this half term and we have started to look at multiplication and division. This week we focused just on multiplication and although it was tricky at first, we used our school value of determination to keep us going! We first looked at equal groups and what this meant. From this, we could understand that our equal groups were repeating and we could write addition number sentences to match these. Once we practised this a few times, we then introduced the multiplication symbol and thought about some different ways of saying it to help us understand. Then, we were able to apply our knowledge of repeated addition and equal groups to multiplication calculations. This was definitely tough but we tried and tried again and by the end of the week, it was much easier! Well done Year 2. 

This is us practising recognising equal groups. We had to identify how many groups there were and how many there were in each group.

Then we started to write repeated addition number sentences about equal groups.

Then we were able to use our knowledge of equal groups and repeated addition to help us write multiplication calculations to match pictures.


This week we started our unit all about gymnastics. We started off with a warm up and then, most importantly, stretching our muscles. We then thought about different ways in which we can move our bodies that may be similar to a gymnast. We thought about stretching our bodies all the way down to our toes and also curling our bodies in different ways.

Then we enjoyed using benches to practise our balancing skills and moving in stretched and curled positions along the benches. Next week we will start to look at sequencing moves together to make a small routine. 

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Happy New Year! 

Happy New Year!

Hello everyone,

I can only apologise for not being in school last week. I was able to teach via Teams for some of the lessons so it was nice to be able to see the children even if it was on a screen! I’m pleased to say I’ll be back to school tomorrow and I’m really looking forward to getting stuck into this half term of learning. I have attached a mind-map of what we are learning this half term for your reference - it’s a really good half term with lots of interesting and interactive learning!

I have also attached our maths KIRFs (key instant recall facts) for the Spring term. These are maths facts that build a strong foundation for children moving forward in their maths learning. Please do practise some of these at home with the children, we practise three questions every day in school so any practise at home would be fantastic for their learning. Even just writing three of these questions down for your children to have a go at would be enough - little and often!

 The last thing I have attached are the Year 2 common exception words. These are words that we expect children to be able to spell independently by the end of Year 2. We use the regularly in school in our writing but again, any practise you can do at home is always great!

Apologies if your child’s reading book has not been changed yet, this is due to me being off. They will be changed tomorrow. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. I look forward to seeing you all tomorrow!

Take care,
Miss Harden 

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Christmas Nativity Information 

Year 1 and Year 2 Christmas Nativity

As some of you may already know we are preparing our Nativity performance to share with you all at 14:00 on the 7th of December 2023. Your child will bring home a letter that tells you their part and it will have a script attached to allow children to practise their lines at home as much as possible as this will really help us during rehearsals at school. Not every part is a speaking part but we have ensured all children will have time on the stage, are saying something as part of a group or will be taking part in a smaller group dance. The letter will say whether your child has any lines to learn.

We do kindly ask that you provide your child with their costume for the play and below I have listed some affordable costume ideas for each part. This is not an extensive list so please do not feel that you need to buy the costume listed below. If you are struggling to sort a costume for your child, please do not hesitate to get in contact with us and we will do our best to support you. 

 James (stable boy) it would be very helpful if this character could have a pitchfork too please but it is not essential -

 Joseph -

 Mary -

 Innkeeper -

 Inkeeper's wife -

 Maid -

 3 Wise men -

 Angels -

 Chicken -

 Horse -

 Goat -

 Cow -

 Sheep -

 Donkey -

We are really looking forward to sharing our performance with you! 

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to get in contact.

Best wishes,
Miss Harden and the Year 2 team


2H Class blog for the Autumn half term 

What a fantastic half term we have had!

The first half term has come to an end and the children have made a great start to the year. It has been extremely busy and we have covered a lot in a short space of time and the children have shown a real enthusiasm for their learning as the half term went on. Please enjoy some best moments below. The children have been asking for the link to some educational games that we play in school together so please do see the links below. 

 Phonics play:

 Phonics bloom:

 Top marks (daily 10):

Please do download the WhiteRose Maths 'One minute maths' app on any apple or android device you have at home for your child to play regularly. It targets their mental arithmetic that they will need in Year 2 and beyond.


This half term in our maths lessons we have been learning about place value. We have been focusing on numbers up to 100 and understanding the relationships between numbers and what they mean. As you can see in the picture, we have also been learning to partition numbers and we used the Base 10 to help us. We have also been practising counting in our 2s, 5s, 10s and 3s. To help us with this we have using some songs which I have copy and pasted below, it would be great to play these for your children at home to help them to count confidently in these times tables. 


English This half term we have been using the story of Little Red Riding Hood to help us write our own traditional tale. We enjoyed immersing ourselves in the story and having a go at writing the story of Little Red Riding Hood before making changes to the original story. I thoroughly enjoyed watching children's creativity come alive with stories of Little Blue or a big, bad fox! We then explored poetry and what this actually is. We enjoyed listening to a range of different poems and discussing the differences between poetry and stories. Our text we used to help us was Apes - Zebras, an a to z of animal poems. We then focused on shape poetry and enjoyed writing our own poems all about lions and penguins.


This half term we have been looking at wheels and mechanisms and making a trailer for a bee bot. The children have thoroughly enjoyed exploring different toys that use wheels and axles and labelling diagrams. However, perhaps the most exciting part was using the saws to practising our wood cutting skills! We will finish this unit off after the half term and look forward to sharing our creations with you!


Our topic this half term has been animals including humans and specifically focusing on growth. We have been exploring what animals and humans need to survive and moved onto looking at a balanced diet. We looked at naming the 5 major food groups and thinking about ensuring we are eating a balanced diet. We finished this off by creating our own balanced snack plate and the children enjoyed eating this!


This half term we have been learning about the sinking of the Titanic.  The children have really enjoyed this topic and got stuck in. We have sequenced the events of the night it sank, reasons why it sank and used some sources of information to help us understand what the Titanic was like. We will finish this off after half term before we start our new topic, which dare I say it... It might be even more exciting! 

Harvest Festival

Thank you for coming to join us at the church for our Harvest Festival celebration. It was lovely to support Liskeard Food Bank and show off our love for music. As Mrs Spencer said, if you do need any support, please don't hesitate to get in contact with us.

General information

Thank you for your continued support this half term, it has definitely been a tiring one! The children have been working really hard and it has been great to get to know them more. At the end of the half term I will share the new mind-map for this next half term's learning which will outline our new topics. After the half term, we will also start to learn and practise our KS1 nativity and the children in Year 2 will be given parts. I will share more information with you as it comes about the Nativity but watch this space!

Have a lovely half term,
Miss Harden


Class blog: WB 04.09.23 

Welcome to Year 2!

Wow, what a fantastic start to the year we have had in Year 2 - especially during a heatwave! The children have settled in really well to their new classroom with new adults and they're starting to get into a good routine. We have managed to get lots done in a short space of time which has been excellent. Please see below for some more detail on our learning from this week. At the end of the blog post will be some general information. 


We kicked off our Traditional Tales unit by reading our unit text; Little Red Riding Hood. The children really enjoyed the story and even started to make comparisons to other traditional tales that have a big, bad wolf. We focused on retelling the story in pairs before then sequencing it in our books and writing a sentence to describe each picture. It has been a great start to the unit and the children have shown great enthusiasm for the learning ahead of them. 


This week we started our unit all about Place Value. This focuses on children's understanding of number and what those numbers look like and mean. We started off gently by practising making numbers with different resources in the classroom. This focused our thinking to tens and ones in numbers before we started answering some questions in our books. We will continue this next week and use lots of manipulative to help us. 

Another key part of our maths learning will be the Year 2 KIRFs (key instant recall facts). These are number facts that children should be able to recall instantly in order to help them make strong connections across different topics in maths. We will practise these regularly in school but it would be extremely beneficial if children could practise these at home too. With KIRFs, a little bit of practise often goes a long way and it is the repetition of these facts that will really help embed their learning. At the bottom of the blog post are the Year 2 KIRFs for the Autumn term, please do spend some time having a quick look at these and the recommended websites. If your child practises these at home, please do share their work with me via Dojo - I always love to celebrate any work completed outside of school!

We highly recommend the app 'One Minute Maths' by WhiteRose Mathematics. This is the scheme we follow in school and the app is designed for children in KS1. It is a quick and engaging way for children to practise addition and subtraction, and some of the questions link to the KIRFs. Daily practise on this app really will support your child's learning and quick recall of number facts. The best part about it... The app is completely free! For more information about this app, please follow this link: . 

General Information

Attendance has been fantastic this week so thank you for your support with this, it has been great to see the children again and get them settled in. Our PE lesson will be on a Wednesday so children can come into school in their PE kits on this day.

Below this blog post I have attached the KIRFs that children can practise at home but I have also attached a mind-map. This mind-map tells you what your children will be learning during this half term. You will also find some YR2 common exception words, these are words that we expect children to be able to correctly spell independently when in Year 2. It would be great for children to practise these at home regularly too. 

We do ask that you listen to your child read every day and write this in their reading record. We will collect their reading records on a Friday morning to check these and count up their reads for the Reading Karate bands. If you have any questions about your child's reading, please do get in contact as soon as possible. 

A gentle reminder, if you have not already please can you complete your parental consents on Arbor. This helps us to know which children can be photographed when completing the blog. Thank you in advance for your support with this. 

As always, if I can do anything to support you or if you have any questions, please do get in contact.

Take care, 
Miss Harden

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