Class Blog for Year 2

Welcome back and Happy New Year! 

Spring 1 in 2H

Welcome back and wishing you all a very Happy New Year! The children had a fantastic first week back and have demonstrated all our school values across the week. They made Miss Harden and Mrs Tamblyn very proud indeed! Attached to the bottom of this blog post is the parent mind-map that outlines our learning for this term and our new Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRFs). These are number facts that we ask you to please practise with your children at home to ensure quick recall of these facts. This term I will also start to set small home learning tasks on Seesaw to encourage children to continue their learning at home. Please do continue to listen to your children read every night and record this in their reading records for coloured karate bands. It is extremely important that in the run up towards KS1 SATs in May that your children is a confident and fluent reader so any practise at home will help them to achieve this. 


This half term we will be focusing on multiplication and division and fractions. If your children would like some extra practise/activities to do at home please see the links below.

Multiplication & Division (we will be covering all these topics at school so any extra practise at home will be very beneficial) - 

Fractions (we will be covering all these topics at school so any extra practise at home will be very beneficial) -

Topmarks Daily 10 (mental maths quiz) -

Times Table Rock Stars -


Fun in the snow!

This week in our PE lesson the children LOVED this invasion game called Pirate's treasure. The aim of the game is for the islanders to steal the treasure which is in a box behind the pirates. The pirates could freeze the islanders to stop them from stealing the treasure and fellow islanders could crawl under them to unfreeze them.

I think we had to play this at least 6 times they enjoyed it so much!

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End of the Autumn term 

The end of the term is here!

Thank you for all your support with the Nativity costumes, we hope you enjoyed the children's performance. In amongst all things Christmas, the children have continued to work hard in all areas and have shown a real enthusiasm for all their learning. Please see what we have been up to below!


This half term we have been looking at everything to do with life cycles in our science lessons. We started off by exploring the human life cycle by naming and describing the 5 major stages. 

Then we moved onto learning about the life cycles of different animals such as a butterfly, chicken and a frog. We found out that these animals go through metamorphosis in their life cycles! The children then worked in groups to make a butterfly's life cycle out of play dough. 


This half term in our English lessons we were learning to write a story based on the famous children's text, Where the Wild Things are. The children absolutely loved this story and their creativity was unmatched! They made changes to the original story by changing the characters and what they did to make it their own. It was great to see the children using their imagination!


This half term we have been exploring our local area in our geography lessons. The children started off by learning about aerial photographs and we used Google Earth regularly to view St Cleer from above. The children were intrigued by Google Earth and we did spend some time exploring other places too.

We then started to understand what maps were and how they are use. The children got to use resources from all around the classroom to make messy maps of the room whilst working in groups.

Elf Day 2024!

Thank you for all your generous donations towards the Alzheimer's Society. The children looked fantastic and really got stuck in with all the activities! They also had a mysterious video from Mistletoe the Elf who was be very cheeky with the school photocopier!


Home Learning for School Closure 

As the school is closed today due to the snow I have attached some home learning that the children can do if they wish. Please do share any work that they do via Class Dojo and we will celebrate that once we are back in school. 


Adding two 2-digit numbers. We have started this in school and the children have practised making the numbers and adding them together. I have attached some resources that will help them but please do remind them to draw the Base 10 to represent how many tens and ones are in a number as this will help them add numbers together. Worksheet and PowerPoints attached below.

BBC Biteszie:
WhiteRose Maths (this is exactly how we do it in school & this is a video for them to watch):

The children could also practise their times tables on Times Table Rock Stars. We are really pushing this in school with our display on the window, certificates and rewards. In the next two weeks we will be starting our unit all about multiplication and division so any extra practise beforehand will set them up brilliantly for this topic.


This half term we have been exploring the story of Where the Wild Things Are and the children have re-written the story in school. Our next step is to innovate the story to make it our own before writing our own versions. Yesterday the children made some changes to the story by changing the main character and the activities that take place. It would be great if the children could draw their new character in their new suit and begin to write sentences to describe their new character. For example: Luna put on her bright, green dragon suit and began to make wild mischief around the house. If they are able to remember the activities that they changed in the story they could also write sentences about these too. For example: The Wild Things crowned Luna their queen and the wild rumpus began. First, they toasted pink, squishy marshmallows on an open, hot fire. Then they gazed up at the bright, shining stars before they finally danced and pranced in the moonlight. 

I have attached the PowerPoint below that we used in yesterday's lesson to help us make our changes to hopefully help them remember.

Here is a link to a video all about expanded noun phrases that will help them to describe their characters and activities:


In our science lessons we have been exploring the human life cycle and what it is. We have also started to explore matching parents and their offspring and discussing why some animals are harder to match. Below is a worksheet all about parents and offspring to deepen their understanding of what we have covered. Below are some links to help them. PowerPoint and worksheet attached below. 

Life cycles:

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Nativity performance information 

Parent Nativity Information

Year 1 and Year 2 Christmas Nativity As some of you may already know we are preparing our Nativity performance to share with you all at 10:00am and 14:00pm on the 17th of December 2024. Your child will bring home a letter that tells you their part and it will have a script attached to allow children to practise their lines at home as much as possible as this will really help us during rehearsals at school. Not every part is a speaking part, but we have ensured all children will have time on the stage, are saying something as part of a group or will be taking part in a smaller group dance. The letter will say whether your child has any lines to learn.

We do kindly ask that you provide your child with their costume for the play and below I have listed some affordable costume ideas for each part. This is not an extensive list so please do not feel that you need to buy the costume listed below. If you are struggling to sort a costume for your child, please do not hesitate to get in contact with us and we will do our best to support you.

Announcer and narrator – Please can they wear black leggings, comfortable trainers and a Christmas jumper of their choice.

Villagers –

Camel –

Shepherd – Joseph -

Mary -

Joseph -

Innkeeper - 3

Kings - Angels -

Donkey -

Donkey attendant -

We are really looking forward to sharing our performance with you! If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to get in contact.

Best wishes,
Miss Harden and the Year 2 team


Autumn 1 in Year 2 

Welcome back Year 2!

The children have settled into Year 2 brilliantly and have engaged with all their learning so far. We also made it on a school trip to Carnglaze Caverns which the children thoroughly enjoyed! We focused on using adjectives to describe the setting and enjoyed listening to the echoes in the cave. Please enjoy reading more about what we have been up to!


This half term we have been learning all about traditional tales. We started off by exploring lots of traditional tales and what they are. Then start looked at labelling and listing nouns before writing captions for pictures from traditional tales. 

Now we have focused on Golidlocks and the Three Bears. We have been busy learning all about expanded noun phrases and the 5ws. We practiced re-writing the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears before making changes to the original and now we are working on writing our own versions.


This half term we started by thinking about place value. This means making and drawing numbers, comparing numbers and their value, ordering numbers and partitioning numbers. The children have made a great start to their maths learning and have got stuck in! Please see below for some useful websites for children to be practising their maths at home. Their Times Table Rock Stars logins are now ready for them to use and practise their times tables at home. Little and often is the best way to go with this! Please see the bottom of this post for the children's KIRFs this half term. These are number facts that children need to be able to recall quickly. We practice them in school daily but any practice at home would be great too!


This half term we have been learning all about the history of flight and how it all started with the Wright Brothers. The children have thoroughly enjoyed learning all about this and can remember a lot of information each lesson! We started off by learning about who the Wright brothers were and what happened in their lives. We will move onto learn all about Bessie Coleman, Amelia Earhart, Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong before thinking about flight today and learning about Tim Peake.

Design and Technology

This half term we have linked our DT to our Science by thinking about what humans need to survive. In our Science we have explored the importance of eating a healthy balanced diet and now in our DT we will be making fruit smoothies! The children have enjoyed learning about different fruits and vegetables and where they come from. They also got to taste different fruits to help them decide what they would like in their fruit smoothies. We will also practice cutting skills before we make our smoothies.


This half term we have been focusing on ball skills which includes throwing and catching, dribbling both with feet and hands as well as batting. The children have really enjoyed getting stuck in and giving everything a go! We even managed to enjoy a game of quick cricket to bring all our skills together.

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Our Values...



We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.



We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.



We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.



We are passionate about learning.



We are the best we can be.



We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.

A reminder that we have an INSET day on Friday 14th February - enjoy the half term and we look forward to seeing you all back in school on Monday 24th February.

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