
Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement at St Cleer Primary Academy


We believe mathematics is an important part of children's development throughout school, right from an early age. We aim to provide a curriculum that not only meets the requirements of the National Curriculum but also goes beyond – ensuring pupils achieve their full potential and become lifelong learners in Mathematics.

We intend on delivering a curriculum which:

· Allows children to be a part of creative and engaging lessons that will give them a range of opportunities to explore mathematics, following a mastery curriculum approach.

· Gives each pupil a chance to believe in themselves as mathematicians and develop the power of resilience and perseverance when faced with mathematical challenges.

· Recognises that mathematics underpins much of our daily lives and therefore is of paramount importance in order that children aspire and become successful in the next stages of their learning.

· Engages all children and entitles them to the same quality of teaching and learning opportunities, striving to achieve their potential, as they belong to our school community.

· Makes rich connections across mathematical ideas to develop fluency, mathematical reasoning and competence in solving increasingly sophisticated problems.

· Provides equal opportunities for children to apply their mathematical knowledge to other subjects (cross-curricula links when appropriate).

· Is in line with the expectations in the National Curriculum 2014.


Our mastery approach to the curriculum is designed to develop children's knowledge and understanding of mathematical concepts from the Early Years through to the end of Y6.

Teaching and Learning, Content and Sequence

- In school, we use high-quality, carefully chosen resources that support the teaching and learning of mathematical fluency, reasoning and problem solving.

- Our curriculum is designed to ensure progression and depth of understanding across the year groups – building on prior knowledge and skills. We follow the National Curriculum and use carefully sequenced learning objectives from White Rose schemes of work as a guide to support teachers with their planning and assessment.

- We promote the use of concrete manipulatives, pictorial representations and abstract thinking to help children visualise and understand mathematical concepts.

- Children are taught through clear modelling and have the opportunity to develop their knowledge and understanding of mathematical concepts. The mastery approach incorporates using objects, pictures, words and numbers (CPA approach) to help children explore and demonstrate mathematical ideas, enrich their learning experience and deepen understanding at all levels.

- In EYFS and Key Stage 1 our daily maths lessons are supplemented through Mastering Number sessions (NCETM) designed to build fluency and confidence in using numbers.

- Throughout the school (from Pre-school to Year 6) children work towards mastering their knowledge of Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRFs). These are carefully structured mental recall facts which will support and develop alongside the children’s growing understanding of maths.

- At the start of each unit, key vocabulary is introduced and revisited regularly to develop language acquisition, embedding as the topic progresses.

- Our learning environments are thoughtfully organised to promote mathematical thinking. Displays showcase key vocabulary, resources and strategies to support children on their journey towards achieving mastery.

- We make use of technology where appropriate, such as interactive whiteboards, tablets, and educational software, to enhance learning experiences.

- We recognise that every child is unique and has different starting points. Our Maths provision is tailored to meet individual needs through carefully planned scaffolding and adaptation. We provide appropriate support and challenges, ensuring all pupils are appropriately stretched. Children may acquire the skill, apply the skill or deepen the skill within the lesson. Children move through the different stages of their learning at their own pace. Children with additional needs are included in whole class lessons and teachers provide scaffolding and relevant support as necessary.

- For those children who are working outside of the year group curriculum, individual learning activities are provided to secure their progress.

- Children who have shown their understanding at a deep level within the unit, will have opportunities to apply these skills in a greater depth activity. This should be challenging and ensure that children are using more than just one skill to be able to answer the mathematical problems.

- Reasoning and problem solving are integral to the activities children are given to develop their mathematical thinking. Children are encouraged to explore, apply and evaluate their mathematical approach during investigations to develop a deeper understanding when solving different problems/puzzles.

- A love of maths is encouraged throughout school via links with other subjects, applying an ever growing range of skills with growing independence.

Leadership, Assessment and Feedback

· Assessment informs the teaching and learning sequence, and children work on the objectives they are assessed as being at, with fluid boosting available within a 'keep up, not catch up' culture. Each maths unit follows a formal structure, beginning with a pre-assessment to determine current confidence and knowledge in the unit. This leads into pupil’s self-assessment of their skills and confidence alongside target-setting for the unit. Each unit ends with a post-assessment alongside children’s self-assessment of their progress.

· Feedback is given on children's learning in line with our feedback policy. Formative assessment within every lesson helps teachers to identify the children who need more support to achieve the intended outcome and who are ready for greater strength and challenge through planned questioning or additional activities.

· In order to support teacher judgements, children may be assessed using current and reliable tests (Maths Frame and SATs papers) in line with the National Curriculum for maths. Gap analysis of any tests that the children complete is undertaken and fed into future planning.

· Summative assessments are completed at the end of each term to inform teacher judgements and form part of the school’s pupil progress monitoring. Summative assessments (in conjunction with teacher assessment) are reported to parents in the children’s end of year report.

· The maths leader has a clear role and overall responsibility for the progress of all children in maths throughout school. Working with SLT, key data is analysed and regular feedback is provided, to inform on progress and future actions. Regular CPD and consultation with external experts informs maths development planning and teacher guidance.


- Our Maths provision helps pupils develop confidence and resilience in problem-solving, reasoning, and mathematical communication.

- Our children show confidence in believing that they will achieve. Pupils are empowered to take risks, make mistakes and learn from them.

- Our children are enthusiastic learners who actively participate in lessons and enjoy developing their ability to recognise relationships and make connections in their maths learning.

- Our pupils achieve the objectives (expected standard) for their year group and Key Stage.

- Our pupils leave St Cleer confident that they are well prepared for the next stage in their learning.

- Children show a high level of pride in the presentation and understanding of their work.

· The flexibility and fluidity to move between different contexts and representations of math. Mathematical concepts or skills are mastered when a child can show it in multiple ways, using the mathematical language to explain their ideas, and can independently apply the concept to new problems in an unfamiliar situation.



View the following documents within your web browser or download to read later

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vista folder
Maths Targets
St Cleer Times Tables Challenge BOOKLET[70697].pdf
St Cleer Times Tables Challenge BOOKLET[70697].pdf





Our Values...



We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.



We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.



We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.



We are passionate about learning.



We are the best we can be.



We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.

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