Wider Curriculum

Learning at St Cleer 

At St Cleer we take great care to provide a happy, safe environment where children feel confident to take risks with their learning and reach their potential. All staff at St Cleer Academy have high expectations of pupils and we believe in approaching teaching and learning in a holistic way. As well as developing children’s academic potential, we endeavour to support each child’s sporting, creative and artistic talents. The curriculum is enriched by after school provision, educational visits, a wealth of talented volunteers and a collaborative approach with the other schools in the Trust.

We are situated close to Liskeard town and Bodmin Moor and benefit from the expansive outdoors on our doorstep as well as the amenities of a local town. We are developing close links with our local schools (Team Around the School) as well as the other Trust schools. We are fortunate to have a generous, creative and supportive school community who enrich the school experience for our children and staff.

We view knowledge as encompassing not only established facts, but also concepts, ideas, themes and theories. These different forms of subject specific knowledge interlink and are mutually dependent.

Through our curriculum development and delivery:

• We use progression ladders, which we have developed with the support of the Bridge Academy Trust and these are based on the National Curriculum. These ladders were developed by exploring successful curriculums, carrying out research and trialling ideas. The ladders show how skills and knowledge progress and develop over the years at Primary School.

• The progression ladders form the basis of our coverage of objectives over a two year spiral curriculum and these allow teachers to monitor and ensure a broad, rich content. Teachers use the curriculum maps and ladders to guide their planning and assessment. Pupils ongoing progress is recorded alongside these ladders and passed on to the next class teacher. Pupil’s self-assessment through referring to the learning journey adds another dimension to the learning. They use KWL grids, mind maps and learning forums to show the depth of their understanding and knowledge along their learning journey.

• The children’s learning adventure is presented in class learning walls as well as the individual recording in pupil's wider curriculum books which reflect the journey and progress of learning. They use learning forums and unit mind maps to support the acquisition of knowledge, assess children's progress and plan next steps in the journey.

• Visitors and trips enhance the curriculum and are used to provide first hand experiences which help support real life outcomes.

• Leaders review the curriculum regularly using pupil’s work, progression ladders, pupil conferencing and pupil progress meetings to ensure it remains language rich, diverse, inclusive and develops the whole child.

• The curriculum map, the school values and engaging with external agencies such as NSPCC, Barnardo's, Big Sis, Mini-Police, Tiny Travels underpin our approach to PSHE teaching and learning and supports our commitment to developing the whole child

Below you will find our curriculum statement, progress ladders and two year curriculum map which help us ensure we teach age appropriate knowledge which builds on previous learning. 



View the following documents within your web browser or download to read later

vista folder
Autumn Term Mind Maps
vista folder
Progression Ladders
vista folder
Spring Term Mind Maps
vista folder
Summer Term Mind Maps
Curriculum Map A Long Term Plan.pdf
Curriculum Map A Long Term Plan.pdf



Curriculum Map B Long Term Plan.pdf
Curriculum Map B Long Term Plan.pdf
EYFS Pre-School Long Term Plan.pdf
EYFS Pre-School Long Term Plan.pdf
EYFS Reception Long Term Plan.pdf
EYFS Reception Long Term Plan.pdf
St Cleer Primary Academy Curriculum Statement.pdf
St Cleer Primary Academy Curriculum Statement.pdf


Our Values...



We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.



We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.



We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.



We are passionate about learning.



We are the best we can be.



We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.

A reminder that we have an INSET day on Friday 14th February - enjoy the half term and we look forward to seeing you all back in school on Monday 24th February.

© 2025 Bridge Schools trust is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Registration number 7736425. It is an exempt charity.