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Pre School   New half term

Posted 03/11/2023
by Rebecca Whitty

Welcome back everyone. 

Welcome back to a new half term everyone, we have settled right back into the swing of things.

This week we have started our new topic 'Celebrations' we looked at the day of the dead, and bon fire night. We spoke  about what the day of dead is and we all designed colourful sugar skulls.  For bon fire night we looked at how to be safe around fire works and sparklers. We also made colourful fire work paintings. 

We are very lucky and our lovely PTA got us some boom wakaers, today we had a go with them! We are now working on a nursery rhyme. 

Come back next week to see what we have been up to. 

Parents now the weather is truing wetter and colder please ensure you have waterproofs and wellies as we do go out in all weathers. and of course a nice warm coat. 

*  Grapes - please can you ensure they are sliced. Thankyou.

Next Thursday - Forest school! please bring wellies and waterproofs. 

Have a lovely weekend and we will see you all next week :) 


Year 6   3rd November 2023

Posted 03/11/2023
by Jenifer Kite


Year 3 4 A   Autumn Term 2- Week 1

Posted 01/11/2023
by Kimberley Appleby

Fishy- Friends

A huge 'thank you' to the PTA for purchasing our new fishy friends. Year 3/4A have welcomed them in to the classroom and look forward to naming them :)

Reading Challenge

Congratulations to Reece who has completed his Autumn 1 'Reading Challenge'.
*All challenges to be signed by an adult an returned by Friday please :)


Year 3 4 B   Autumn 2

Posted 31/10/2023
by Eleanor Boney

Well, what an amazing start the children have made to this half term! They have blown us away already with their commitment to their learning and their enthusiasm for our new topics - and we are only on day 2. Our mind map and learning journey are attached for this half term - let me know if any queries about what we will be covering. 

We are pleased to have Mrs Fry back working with us in the afternoons. Welcome back Mrs Fry! 

Supporting your child at home with their learning this half term: 
  • I will begin setting home learning on Atom Prime. Their logins are in their reading records. This will be set on Tuesdays with a due date of the following Tuesday.4
  • The children have been working hard both at home and at school on TTRockstars (times table practice). Certificates will go out on Fridays.  
  • Maths KIRFs for the term are....... Y3s - 3 times table and related multiplication and division facts (e.g. 3 x 3 = 9. 9 divided by 3 = 3). 
  • Please read with your child every day and record this in their reading record. 
Don't forget - P.E. is on Wednesday and Friday until Christmas :) 
Happy Halloween! 

Miss Boney, Mrs Gamble and Mrs Fry


Year 3 4 B   Autumn 2

Posted 31/10/2023
by Eleanor Boney

Hello all, 

What an amazing start the children have made to this half term! They have blown me away already with their commitment to their learning and their enthusiasm for our new topics - and we are only on day 2. 

I will begin setting home learning on Atom Prime. Their logins are in their reading records. This will be set on Tuesdays with a due date of the following Tuesday.

We are pleased to have Mrs Fry back working with us who will be with us in the afternoons. Welcome back Mrs Fry! 

I have shared the mindmap, learning journey and KIRFS for the term. 

The children have also been asking about certificates for TTRockstars. I am pleased to announce that having the website does indeed let me do this so these will be going home on a Friday with any postcards and celebration assembly certificates for the week. All the more motivation to get practicing our times tables at home! 


  • If your child is in Year 4 their KIRFs are....... I can count in 6s. I know the multiplication and division facts for the 6 times table (up to 12x6).
  • If your child is in Year 3 their KIRFs are.......  I can count in 3s. I know the multiplication and division facts for the 3 times table (up to 12x3). 
  • PE is on Wednesdays and Fridays. 
  • Please read with your child every evening and record this in their journal.
  • Atom Prime home learning available on Tuesdays and due for the following Tuesday. 


Year 5   A new half term

Posted 30/10/2023
by Thomas Hazlewood

A new half-term

Welcome back to a new half term!  I hope that you and the children have had a great break.  We have a whole range of fantastic learning opportunities planned for this half term.  Please see some of the important details below.

Year 5 Mindmap
Attached below is a mind-map which details what we plan to learn across the curriculum this half term.

Parent Consultations
We have set aside two evenings for parent consultations this half term.  Monday 6th November (3:30 - 6pm) and Wednesday 8th November (3:30 - 6pm).  Please sign up for a ten minute time slot through Arbor - or speak to Mr Hazlewood directly to arrange a suitable time.

PE Lessons
Our timetable for PE remains the same this half term.  Our PE will be on Tuesday.  Children can come into school in their PE kit on PE days.

Supporting learning at home
We encourage learning at home to support the work we do in school and enable children to become more confident.  Our home-learning expectations are:

Daily reading (15 minutes) - reading which is recorded in your reading record will contribute towards your Reading Karate reward
Times-tables and KIRF practice (20 minutes weekly) using Times Tables Rock Stars (TTRS) and the KIRF sheets (attached below).
Spellings (20 minutes weekly) - focusing on our focus spellings and the Year 4/5 and 5/6 statutory spelling lists (attached below).
Online learning - This will be set on Atom Prime (logins stuck in thy front of children's reading records)

As always, if you have any questions or concerns please do get in touch.

All the very best,  the Year 5 team.


Year 3 4 A   Autumn Term 2

Posted 27/10/2023
by Kimberley Appleby


I hope you're all having a fab Half Term and found 101 ways to enjoy the rain?
I've attached an amended timetable and the Autumn Term KIRFS.

A few reminders:

*Completed Reading Challenges to be handed in next week please :)       New RWI books will be given out on Tuesday 
**Please wear/bring PE kits on Wednesdays and Thursdays as we have Dance starting with Lily on Wednesdays (this is additional PE) and PE as normal on Thursdays.
***Please remember Reading Journals each day.

See you on Monday :)


Year 2   2H Class blog for the Autumn half term

Posted 20/10/2023
by Georgina Harden

What a fantastic half term we have had!

The first half term has come to an end and the children have made a great start to the year. It has been extremely busy and we have covered a lot in a short space of time and the children have shown a real enthusiasm for their learning as the half term went on. Please enjoy some best moments below. The children have been asking for the link to some educational games that we play in school together so please do see the links below. 

 Phonics play:

 Phonics bloom:

 Top marks (daily 10):

Please do download the WhiteRose Maths 'One minute maths' app on any apple or android device you have at home for your child to play regularly. It targets their mental arithmetic that they will need in Year 2 and beyond.


This half term in our maths lessons we have been learning about place value. We have been focusing on numbers up to 100 and understanding the relationships between numbers and what they mean. As you can see in the picture, we have also been learning to partition numbers and we used the Base 10 to help us. We have also been practising counting in our 2s, 5s, 10s and 3s. To help us with this we have using some songs which I have copy and pasted below, it would be great to play these for your children at home to help them to count confidently in these times tables. 


English This half term we have been using the story of Little Red Riding Hood to help us write our own traditional tale. We enjoyed immersing ourselves in the story and having a go at writing the story of Little Red Riding Hood before making changes to the original story. I thoroughly enjoyed watching children's creativity come alive with stories of Little Blue or a big, bad fox! We then explored poetry and what this actually is. We enjoyed listening to a range of different poems and discussing the differences between poetry and stories. Our text we used to help us was Apes - Zebras, an a to z of animal poems. We then focused on shape poetry and enjoyed writing our own poems all about lions and penguins.


This half term we have been looking at wheels and mechanisms and making a trailer for a bee bot. The children have thoroughly enjoyed exploring different toys that use wheels and axles and labelling diagrams. However, perhaps the most exciting part was using the saws to practising our wood cutting skills! We will finish this unit off after the half term and look forward to sharing our creations with you!


Our topic this half term has been animals including humans and specifically focusing on growth. We have been exploring what animals and humans need to survive and moved onto looking at a balanced diet. We looked at naming the 5 major food groups and thinking about ensuring we are eating a balanced diet. We finished this off by creating our own balanced snack plate and the children enjoyed eating this!


This half term we have been learning about the sinking of the Titanic.  The children have really enjoyed this topic and got stuck in. We have sequenced the events of the night it sank, reasons why it sank and used some sources of information to help us understand what the Titanic was like. We will finish this off after half term before we start our new topic, which dare I say it... It might be even more exciting! 

Harvest Festival

Thank you for coming to join us at the church for our Harvest Festival celebration. It was lovely to support Liskeard Food Bank and show off our love for music. As Mrs Spencer said, if you do need any support, please don't hesitate to get in contact with us.

General information

Thank you for your continued support this half term, it has definitely been a tiring one! The children have been working really hard and it has been great to get to know them more. At the end of the half term I will share the new mind-map for this next half term's learning which will outline our new topics. After the half term, we will also start to learn and practise our KS1 nativity and the children in Year 2 will be given parts. I will share more information with you as it comes about the Nativity but watch this space!

Have a lovely half term,
Miss Harden


Reception 1  

Posted 20/10/2023
by Michele Spencer

Maths in Reception and Year 1

We have been working hard and having lots of fun in our maths lessons. When we introduce a new topic to the children we use the Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract approach. We have started the Autumn term focusing on Place Value. The children have been counting and sorting objects, recognising the written words, finding 1 more and 1 less and counting backwards. We have been using the vocabulary ‘less than’, ‘more than’, ‘fewer’, ‘greater than’ and ‘equal to’. Have a look at some of our work. 


Year 3 4 A  

Posted 20/10/2023
by Kimberley Appleby

Happy Half Term :)

What a fantastic first Half Term! Year 3/4a have wrapped things up on their topic of Ancient Egypt, Place Value in Maths, Animals and Humans in Science and Traditional Stories and Poetry in English. 
Have a well-deserved break and see you in a week :)


Year 1   Week 8

Posted 19/10/2023
by Jacob Lewis


Year 1   Week 7

Posted 19/10/2023
by Jacob Lewis


Head's Blog  

Posted 19/10/2023
by Michele Spencer

Harvest Daily Mile in support of Liskeard Food Bank

Thank you so much for joining us in St Cleer church today to celebrate Harvest and support Liskeard Food Bank. Running club and 2 very supportive parents completed the daily mile at 9am and everyone else completed it across the morning. It was a lovely reminder about how movement brings joy and we are here together as a community to support each other. It takes great strength to ask for help and it is great to have such a supportive community ready and waiting to offer help when it's needed! Thank you!


Year 6   19th October

Posted 19/10/2023
by Jenifer Kite


Year 3 4 B   A super start to the year..

Posted 12/10/2023
by Eleanor Boney

Well done to the children for a fantastic start to the year.

Our learning adventure (Ancient Egyptians) is coming to an end and the children have impressed me with their enthusiasm and curiosity this term. After the break we will be learning about where our food comes from and I will update the blog soon to let you know what this will entail.

Thanks for everything you do at home; reading, KIRFs, TTRockstars – it makes such a difference! I have added a maths homework onto Atom Learning. The usernames and passwords have been stuck into reading records. Please  log on to access this and let me know if you have any problems.

The children have also loved learning about the scratch software in their computing lessons and this is freely available at for any budding programmers out there.

Finally, we are well on the way to filling our marble jar for our class reward. All being well, we will be having a class party on Wednesday afternoon. Please bring a toy of your choice that can be shared with classmates (no electronics). We will also be voting on a film.

Miss Boney and Mrs Gamble.


Head's Blog  

Posted 09/10/2023
by Michele Spencer

Black History Month 2023

In this week's assembly we look at the incredible achievements of some incredible people of black heritage. Martin Luther King, Simone Biles and Fanny Eaton just to mention a few. If you are interested in exploring further please visit:

At St Cleer we are a vibrant tapestry of experiences and our family culture and experiences are shared and celebrated - we are all equally valued and have different things to offer just by being ourselves.

It is only by meeting people with light and love that we can create a world where we all thrive. Martin Luther King said it best when he said: "Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that."


Year 6   6th October

Posted 06/10/2023
by Jenifer Kite


Pre School   Week 5!

Posted 06/10/2023
by Rebecca Whitty

Another week of fun here at Pre school.

Wow, we have had another fun week here at pre school. Kick starting the week with our Kixx session on Monday. Please remember this is EVERY

We then have had signing with Miss Rowes class and we performed our harvest festival song to them.  We then went into the forest school area with them and had a blast.  We will be starting this every Thursday after half term - Thursday parents please look out for the Tapestry post.

This weeks number we have been focusing on is the number 4! We have learnt to recognise the number and how to touch count out 4 objects. Children have even had a go at drawing the number 4 number block and recognising that he is a square!  

Our mark making and junk modelling area is a BIG hit with all of the children. Nearly everyone has visited this area and had lots of fun!

I know a few of you have said that the children have been signing the nursery rhymes at home so here we go - 

Number song of the week -

Nursery rhyme - 

* Don't forget next Wednesday is school photo day - there is a Tapestry post regarding this.

Have an amazing weekend, we shall see you all next week.

Miss Whitty and Miss Ronald 


Year 1   Week 5

Posted 05/10/2023
by Jacob Lewis


Year 6   29th September 2023

Posted 03/10/2023
by Jenifer Kite


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