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Looe Primary Academy   A wonderful day as writers

Posted 21/05/2024
by Janine Waring

We were so excited today for so many reasons.  We have got Children's University back up and running at school.  This is an opportunity for children to log all of the additional activity that they take part in beyond the daily school timetable.  They have a 'passport' to record their activities and once they reach a certain number of entries in their passport they become 'graduates' and are invited to attend a graduation ceremony at Plymouth University.  This hopefully helps them to understand that universities and further education are accessible for all.

Today we were delighted to welcome David Lawrence Jones back to school.  David is a Chancellor at Plymouth University but he is also an author and has written a number of children's books, and has made an animated film.  David is a great friend to the school and he has written a new book about Cub, the Children's University Bear and the children had met Cub not long ago when the Children's University Ambassadors came to visit.  This time though Cub had been on his travels and the children were finding out all about his adventures.

The children then worked with David to write a new adventure for Cub as he travelled around Devon and Cornwall.  Cub went to Exeter, Home Park in Plymouth, the Eden Project,  The Box, Bodmin Jail and Land's End.  They worked hard and even managed to finish their story!  The story will arrive back in school soon, so we will be able to share it soon.  Cub was so impressed with the work of the children that he arrived to congratulate them.

There was just one thing wrong with today.  Our own housework bear had been on his travels around the world recently, but we thought he was back to stay.  However, we couldn't find him anywhere and we now think he may have been so excited about Cub's travels that he has gone on his own travels again.  There is a chance he may just be being a mischief maker and that he may be hiding in your house.  If you find him, can you please send him back - we miss him when he is not here!


Chief Executive   Budding Journalists!

Posted 21/05/2024
by Adrian Massey

Groups of children from across Bridge Schools have been trained to become young journalists. They have looked at news stories from across the trust to celebrate our shared values in each of our schools.

We are delighted to bring you Bridge Stories Issue 3 Keeping Active, Taking Action.

The journalism comes from the children themselves, publishing their ideas and views about the learning that goes on across the trust. 

Thank you for taking the time to read through their work.

To view issue 1, click here.  To view issue 2 click here.


Looe Primary Academy  

Posted 21/05/2024
by Samantha Davies

Being creative with our learning

Over the last two weeks we have made some great Ancient Greek inspired pots - sadly our designs would not fit on but we enjoyed the learning how to slip and score and to use the coil method to create our pots.
We also began our science topic on the circulatory system by using our learning about hearts to create our own. The red is the oxygenated blood and the blue is the deoxygenated and then we labelled them. Great work Year 5/6 :-)


St Cleer Primary Academy   Karma & Dharma

Posted 21/05/2024
by Thomas Hazlewood

Karma and Dharma

In RE this half term we have been learning about what Hindus believe.  We have learned about how they believe that their God 'Brahman' is present in everything - and represents all aspects of life on earth.  We also learned that although there are lots of different different Hindu Gods (we particularly like Ganesha, the God who looks like an elephant), they are all representations of different aspects of Brahman (the one true God).

We learned that Hindu's believe that all living things have a piece of Brahman inside them (called Atman) so Hindu's treat all life as sacred.  We learned that the Atman goes through a cycle of birth, death and reincarnation called the Samsara.

Hindu's believe that if they do their duty (their Dharma) then they will receive good Karma.  Receiving good Karma in this life will mean that Hindu's get reincarnated closer to Brahman in the next life.  Eventually, Hindu's believe that they can achieve Moksha which means that their Atman is released from the cycle of reincarnation and is joined back with Brahman for eternity.  They are really tricky beliefs to understand - so to help us we played a game of Moksha Chitram (snakes and ladders).  At the foot of every ladder we wrote examples of things which Hindus would do which might lead to good karma, and at the head of every snake we wrote actions which might lead Hindus to receive bad karma.  We think we are starting to understand the Hindu beliefs about birth, death and reincarnation.


St Cleer Primary Academy   Phonics check booklet 2

Posted 20/05/2024
by Jacob Lewis


Polruan Primary Academy  

Posted 19/05/2024
by Jane Wills


A huge WELL DONE to our super Year 6 – we are beyond proud of the resilience, determination and positive attitude shown this week in completing the SATs. Celebrated in style with a walk to the Block House for some reflective sketching and finished with ice creams and play in the park.

Parent questionnaire

The Trust parent questionnaire is open now and will close on Friday 24th May. It is easy to complete by following the link below. We would love to know your views as parental feedback is really important to us to understand how we can provide the best possible education for your child at Polruan Primary. Please click on this link to complete it: Parent and Carer Questionnaire – Summer 2024

Mental Health
The Mental Health in Schools Team have sent us online parent workshop dates for the following topics:

• Understanding Resilience
• Understanding Worry
• Sleep Workshop
• Year 6 Transition
• Behaviour as Communication

These are online and free to attend. To sign up, please follow the links on the posters attached to email sent on Tuesday 14th May. A lot of these topics reciprocate what is taught in school and might further understanding in supporting your child. 

Achievement Assembly:
Stars of the Week:
Liam for showing resilience and determination during SATs
Kayden for following the rules and making the right choices
Reader of the Week:
Liam because he has been great this week!
Ava for fantastic attitude and enthusiasm for reading 


Polperro Primary Academy   Penhallow 17.5.2024

Posted 19/05/2024
by Karen Taylor

It was another fun week in Penhallow this week where in Geography we explored what a messy map was and considered what the classroom and school looked like from a Bird's Eye View. We enjoyed working in groups to make our own.

In maths Reception have been exploring sharing and grouping. Year 1s are enjoying their fractions topic by looking at what is meant by half and quarter.

PE has encouraged us to improve our ball control skills whilst dribbling and our inside PE sessions have been all about balancing, breathing and travelling in different ways. We have really enjoyed our Yoga sessions this term.

We have continued investigating bugs for our enquiry question, Is it a Bug's Life? We have all now learnt new facts about our chosen minibeasts and written up our fact files.
We are enjoying our new text, What the Ladybird Heard and will be continuing exciting activities all about this text in our English next week.

Well done to Penhallow's People of the Week this week! Martha and Casey were chosen for showing excellent examples of our school values this week. 

Well done also to Dexter, Finn, Theo and Evie G for achieving their next badges in 99 club this week.

As always, please try to keep up with your amazing efforts in your reading and pop onto twinklGO! for any extra activities, especially in preparation for the Phonics Screening Check that is coming up for the Year 1s in June.

Remember our PE days are on Wednesday and Friday, it is important that children have their PE kit in school to ensure they can join in with the activities. The weather is looking good for this week so perhaps we'll have our first dip in the pool for 2024! Please make sure labelled swimming kits (with hats) are in school too.

We hope that you enjoy a lovely weekend and look forward to seeing you on Monday for our shorter week before the half term Whitsun holiday.

Mrs Taylor, Mrs G, Miss Colton, Miss Cullingford and Miss Hodge.


Pelynt Primary Academy   Week ending 17th May 2024

Posted 19/05/2024
by Suzanne Porter

A massive well done to our year 6 children for completing their SATs with such great attitudes. They should all be extremely proud of their efforts; we are beyond proud of them. The whole class had a much-deserved celebration with their SATs party on Friday. We look forward to our outdoor learning day on Wednesday too.

This week, amongst lots of other things, the children improved their mastery of drawing. They learnt how to draw and use a grid to support them with their detailed drawings. They explored this method and used various drawing media whilst recording their thoughts in their sketch books. Some children decided to use charcoal which they started learning to use last week.  

The children used their recent computing learning of manipulating and presenting media to create a modified image of themselves as a Viking. They took a picture of themselves and then layered other parts of images into the picture. They included (historically accurate) Viking helmets, clothing and some children even added Viking style facial hair! They then used their art learning to try and draw this using many of the drawing techniques they have learnt across the year. The children are looking forward to sharing their final outcomes with you at our class assembly on Tuesday morning.  

Points to remember:

PE on Monday.

Class 4 assembly 9am Tuesday 21st May.

Class 4 outdoor learning day Wednesday 22nd May.

INSET day Friday 24th May.

Residential 12th-14th June 2024.


Pelynt Primary Academy   Week ending Friday 17th May

Posted 19/05/2024
by Helen Fitzsimmons

Hello Everyone,

This week, we have particularly enjoyed our science work, where we planned our own investigation relating to plants. The children thought of their own scientific questions to ask, and worked together to plan ways to answer these questions.

In maths this week, year 1 have been learning about position and direction. They particularly enjoyed using apps on the iPads to practice their understanding of vocabulary such as; clockwise, quarter and half turns.

In PSHE, we have been learning a song about families, that we would like to sing to you in our assembly next week. We hope that you like it. 

Next week, it will be our outdoor learning day on Monday. Please can children wear clothes and shoes suitable for whatever the weather may bring.

On Thursday, we have our class assembly at 9:00, where we look forward to showing you our learning from this half term.

Year 2 pupils will also complete their end of key stage SATS tests next week. These tests are now non statutory, but we have chosen to complete them, in order to help us to form judgements about asessments in reading, maths, spelling and writing. We  already have a secure knowledge of the children’s strengths and areas for improvement in these subjects. The tests therefore will simply help us to become more informed about our judgements. To the children, the tests will just be a part of their normal routine. They are already prepared and familiar with the test formats. 


Pelynt Primary Academy   Week Beginning 13th May 2024

Posted 19/05/2024
by Rebecca Gravener

We had another super week at Pre-School and have yet again enjoyed being outside in our playground and garden.

This week we have been reading the story of "The Tiny Seed" by Eric Carle -
The Tiny Seed

This is the story of how a tiny seed travels from its parent plant and blows across seas, deserts and mountains, braving many hazards along the way, before finally finding a place to settle and grow into a beautiful flower so that the story can start again. A beautiful and uplifting first introduction to the life cycle of a seed.

We have been planting more seed in Pre-School for our garden area, we've planted some peas, carrots, beetroot and some more beans and sunflowers, hopefully with this warm weather we will have some super plants and be able to watch them grow.

We have also been baking some cupcakes using poppy seeds and made some beautiful flowers using cup cake cases and doilies which we have put up on our growing display board to make it look pretty.

On Wednesday we made some little gardens with some of the parents that came in for our Stay and Play afternoon, thank you to all of you that came in , it was lovely to see you and I know the children enjoyed sharing there day with you.

We have one week left until our half term holiday, this year is certainly whizzing by, just a reminder that we finish next Thursday 23rd May and the Friday is an inset day.

We are hoping to start "Our Big Brush Club" the week we return from half term, please may we ask for the remainder of the reply slips as we have to order our resources.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend enjoying the sunshine.
Mrs G, Mrs Rickard, Mrs Rowe and Miss Carr.

Dates for your diary :

24th May - Inset Day, School/Pre-School Closed
27th - 31st May - Half Term Holiday
3rd June - Back to School


Pelynt Primary Academy  

Posted 18/05/2024
by Alexander Knight

Learning Outside the Classroom

Our LOtC day saw the us enjoying the forest school area, the great weather and some of our slimy friends!  We started the day on a scavenger hunting, searching for as many different things as we could and everyone had their own interpretation.  Some groups found big things some groups small.  We then had to categorise them and here we looked at things that had grown and it made us realise the impact we have on our environment when we looked at all the things that would not have naturally grown their.  This gave us the opportunity to remove and tidy our forest school area and also to think about projects we'd like to put in place.

Under Mrs Dan's direction,  our allotment bed had been refreshed and planted with rows of potatoes.  We are also trying some companion planting with various types and beans being planted and we hope that these will be able to grow up the sunflowers and sweet corn that we've planted alongside.

Time will tell just how successful our planting will be.

Mr Knight.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy 


Polperro Primary Academy  

Posted 18/05/2024
by Emily Randle



Polperro Primary Academy  

Posted 18/05/2024
by Emily Randle


It's been another busy week in Chaipel. Firstly, I want to say how incredibly proud I am of our Y6s. They were amazing this week, supporting each other through their SATs and were ambassadors of our Bridge School Values! Thank you parents and carers for supporing us and bringing them into school extra early for their bacon baps and a natter. It really helped! We celebrated in style after the last test, a lovely ice-cream from Noah's dad's cafe at Talland and then off to the beach. We did say to 'paddle only' but...

In Art, we made tie-dye swatches at the beginning of the week and evaluated the outcomes such as: colour scheme, technique and application of the dye. We then decided on which technique and colour scheme we would like then created our own T-shirts. They are currently hanging out to dry in my garden and they look amazing! Can you spot which one is yours?

On Friday, the Mayor of Polperro came in to annouce the winners of the Polperro Festival programme cover competition. Congratulations to DAISY for winning 3rd place, VERITY for 2nd place and MAX B for his 1st place entry for Chaipel class!

In other areas of the curriculum, Chaipel have been learning about classification, moving on from animals this week to plants for our final week this half term. Y5s had Music with Mrs Butlin, whilst the Y6s were down at Talland beach, practising for our upcoming Polperro Fesitval in June.

Next week is only a 4-day week, finishing on Thursday for pupils.
The swimming pool is ready so please make sure you have your swimming kit in every day as we intend to make the most of it. Each pupil must have swimming kit, towel and a swim cap. Please see the secretary if you do not have a swim cap.

That's all from me so have a lovely weekend and see you all on Monday!

Miss Randle and Mrs Clary


Polperro Primary Academy   17 May 2024

Posted 18/05/2024
by Anthea Hillman

Well done to our wonderful year 6 pupils who have been excellent this week in their attitude towards their SATS.  They had a well-deserved celebration on the beach after sitting their last paper. Thank you to the Smugglers Cafe for the warm welcome and ice-creams!

Parent Questionnaire The Trust parent questionnaire is open now and will close at 4pm on Thursday 23rd May. We would love to have your views as your feedback is really important to us to achieve the best possible education for the children. Please click on this link to complete it: Parent and Carer Questionnaire – Summer 2024

Polperro Festival Programme Cover Competition Earlier this term, the children each designed a cover for this year’s Polperro Festival Programme. The standard of design was fantastic which made choosing winners a difficult task. Congratulations to all of our winners, who were presented with certificates by the Mayor and Mayoress of Polperro. All of the designs will be displayed at the festival on Big Green during festival week. The overall winning design, by Henry, will appear on the programme. Well done Henry!

MSHT (Mental Health in Schools Team) Parent Workshops Please see attached details of the East-Cornwall Parent Workshops which will be held over the next few months. These are free, one-off, one hour long, online workshops with Mental Health Practitioners.

Upcoming dates Half term is coming up: 24th May – 2nd June. Class photos are happening on 3rd June. The school will be performing at the Polperro School Festival Day on Big Green this year on Tuesday 18th June. Sports Day is on 25th June (10am-12) with a reserve date of 27th June. These and other diary dates can be found on the Events Diary page.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Hillman


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   Week Ending 17th May 2024

Posted 17/05/2024
by Joanna Morris


Our Year 6’s have been absolutely amazing this week. All of the staff at Brunel Primary are so proud of how well they have tackled their SATs in a calm, diligent manner. They are certainly pleased to have finished and are rightly proud of themselves.

Really well done all of you.


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   Week Ending 17th May 2024

Posted 17/05/2024
by Joanna Morris


Our Year 6’s have been absolutely amazing this week. All of the staff at Brunel Primary are so proud of how well they have tackled their SATs in a calm, diligent manner. They are certainly pleased to have finished and are rightly proud of themselves.

Really well done all of you.


Polperro Primary Academy   Friday 17th May 2024

Posted 17/05/2024
by Alice Gibbings

Another busy week for Landaviddy Class! 

We have been keen Scientist's this week, designing and conducting an experiment to discover whether all magnets are the same strength. We couldn't believe how many paper clips were attracted to each magnet! In History, we started to created fact file posters about Sir Francis Drake, following our visit to the National Maritime Museum last week. On Thursday, we had a wonderful whole school Music session run by Mrs Butlin. We can't wait to share with you the songs we have been learning at the Polperro Festival in June. In Art, we explored the work of Coco Chanel and produced our own collaged hats, using images of Coco Chanel's fashion designs. In PE, we worked in groups to recreate different maps using various equipment, which was lots of fun!

We have been focussing hard this week on writing up our final neat copies of our biographies. All the children have done such a brilliant job, and we are blown away by their hard work and writing. Well done everyone!

In Maths, Year 2 have been looking at recognising and findings halves and quarters. Year 3 have been identifying fractions on a number line, which had been a challenge. However, everyone was determined to try their best. 

Remember, please make sure you are reading your coloured book at home and bringing it in to school everyday with your reading record. Year 2 also have their phonics minibooks, relating to the phoneme/grapheme we are focussing on for that week.

We hope you have a lovely weekend full of sunshine, and look forward to seeing you on Monday. 

Mrs Wilkie, Mrs Phillips and Miss Cullingford


Wadebridge Primary Academy   Year 3 17th May 2024

Posted 17/05/2024
by Lindsey Smerdon


What a busy 2 weeks we have had in Year 3!

Last Friday we had a fantastic alternative day of sports. Coaches from Arena came in to deliver some awesome games including Dartmoor 3 ball, Capture the Flag, American Football, Boccia and Archery. We had a fantastic day and we were very impressed with the skills and teamwork that we saw. 

Also this week we have been continuing with sewing. Year 3 first designed their pillows before cutting the fabric, sewing the motif and using a running stitch to sew it all together. The finished designs looks fabulous!  

In Science we have been looking at Plants and continuing with our work in the school Polytunnel growing flowers and vegetables. We conducted an experiment, which we have been monitoring for the last 3 weeks, to see if a seed will germinate and grow in a darkness, artificial light and natural sunlight. We also used soil and cotton wool to compare growth too.  We predicted that the seeds in the natural light and soil would grow the best as those conditions give a plant everything it needs to grow. The children were amazed to see that the seeds in darkness did germinate however, the seedlings were stringy, brown and did not look too healthy. After half term we will be starting to look at the Water Cycle and Rivers. 

We are looking forward to our Geography Field Trip on Monday and will post some pictures from the trip later next week.

Have a lovely weekend!

The Year 3 Team 


Polperro Primary Academy   Talland's Class Blog 17.5.24

Posted 17/05/2024
by Ben Heasman-Langley


A busy week for Talland!

A huge thank you to all of Talland for being so respectful to the Year 6's during SATS week. Their behaviour was fantastic! Also, well done to the Year 6's - great effort with all of the tests this week! A nice relaxing weekend is definitely needed!

Year 4's have just finished their unit on decimals - they will have their end of unit assessment on Monday.
Year 5's are working their way through decimals still. They've been looking at adding and subtracting decimals. Onto decimal sequences next week.

Talland have been working hard at finding features of a persuasive text. Now we know what persuasive writing entails (apologies for some really persuasive birthday wish list letters coming your way), we will be planning and writing a letter to Cornwall Council - We want recycling bins!

We've had the atlases out and have been discovering where different countries are in North and South America! It looks like such an amazing place to visit! Fun fact: Did you know that there are different time zones in America because it is SO BIG!

Talland have just finished their mood board for the final art piece they will be creating next week. I'm really excited to see the final product. Thank you to everyone who has sent some photos in - they're great!

That's it from us. We hope you have a fantastic weekend.

Signing off from Mr. Langley, Mr. Bishop and Mrs. Hodge. 


Lanlivery Primary Academy   End of SATS week

Posted 17/05/2024
by Lauren Howell

Maritime Museum Visit 

It was SATS week this week and all the year 6 pupils worked incredibly hard. They loved their tasty breakfast every day and shone through the whole week. Well done!!!

To finish the week we decided to head down to the Maritime Museum, thanks to a grant from the Cornish Heritage Trust. It was a beautiful day and we had a fantastic view out across Falmouth. 

We took the opportunity to learn more about the Vikings to help our history work. We experienced trading, thought about how they sailed and tried to make silver coins. 

We also had a chance to explore all the exhibits in the museum. Being able to see under the sea was a particular highlight!

The children had a great day!


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Our Values...



We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.



We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.



We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.



We are passionate about learning.



We are the best we can be.



We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.

Sports Day Thursday 4th July - 9.15am EYFS/KS1; 1:45pm KS2.

© 2024 Bridge Schools trust is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Registration number 7736425. It is an exempt charity.