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Duloe C of E Primary Academy  

Posted 14/06/2024
by Laura Cole

St Cuby's Summer Fete

Preparations are in full swing for tomorrow's summer fete. The children have been busy today baking a selection of fantastic treats which will be on sale from our school stall tomorrow.

The summer fete promises to be a fantastic day with loads of fun for all the family. Plus, as a bonus, the organisers are kindly donating a considerable proportion of the money raised to our school PTFA.


Looe Primary Academy  

Posted 13/06/2024
by Rebecca Marshall

Plymouth University - Carbon Literacy Workshop
Thursday 12th June 

Today we went to Plymouth University with some of the children in Year 4 and 5. While we were at the University, we took part in a Carbon Literacy Workshop led by Taylor and Wimpy who are a housing development company. We learnt a lot about how houses are built and the different roles within this choice of employment. In this job, there are so many things to consider especially when you have to think responsibly about the environment. 


Wadebridge Primary Academy   Landscape layers

Posted 13/06/2024
by Ellie Lake

The children have been creating layered landscapes in a series of art lessons. They have been focusing on the art discipline of textiles. First they created a background ensuring the sky and ground weren't just strips at the top and bottom. Then with much concentration and determination, using a needle and thread to create the next layer. This was through creating stitches (regular or irregular) to add detail. For example blue stiched to create waves in the sea. The final layer was adding fabric or embellishments for extra details. The children were very proud of their finished pieces. 


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   Art Week

Posted 13/06/2024
by Katie Grinsted

Amazing Art!

Tregantle Class have really enjoyed getting creative during our art week this week! We started the week with an assembly entitled 'be more like moss.' We learnt about how amazing moss is and looked closely at the textures and patterns it creates. The children then had the chance to make their own little piece of pom-pom moss by threading lots of different types of fabrics and adding them to the huge 'moss sheet.' 
Throughout the rest of the week the Year 1 children have focused on improving their observational drawing skills. They picked a different farm animal each day and used the shapes, lines and spacing that they saw to draw some very accurate animals. 
The EYFS children have been experimenting with the patterns they can make with paint. They have tried marble painting, bubble paining and string painting. All techniques were fully embraced and the classroom art wall is now full of very colourful paintings!  


Polperro Primary Academy   14 June 2024

Posted 13/06/2024
by Anthea Hillman

This has been a very busy and enjoyable week with rehearsals for the Polperro Festival.

Bridge School Games. Next week the children will all have the opportunity to participate in the Bridge School Games. This year there is a Parisian Olympic Theme to the 5 events that they will be trying their hand at. A Bridge Schools Olympic Torch has been relayed from school to school in the run up to the games and the children (and staff) have enjoyed creating a video of the torch being paraded round the school. Please ensure your child has their PE kit in all week.

Polperro Festival Parade. Children and families are invited to attend the opening parade tomorrow to celebrate the first day of the festival. Families are invited to meet outside Polperro Village Hall at MIDDAY in preparation for a 12:30pm start. Please come dressed in colourful clothes/outfits – as bright and cheery as possible.

Polperro Festival School’s Day Tuesday 18th June
We look forward to seeing you on Big Green on Tuesday. Please ensure that your child comes to school in their uniform with their packed lunch, a drink, sun hat and sun cream and a coat if the weather changes. Children participating in the taekwondo demonstration should bring their taekwondo kit and they will change at the festival.

The programme is as follows (timings are approximate):
11.00 – 11:20 – Welcome and singing
11.20 – 11:40 – Taekwondo Demonstration
11.40 – 12:00 – Young Musicians
12.00 – 13:00 – Lunch (12.15 – 13.00 Magician Performance for the children)
13:00 – 13:15 – Solo and Group Singers
13.15 – 13.30 – Penhallow Class performance
13.30 – 13.45 – Landaviddy Class performance
13.45 – 14.05 – Talland Class performance
14.05 – 14.25 – Chaipel Class performance 1
4.25 – 14.45 – Singing finale

We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday at Big Green. 

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Hillman


Duloe C of E Primary Academy   Super Sixes

Posted 13/06/2024
by David Hannah

Our 15 children in Year 6 did an excellent job with their SATs. The children were calm and focused and it was an absolute pleasure to see them approach the week in such a mature way. After their final assessment of the week, not only did the children gorge themselves on popcorn and biscuits, but they were also given their leavers hoodies to wear for the rest of the term. Governor, Penny Geech, presented their hoodies.

We would also like to thank Penny for generously volunteering her time to help invigilate the SATs assessments all week.


Duloe C of E Primary Academy   Porthpean Educational Visit

Posted 13/06/2024
by David Hannah

Class 3 visited Porthpean Outdoor Adventure Centre where the children were able to participate in a range of activities from rock pooling to giant SUPs and Kayaking. Luckily, the weather was very kind to us, and we were also spoilt by seeing a number of seals while we were on the water. 


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy  

Posted 12/06/2024
by Sara Mckillop

w/e 14/6/24

I don’t think we could have had a more exciting and busy week if we tried! 

We opened the week with an introduction to Arts Week. We were joined by The Mossy Project and some children got to make some fantastic art with them. Back in the classroom, we started our own projects, based on the work of Wayne Thiebaud and his ‘3 donuts’ painting. They looked good enough to eat by the end of the week! 

On Tuesday, the big day had arrived for our trip to the Eden Project. We became Rainforest Rangers as we learned how to survive in the Amazon. We passed our training and had the BEST day exploring the whole of Eden! More photos here:

We also completed our Multiplication Checks this week. The children did AMAZINGLY well and all their hard work to learn their times tables certainly paid off! 


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy  

Posted 12/06/2024
by Sara Mckillop

w/e 7/6/24

In English, we have been planning our explanation texts ready for writing next week. The children have chosen their preferred sea creature and will explain how they have adapted to their environment. The class are really enjoying this as we have some really keen interest in marine species. 

In maths, we have been working with money and time - two quite tricky subjects! Keep up the great work, everyone! A huge success for us this week was winning the MTC Cup in a South West league of year 4 children! Everyone smashed it! 

On Thursday, we thought of D-Day and remembered what had happened and talked about why. This was followed by a special assembly from Mrs Cooper where we learnt more and remembered with remembrance poems, written by some of year 6 earlier this year.


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   Eden Trip!

Posted 12/06/2024
by Joanne Pentreath

Eden Project

 On Tuesday, we enjoyed a trip to The Eden Project where we were able to feel and sense what it would be like in a real rainforest. We enjoyed being explorers in our workshop, 'Puzzling Plants', where the children used a map to navigate their way through the tropical biome, collecting facts and clues about different exciting plants. We also enjoyed exploring the Mediterranean biome and some of the other areas on offer at Eden, including the new park which was greatly enjoyed by all!


Polperro Primary Academy   14/6/24

Posted 12/06/2024
by Julie Peat

This week we have continued to talk about superheroes. The children have painted paper plates to make shields and used different coloured tissue paper to decorate super hero masks.
They have enjoyed play in the construction themed role play area where they have been building with the duplo and large soft shaped bricks and fixing with the tools.

At story time we have continued exploring the range of “Supertato” stories.
In maths, we have been counting, ordering and writing numbers 1-5 and finding sprecial objects up to 5.

In phonics the children enjoyed having a go at rhyming bingo. They explored and tried hard when identifying initial sounds in words and we went on a listening walk in the playground before recording what we heard by drawing pictures.

Have a great weekend

Julie and Sarah


Lanlivery Primary Academy   D Day

Posted 11/06/2024
by Lauren Howell

Lanlivery marks D Day 

Last Thursday was the 80th anniversary of D Day. We were invited out to the flag pole for a ceremony to raise the flay. We heard the reading and then the flag was raised as one of our ex-pupils played the cornet. Pupils from our neighboring school and from the village also came out to see the flag fly. 

On the same day the first poppy in our wild flower garden bloomed! 


Darite Primary Academy   Welcome back to Summer 2

Posted 11/06/2024
by Charlotte Godby

We hope you all had a lovely half term break and are as excited as we are for the busy term ahead. Our enquiry question for our work in the wider curriculum this half term is "how has crime and punishment changed in Britain?" An overview of the areas of learning for this half term can be found below along with the homework menu and spelling packs for this half term. 

Important Dates for the term ahead:
  • Wednesday 12th June - Class 3 Trip to Bodmin Jail
  • Friday 14th June - Whole School Olympic Day
  • Monday 17th - Friday 21st June - year 6 residential
  • Monday 24th June - Whole school beach day
  • Wednesday 3rd July - school play. Performances at 2pm and 5:30
  • Monday 8th and Tuesday 9th July - Liskeard Induction days for year 6 
  • Wednesday 10th July - Whole school trip to Hidden Valley
  • Monday 15th July - Sports day
  • Wednesday 17th July - year 6 BBQ and water fight
  • Thursday 18th July - Alternative sports day
  • Monday 22nd July - Year 6 Leaver's Assembly in the morning and class leaving activities in the afternoon


Looe Primary Academy  

Posted 11/06/2024
by Helen Hoskin


Our topic for this half term is Are Minibeasts like us? We discovered a bee in the garden, sadly the bee had died, but this was still a fantastic learning opportunity for us. We took out our mini magnifying glasses and we had a good look at the bee close up. We were able to see where the bee's sting would be, we discovered that the bee is quite fluffy and furry. We took a look at the stripes and we counted it's legs too!


Looe Primary Academy  

Posted 11/06/2024
by Rebecca Marshall

Trip to Looe Beach and The RNLI Lifeboat Station
Monday 10th June

Today the children had a fantastic day in Looe and spent the day on the beach and had a very informative visit to the Lifeboat station. We were able to find out lots about the role of the RNLI and the coastguards. We also know how to get help if we should have an accident while we are at the beach or in the sea. It was great to see how important the RNLI are in a town like Looe. Maybe this might be a job that we would like to have in the future. 


St Cleer Primary Academy   Summer 1 Catchup

Posted 10/06/2024
by Jacob Lewis


St Cleer Primary Academy   Our last half term!

Posted 10/06/2024
by Rebecca Whitty

Our last half term together! 

Wow! we can not believe we are now into our last half term together.  

This half term out topic is  - 'School readiness' You will shorty be receiving a  leaflet that we hand out every year so you know what to expect and what the expectations are.  

From Monday the 17th we will be asking parents / carers to stay outside in the morning. The children will need to carry their bags in and sort themselves out. We of course will be here to help them, but this is what they will be doing next year. 

The children are really enjoying learning their phonics sounds. Some have even started to use Fred talk and sound and blend CVC words together! 
This week we are focusing on 'e' and 'f'. 

Last week we had lovely weather and we made the most of it outside. The children built their very own outdoor library. Explored new musical instruments creating lovely pieces of music. 

We are still enjoying our forest school sessions, please remember to bring footwear for this. 

We are asking please can EVERYONE bring a sun hat in and apply long lasting sun cream before school, we can top up and assist the children but we cannot 'rub' it in. 

This Friday we have Shelia's school of dance coming in for a session. 
We can't wait to see you when you are next in!

Miss Whitty and Miss Ronald. 


Polruan Primary Academy   Friday 10th July

Posted 09/06/2024
by Amy Fernie

Friday 10th July

In Canute class, we have enjoyed a fantastic first week back after the half-term break. The children have settled back into their routines quickly, and we have many exciting things planned for this half term. We are thrilled to welcome new pupils, embark on new trips, and introduce our new teacher, Mrs. Andrews, who has loved her first week with us all at Polruan. Thank you for making her feel so welcome!

Our new topic for this term is "What's that commotion in the Ocean?"
We will be exploring various subjects through this theme:
- Geography: Learning about where countries and continents are located.
- History: Discovering famous explorers. - Art: Focusing on drawing, painting, and weaving.
- PE, RE, PHSE & ICT: Continuing with our usual engaging activities.

In English, we have been planning out poems based on the poem "If I was in charge of the world," and there have been some fabulous ideas. The children will start writing them on Monday, with a real focus on handwriting, I cannot wait to hear their completed Poems.

In Maths:
- Reception have been Exploring numbers up to 20.
- Year 1 have been trying to understandplace value up to 100.
- Year 2 have been Learning about fractions.

Everyone has worked hard on these different areas, and we are so proud of their efforts!

Please note, we are changing Wild Tribe this week from Tuesday to Friday, so please come prepared on Friday! Looking forward to another great week ahead!

Best wishes,
Mrs Fernie, Mrs Andrews, Miss Taylor, Miss Talbot


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   Week Ending 7th June 2024

Posted 09/06/2024
by Joanna Morris

We have come to the end of the first week in our final half term. Year 6 have been busy with Bike Ability, lawn bowls and delving into the world of Stanley Yelnats via the book ‘Holes’.

Both classes have been working on their English skills by developing their descriptive writing with a particular focus on characterisation, dialogue and setting. They have all produced an individual piece of work based on the novel, which many are thoroughly enjoying.

We also remembered the incredible bravery of all of those who were willing to fight for our freedom in the D-Day landings 80 years ago. Three of our pupils read their war-based poems to the rest of the school to mark this solemn and important date.

Over the coming weeks, our thoughts will begin to turn towards the end of year celebrations and how we can mark the culmination of Year 6 in style! Keep reading the blog and checking your emails to discover more.


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   Week Ending 24th June 2024

Posted 09/06/2024
by Joanna Morris

Whilst most of the year group sped off to Okehampton, a select few were privileged to experience a collapsed timetable and a range of activities before the half term holiday.

Monday saw the group begin the challenge of creating giant insects for Saltash Library. A huge weevil and a delicate damselfly are both under construction and will eventually be hung from the library ceiling over the summer; read the future blogs for images of the completed creations.

Tuesday, the children were treated to an exclusive, private swimming session at Saltash Leisure Centre complete with inflatables. Thank you so much to the staff at the pool who generously offered this session to the children: they thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

Wednesday saw us at the mercy of the Cornish weather! We took a trip out o Kelly Bray woods near Callington for a forest fun day. We were able to play various games and build a shelter just before the heavens opened! Whilst the rain dripped through the leaves, we had fun making clay creations before retreating to the minibus for an early return to school. Typically, this was the point when the sun came out, so we ate al-fresco before heading home.

Thursday found us at Hessinford walking our way through the woods towards Seaton Beach. We had great fun finding various stick to play ‘Pooh Sticks’ along the route culminating with a flurry of games off the small foot bridge. We then made our way to the park and our picnic :)

Once at the beach, we all enjoyed cricket, Smite, paddling, shell seeking and burying Ayrton up to his neck!

It has been a great week, and we look forward to hearing about the adventures of the other Year 6s and their trip to Okehampton.


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We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.



We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.



We are passionate about learning.



We are the best we can be.



We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.

Sports Day Thursday 4th July - 9.15am EYFS/KS1; 1:45pm KS2.

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