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Polperro Primary Academy   3/5/24

Posted 30/04/2024
by Julie Peat

This week we have been looking at different types of insects and answering our new enquiry question “What do bugs do?”
The children have been busy exploring the bugs in the tuft tray and comparing them to our insect book to see what they are called.
They have created lovely art work including paper plate and thumb print lady birds and brightly coloured butterflies.

At story time we have enjoyed the story of “The bad tempered ladybird” and “What the ladybird heard”.
In phonics we have been making different voice sounds, grouping objects with the same initial sound and performing different actions to a song about the woods and woodland animals.

In maths we have been writing numbers 1-5, ordering and grouping numbers and comparing sizes.

We now have a long weekend with the bank holiday upon us and hopefully the weather will be kind.

Have a lovely time and we will see you back to nursery from Tuesday.

Julie and Sarah


Gunnislake Primary Academy   April 2024

Posted 30/04/2024
by Claire Martin

We started by talking about where some of our food comes from. We looked at a world map to see where pineapples are grown. We talked about how they would get to the UK and then how they would get to the shops. I explained that lorries, boats and aeroplanes give out a lot of bad gas which goes up into the sky and is very bad for our world. We talked about how it’s really good for our environment to eat locally produced food as this produces less food miles. We talked about how to grow seeds. We discussed what we thought we would need and then watched a short story which explained how to grow a bean. We then planted beans.

We learnt about honey bees and why they’re important. We also learnt about how and why they make honey. As we found out that they need flowers we decided to plant some sunflowers. We also did lots of bee activities including making bee models, bee puppets and painting pictures of bees and flowers. We then used our phonic skills to write sentences about bees.

In PE we've been learning to control balls by dribbling around cones and by aiming at a goal. Over the last few weeks we've had a music teacher leading our music lessons. The children have really enjoyed listening to and exploring different instruments. They also really enjoyed Maypole dancing. 


Looe Primary Academy   Alternative Sports Day

Posted 29/04/2024
by Janine Waring

It was the first time that we held our Alternative Sports Day and we were hoping for a good weather day; we were lucky!  It was so lovely to see so many parents taking part with their in all of the different activities we had to offer.  We had dance and fitness, cross-fit, foot golf, segway, archery, fencing, street-surfing relay racing, boccia and many more.  Although some parents took some persuading, we had so many join in and the atmosphere was wonderful.  A chance for a picnic on the field also went down well.

We also managed to raise over £100 for our chosen charity, 'Boundless Trust', who also joined us on the day along with many of our chosen sports providers and some community organisations.  We think we will be repeating the day as it was so successful.  Thank you to all those who gave their support.


St Cleer Primary Academy  

Posted 29/04/2024
by Lisa Nute

Trip to the Fire Station

As part of their immersive learning experience on the Great Fire of London, our Year 1 students embarked on an exciting adventure to the local fire station. Accompanied by dedicated firefighters, they explored the evolution of firefighting tools and techniques, bridging the gap between past and present.

Through engaging activities such as trying on firefighter gear and wielding hoses, the students gained firsthand insight into the bravery and teamwork essential in emergencies.

Returning to the classroom, the students shared their newfound knowledge and enthusiasm, inspired to continue their exploration of history. The trip not only ignited curiosity but also instilled appreciation for the courageous efforts of firefighters then and now, leaving a lasting impact on their educational journey.


Pelynt Primary Academy   Week ending 26th April 2024

Posted 28/04/2024
by Suzanne Porter

During our English lessons this week, whilst focusing on Beowulf, the children learnt about the progressive and perfect tenses along with planning their own characters for their story. Each child decided how they wanted to plan their character. Some decided to use their computing skills to combine pictures together; others drew their idea straight from their imagination. Once they had come up with a character idea, each child, created ambitious word banks and planned figurative language to support them when drafting their story. 

In our science lesson, the children learnt about separating mixtures. They filtered, sieved, evaporated, and used magnetic attraction to separate out a variety of mixtures.

As part of our art lesson this week, the children drew a preassessment piece of artwork which we can reflect back on at the end of our drawing topic to see whether we can notice any improvements in our mastery of drawing.   

During our RE lesson, the children learnt key vocabulary linked with Islam. They enjoyed using Seesaw to record their findings.

In PSHE, we continued our focus on relationships. The children thought about how everyone in class is connected and has things in common with each other. We tried to visually represent our connections in class by passing a ball of string between as many people as we could.  

Homework has been set on Mathletics and Spelling Shed. Please also remember to read regularly and that we have Times Table Rockstar logins.

Points to remember:

PE on Mondays and Fridays

SATs week- 13th- 16th May


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   Week Ending 26th April 2024

Posted 28/04/2024
by Joanna Morris

We have reached the end of our latest topic, ‘What’s so special about clouds’. We have focussed on a range of themes including erosion, human impact on the coast, how clouds are formed, their influence on the weather and how to read maps. We finished this week by completing some personal research into questions we still had on the topic. We recorded our findings in our books and on a few clouds too! 


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   Week Ending 26th April 2024

Posted 28/04/2024
by Joanna Morris

We have reached the end of our latest topic, ‘What’s so special about clouds’. We have focussed on a range of themes including erosion, human impact on the coast, how clouds are formed, their influence on the weather and how to read maps. We finished this week by completing some personal research into questions we still had on the topic. We recorded our findings in our books and on a few clouds too! 


Polruan Primary Academy  

Posted 28/04/2024
by Jane Wills

Good news!

Monday afternoon, we had a special assembly to celebrate the children whose art and writing were awarded prices in this year’s Fowey Festival. A huge congratulations goes to IRINA, who won second place in the KS1 Arts category with her beautifully colourful and creative interpretation of the seaside. We are all very impressed with her collage – what a fantastic role model she is for our school community. Further congratulations go to Ava and Mya, who received commendations for their art work and Liam for his brilliant poem about the Thieves of Polruan.

We had further good news on Wednesday, when Tammy popped in to school with the proceeds from the Polly Swish Clothes Swap and Joanna Sandy's plant sale. They managed to raise an incredible £130 which we have decided to spend on a day out for all the children. Thank you!

We had class photos on Thursday, please look out for the follow up email regarding purchasing these.

Achievement Assembly:

Stars of the Week:

Rylie for showing resilience in managing emotions
Irina for her positive attitude and engagement in all learning activities

Reader of the Week:

Ailla for her positive attitude in guided reading and reading with adults across the week.
Zenia for brilliant progress and now reading lots of words by sight rather than segmenting and blending.


Polruan Primary Academy   Week Ending Friday 26th April

Posted 28/04/2024
by Amy Fernie

Week Ending Friday 26th April

Exploring Nature's Classroom: A Trip to Nancarrow Farm This week in Canute, the children embarked on a delightful journey to Nancarrow Farm, nestled amidst the rolling countryside. It was a day brimming with discovery, learning, and a touch of farmyard magic.

The children, as always, showcased impeccable behaviour, their excitement palpable as they ventured into the heart of the farm. They had the opportunity to connect with nature firsthand, immersing themselves in the rhythms of rural life. From tenderly stroking newborn lambs to carefully gathering freshly laid chicken eggs, every moment was filled with wonder.

Amidst the buzzing of busy bees in their hives, our young explorers learned about the vital role these pollinators play in our ecosystem. They even got their hands dirty, planting seeds with hopes of nurturing new life back at home—a tangible reminder of the cycle of growth and renewal.

As we strolled through the verdant vegetable patches and bountiful orchards, our senses were treated to the vibrant colors and fragrances of the season. And what better way to appreciate nature's bounty than by indulging in some freshly harvested delights? The children savored the taste of farm-fresh food, a true farm-to-table experience that left them with a deeper appreciation for where their food comes from.

In English this week the children continued their journey into the enchanting world of storytelling, crafting sentences for the timeless fairy tale, "Little Red Riding Hood." Meanwhile, in Reception Drawing Club, the children used their imagination to draw and write sentences about the Poddington Peas.

In maths, each year group delved into a world of numbers uniquely suited to their level. Reception explored the concept of doubles and delved into the world of odds and evens. Year 1 ventured into the realm of multiplication, mastering the art of repeated addition. And Year 2 students stretched their mathematical muscles as they tackled the concept of length, measuring and comparing objects with precision.

Of course, amidst all this learning, we couldn't resist the call of the great outdoors, especially with the sun shining brightly overhead. Our students revelled in the freedom of learning outside, soaking up the warmth and vitality of the natural world.

As we bid farewell to another enriching week, we wish you all a restful and rejuvenating weekend. We look forward to what next week bring but, keep exploring, keep learning, and keep embracing the wonders that surround us.

Mrs Fernie, Mrs Westacott, Miss Taylor, Miss Talbot


Wadebridge Primary Academy   Gardening

Posted 27/04/2024
by Lindsey Smerdon

Year 3 Get Planting!

As part of our new topic- What Makes the World Survive and Thrive?- we have been busy sewing seeds and getting our Polytunnel into shipshape! 

We dug over the raised beds ready for seeds and planted a variety of vegetable seeds and flower seeds into seed trays.

As well as studying plants and how they grow as part of our topic, we are entering into some of the upcoming Royal Cornwall Show competitions with what we grow at school.  A slip has been sent home with information regarding bringing in recycled material and other items for these entries. 
This week we also began our 3 week Science experiment on how light and soil can affect a seeds germination and growth. We planted Runner Bean seeds in soil, tissue and cotton wool and have placed them in either direct sun light, artificial light or darkness. We will be checking up on the seeds each week to see which ones grow the best and why. 

Keep a look out for next weeks blog on our current DT project - designing and sewing our own cushions! 

Many thanks,
Year 3 Team 


Pelynt Primary Academy   Week ending Friday 26th April

Posted 27/04/2024
by Helen Fitzsimmons

Hello Everyone,

On Thursday afternoon this week, we enjoyed a visit to the church. In RE, we have been learning about sacred places and objects that help people to worship. We managed to find plenty of interesting things in the church, that helped us with our learning, such as the font, altar, pulpit and bell tower. We all had a turn walking to the top of the pulpit, just to see what it looks like from Rev Allen’s perspective. We drew pictures of these special places in the church, and talked about what they are used for. 

During our English lessons this week, we have innovated and written some fantastic stories about Little Red Riding Hood. They are very creative and imaginative. 

We have impressed the judges of our art competition this week, with our watercolour paintings of bluebells and sunflowers. They found it difficult to pick a winner and said that class 2 has some extremely impressive examples. Well done children, your hard work has produced some excellent results. 

Please continue to bring reading books back every day, and try to read daily at home. 

Have a lovely weekend!

The class 2 team.



Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   Week ending 26.04.24

Posted 27/04/2024
by David Parry

This has been another exciting week for Talland Class. They particularly enjoyed discussing, exploring and making decisions about respect. This was based on our RE topic and how all faiths are accepted in society, more especially in Cornwall. The children's ideas were in abundance and this highlighted further questions to answer. Two pertinent ideas the children explored were: What does respect look like? (A smile, taking a bow to the King, a hand shake, etc.) and What does it sound like? (Singing Happy Birthday, etc.)

Talland have been focusing on English grammar this week. This will enhance their understanding of the text they read and will promote their writing skills. For example, the children explored the use of relative clauses. A relative clause is used for extra information in a sentence relating to the subject of the sentence. (Mr Parry, who teaches Talland Class, walked into the classroom. In this sentence, 'who teaches Talland Class' is the relative clause.)

The children have further developed their understanding of decimals. They can now relate decimals to fractions and are beginning to grasp the relevance and importance of place value. We have now covered decimals up to thousandths: 

O . t  h th
2 . 1  4  5             
for example.

best wishes,

Mr Parry, Mrs Swabey and the Talland Class team (Mrs Walters and Ms Rowlands)

This week's jokes:

What word becomes shorter if you add two letters to it? Shorter

What do you call a train carrying bubble gum?
A chew-chew train.


Polperro Primary Academy  

Posted 26/04/2024
by Karen Taylor

Penhallow Class Blog: 26th April 2024.

It has been another week of fun in Penhallow where we have learned lots of wonderful things along the way!

We started the week by celebrating World Earth Day, we have been working hard to pick up any litter we see around the school grounds in a step to look after our planet!

In Science, we looked at different animals and the characteristics that made them what they are. We worked with a partner to describe our animals to see if our partner could guess which animal we were trying to describe by it's key characteristics.

In English this week, we have been looking at the difference between fiction and non-fiction books about animals. This is in preparation to write a non-chronological report (a fact file) about a chosen mini beast! I can't wait to find out more about the mini beasts the children choose to write facts on.

Maths has been an adventure for Reception this week who are counting to 20 and beyond. The Year 1s have been counting in 2s and 10s to start their multiplication topic. In 99 club, the children tried brilliantly to answer their questions in 10 minutes.

PE was great fun this week where on Wednesday we worked on our underarm throws. We enjoyed a mindful Yoga session on Friday afternoon which we really enjoyed and stretched all of our muscles. We found the spider pose particularly tricky!

We enjoyed an afternoon of coding with some fantastic 'mousebots' on Thursday. We learned that robots could hold a place in our future job and we showed that we are going to be experts if we ever need to programme a robot in our future roles.

In PSHE, we discussed: What made a good friend? We were able to tell each other what we thought made up a fantastic friend and also the importance of being a good friend ourselves.

Well done to our 'People of the Week' April, Jemima, Max and Iylah were picked for showing great examples of being 'Excellent'. This is one of our school values and our focus this half term. 

Please find attached this half term's knowledge web, where you will be able to see what amazing learning we will be covering over the next few weeks. You will also find copies of this half term's KIRFs. The KIRFs are our Key Instant Recall Facts that children should learn to recall instantly, more information is on the cover letter from our maths lead to explain why these are such an important part of your child's learning.

TwinklGO! codes have now been updated, an email with the updated codes has been sent to you all. They are:

Reception Phonics: AD7803
Reception Maths: NG4763
Year 1 Phonics: EF0215
Year 1 Maths: QX4721

It is World Veterinary Day on Saturday, perhaps you could enjoy reading the story Jet the Vet and answer the questions together afterwards.

We hope you all enjoy a lovely weekend!

Keep up with your amazing reading and remember to head onto TwinklGO! for some more fun learning opportunities.

Mrs Taylor, Mrs G, Miss Colton, Mrs C and Miss Hodge.


Pelynt Primary Academy   Week Ending Friday 26th April 2024

Posted 26/04/2024
by Joanna Rickard

A wonderful week of special celebrations! 

With Monday (April 22nd) being the annual date that we celebrate our remarkable planet with Earth Day, we decided to continue this theme throughout the week so that all the children could access some learning and activities that help them to understand how important it is to protect and care for our planet and the different ways we can do that working together.  

The children were already aware of some the things that we do to help protect planet Earth and all it's living things. They told us it is really important to not drop litter, especially into the ocean as the fish sometimes mistake it for food and will eat it, making them poorly! They were also able to tell us some of the things that we can recycle to be used again, and how we must not waste water.

One of our hands on activities this week has been to make wildflower seed bombs. We learned that not only do wild flowers look pretty, but they are very important for the wildlife, including our special bumblebees. They have been planted into our garden areas and hopefully we may see some beautiful flowers popping up where there wasn't any before! 
We have also celebrated our cress heads growing. The children could not believe how quickly their ‘green hair’ has sprouted!
 We may need some patience for our other planted seeds.

This week we have also celebrate ‘St George’s Day’. The children were shown a picture of Saint George and asked who he may be, and what was he wearing?  The children said he could be a knight as he had a sword and shield.  We listened to a story explaining that Saint George was a soldier who lived hundreds of years ago, who liked to help and protect people. Saint George rescued a royal princess from a fierce dragon and England adopted him as a patron saint. We then discussed what the words ‘protect’ and ‘fierce’ mean. We talked about St George’s flag and painted our own using our fingers to paint the red cross. 

In other news a letter will be sent home to give information about the ‘Big Brush Club’ we will be taking part in here at Pre-School. It’s an NHS funded scheme to improve oral wellbeing in children. You can visit for more information. If you have any questions, then please do come and speak to us at Pre-School.   

Lastly, with weather still being very unsettled, even on those sunny days it is very chilly. Please could we ask that your child still comes in with suitable clothing (layers are good) even if it looks sunny and warm. Also, that they wear shoes with their toes covered. We thank you for your understanding on this.  

Next week we look forward to our book ‘Sam Plants a Sunflower and will be planting our own sunflower seeds too! 

Have a lovely weekend, 

The Pre-School Team.  



Blisland Primary Academy   An exciting delivery...

Posted 26/04/2024
by Julie Pearce

Life Cycle of a Butterfly.


This half term, we are delving into the fascinating world of animal life cycles. The children were overjoyed when a small box arrived in the nursery today. Inside were five tiny caterpillars! We dove into some nonfiction books that revealed intriguing facts about caterpillars and butterflies. 

 We talked about the life cycle of our caterpillars and what we may see next. The children thoroughly enjoyed exploring the process and used some wonderful new vocabulary that we had been learning. The children made their own wonderful pictures of the butterflies' life cycle and decided where to place them in class so they could watch and wait patiently for the changes to happen.

  Watching the caterpillars change into chrysalises and then emerge as butterflies in the coming weeks is a fantastic opportunity for our children to learn more about the natural world around them.




Polperro Primary Academy   Update 25/4/24

Posted 26/04/2024
by Anthea Hillman

Our school values are Curious, Creative, Excellent, Responsible, Determined and Enthusiastic and we explore a different value each half term. We started the week with an assembly about our school value for this term which is ‘I am Excellent.’ After splitting into Houses to discuss what being Excellent means, the children came back together to share their thoughts. As usual, the children had the best ideas and fed back that to be excellent means trying your hardest, trying new things, being extra kind and doing your best.

Fowey Festival Writing Competition Congratulations to three of our year 6 writers whose poetry about the Normandy beaches received a commended (Wyatt and Lily) and Highly Commended (Bayley) in the Fowey Festival, Competition for Young Writers and Artists.

Online Safety Please find attached ‘Parent’s Guide to Cyberbullying’ poster which has a useful link to information on how to keep your child safe online.

School Uniform The link for our supplier for uniform with a school logo, has changed to Our uniform can also be bought from most supermarkets and we have some very good quality preloved uniform available from the office for a small donation.

Swimming The pool is nearly up and running and when the weather is warm enough, we will start lessons for all year groups. In the meantime, you may wish to organize your child’s swimming kit which should comprise a swimming costume/trunks, towel, waterproof bag, swimming hat. Please ensure everything is named. We have swimming hats for sale. Please email the office if you would like one. These can be paid for on Parent Pay.

Upcoming Dates School will be closed on Monday 6th May which is a Bank Holiday and then closed to children on Friday 24th May for INSET (staff training). 

Have a good weekend.

Mrs Hillman


Pelynt Primary Academy   Week ending Friday 26th April 2024

Posted 26/04/2024
by Rebecca Horn

Hello everyone,

It was great to see you all at our 'Family Friday' this week, we hope you all enjoyed the different activities! 

In maths our main focus this week was around verbal counting and patterns. We practiced counting forwards and backwards from different starting points as well as looking at a hundred square to identify, discuss and start to explain the patterns we noticed. We also used a set of number cards, put them in order and then played ‘Which one is missing?’ 

This week in English our learning has been based around the story 'Supertato'; clearly a firm favourite for the children! We have been labelling the characters and using adjectives to describe Evil Pea and Supertato. We also made our own 'super veggie' and wrote a description of what our 'super veggie' looks like and their superpowers.  

Our art learning this week saw us start to learn about two of our focus artists; Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein. We looked at examples of their work, discussed what we noticed and then started to create our own inspired pieces.  We used photos and crayons to create a piece of art inspired by Andy Warhol where each child had four identical pictures of themselves that they coloured using crayons. The children will make this into a collage and we look forward to sharing these pieces with you. We also used pop art style dots to show colour without filling a space completely. We looked at Lichtenstein’s “Ben Day Dots” to create a piece inspired by his theory, we have made a good start on this and will continue with it next week. 

In RE we have been looking at ‘special places’. We visited our local church and discussed what we could see and why it is important for Christians.

As our story this week was Supertato, we have been exploring floating and sinking with fruits and vegetables. We learnt what a prediction is and made predictions first before testing the fruits and vegetables. We discussed why some float and why some sink, and why some of them floated first and then sank. We then explored floating and sinking with other objects.

We also went on a superhero rescue! A villain (Evil Pea) sent a note to the children explaining that he had taken 'Ted'. The children had a series of clues to follow which they hoped would lead them to Ted. The clues were solved accurately and when they found Ted on the PE shed they had one final question to answer about the focus text we have been using this week. Great superhero problem solving everyone! Well done!

We are going to have a themed weekly 'Show and Tell' which will be on a Thursday. The theme for next week is 'A favourite place you have visited'. We will ask the children to tell us about the item/photograph and ask them a couple of questions too. The children can bring in an item from the place they have visited or a photograph or you can email any photos to me at this address: **Please note, if you are emailing me any photos to ensure that they are sent before 8:30am on Thursday so that they are ready to show on Thursday morning, many thanks.**

Points to remember....
- As the weather warms up please ensure your child brings a drinks bottle to school each day filled with water.
- Please ensure sun cream is applied before school; we are unable to apply sun cream at school.
- Please ensure your child brings a sunhat to school. 
- Below we have attached some optional homework activities, based around our learning about Superheroes this term. The children can do as many of the activities as they wish. Please do take photos or bring the homework activities to school so we can give them house points for their amazing work! You will also be sent a copy of these home on Monday.

Class 1 Team


Looe Primary Academy  

Posted 26/04/2024
by Rebecca Marshall

Ancient Egyptian Showcase 
26th April 2024

It has been a fabulous start to the Summer Term, we had an excellent Ancient Egyptian Showcase last week. It was great to share with the families the work that the children had achieved in the Spring Term. The children performed some wonderful songs with Year 4 and 4/5 and then shared some of their learning with their families back in the classroom. We have been so proud of the knowledge that the children have retained and they have really shown a lot of enthusiasm and curiosity during this topic.


Polperro Primary Academy   Talland's Class Blog 26.4.24

Posted 26/04/2024
by Ben Heasman-Langley

Talland's Class Blog 26.4.24

Week two came and went in the blink of an eye!

There's been an abundance of sport, jelly making, science investigations, instruction writing and much more...

Year 4 have been finding out about how to write fractions and decimals and hundredths. Some children have been thinking about how that can link to percentages too.
Year 5 have continued to measure angles and perimeter in shapes. They're very handy with a protractor now!

We have finished writing our instructions about 'How to make Jelly'. We have followed the instructions and made our own jelly. The children are now planning how to make instructions for a 'Gruesome Smoothie'. I'm looking forward to getting outside and finding our ingredients next week!

Talland have explored a range of activities to play in an outdoor environment and we've been practicing how to return the shuttlecock in badminton. Some children challenged themselves to catch their opponent out and return the shuttlecock to a space on the court where the partner wasn't to help them win a point.

We have looked at and experimented on jelly - how does it change its state of matter? Why not ask your child how the jelly changes when heated and then cooled...
We also began thinking about our experiment for next week - What is the best material to wrap a cup in to keep drinks warmer for longer? The material and the ice cubes are already waiting...

This topic is linking nicely to Science this term. After we have our results for the experiment, Talland will be creating an excel spread sheet to gather data. We will then transfer the data to a graph, which will show help to show our results in a pictorial manner.

A huge well done to Nuala this week for being noticed for excellent behaviour and trying her best in lessons. 

Exciting News:
School trip information coming Monday... I'm personally looking forward to the 10th May. I think all of Talland will be once we find out where we are going!

That's it from Talland this week. We hope you have a fabulous weekend!

Signing off from Mr. Langley, Mr. Bishop and Mrs. Hodge. 


Looe Primary Academy  

Posted 26/04/2024
by Rebecca Hughes

Week 2 

The children have had a wonderful second week of amazing learning!

In English this week the children started to explore the story of Mr Gumpy’s Outing. WE read the story and went on a little outing around school to see what we could see. We practiced the story lots by using our story map and we made up actions to remember it . We then worked as team to sequence the story- Miss Hughes tried and got it all wrong! BUT luckily the children helped her to sequence the story correctly! The year 1’s then sequenced it in their books and thought of fantastic time conjunctions to write alongside the pictures. The Foundation children also sequenced the story and they wrote key words next to the pictures to show their understanding! The year 1 children have also been writing sentences from the story using conjunction ‘and’.

In maths the year 1 children have spent this week exploring mass and volume , they have used bucket scales and they have been using ambitious vocabulary such as  balance, mass, heavier, lighter. They have found out the mass of objects in cubes and also compared the mass of different objects.

The Foundation children have been exploring the composition of 10 , they have continued to use their number bond to 10 knowledge to help them explore the number 10 in detail.

In PE the children have continued to explore throwing with our coach Ryan and have enjoyed building skills to play quick cricket.

IN PSHE the children are all exploring relationships, this week we had lots of great discussion about what makes a caring friend. The children in this class are so thoughtful and kind and really contributed well with this lesson.

IN Geography the year 1’s have been exploring physical features of Looe! Yesterday they explored a map of Looe and worked well to identify physical features , they then looked at a picture of Looe and showed their knowledge by labeling all the physical features they could see!

The foundation children have been building Looe out of Lego, riding the balance bikes around a chalked Looe track, drawing their favourite things they like to do in Looe and so much more!

On Tuesday we celebrated St Georges day and all of our activities were based around St George . The children loved exploring the story and a great discussion happened about whether we think St George really killed a dragon or whether he was known for being  a great person that protected his village!

What a wonderful week

Have a lovely weekend

Foundation /year 1 team. 


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We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.



We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.



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We are passionate about learning.



We are the best we can be.



We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.

Sports Day Thursday 4th July - 9.15am EYFS/KS1; 1:45pm KS2.

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