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Looe Primary Academy  

Posted 28/03/2024
by Rebecca Hughes

Happy Easter Holidays!

Happy Easter Holidays

Wow! We have completed yet another term!

The children have worked so hard, and all the children are progressing really well. We are so proud of their achievements.

We have had a really busy week, attached are some of the pictures of  some of the learning we have explored this week.

May we take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support this term and we wish you an amazing Easter break.

We look forward to seeing the children back at school on Monday 15th April.

Foundation /year 1 team. 


Wadebridge Primary Academy  

Posted 28/03/2024
by Sorrel Beckett

Spring 2 - Week 6 - Have a crackin' break! 


It was all about poetry, this week in English. The children looked into themes of prejudice, culture and traditions and wrote a retaliation poem in response to the poem ‘The Jelabi Tree’. We were incredibly proud of the confidence they had to tackle such mature themes and they were very excited to read aloud the poems that they had produced.

Next term, we will be exploring ‘The Piano’ as a video inspiration for emotive writing.


In Maths, this week, we began our learning journey of statistics. The children have explored line graphs, drawn line graphs, interpreted data and looked at tables. The children have enjoyed finding and recording data in different ways.

We have continued to revisit and retrieve key knowledge in our morning work. After Easter we will continue to complete regular arithmetic papers and begin to introduce new concepts ready for Year 6! EEEK.

Please over the Easter holidays continue to encourage your children in accessing TTRS.

Wider Curriculum

In Wider Curriculum we came to the end of our SPACE learning journey. The children did their final loop in forces looking at friction, identifying how much friction is caused when two objects move against each other. The children used a range of surfaces testing a shoes movement; using a newton meter to measure the force.  The children then recorded their findings in a bar chart, they then wrote conclusions using the key vocabulary from the lesson.

We have thoroughly enjoyed learning all about SPACE and look forward to our new learning journey of ‘Changes’ after Easter. WATCH THIS SPACE…

Easter Extravaganza

On Thursday the children were involved in an Easter fundraising event for Little Harbours children’s hospice. They had a go at a range of different activities in an obstacle course. The children donated, came in own clothes and had so much fun, all for a wonderful cause.

PE for next term has changed to a Friday and we will be looking at Athletics - Track and Field events. 

Have an EGGcellent Easter,

Best wishes,

The Year 5 team  


Looe Primary Academy   Happy Easter!

Posted 28/03/2024
by Rebecca Brewer

Dear All!

We have come to the end of a very busy term!  The children have had a broad range of learning and opportunities this term and I can safely say that we are all tired and ready for the break!

The children have covered money, multiplication and some aspects of measure in maths this term.  Next term will focus on finishing all of the curriculum and then will be revisiting and practising methods and strategies in preparation for their SATs in May.

In English, the children have written a very important letter to the Prime Minister to persuade him to do more regarding climate change in this country.  Alongside this, they have covered many different habitats and how it all relates to one another!  Not to mention our trip to the Aquarium which was excellent and the children thoroughly enjoyed it!

We made moon buggies too!  The children loved learning about all of the different explorers past and present and particularly enjoyed the moon landings!

We have also had many other exciting things like our celebration on St Pirans day and also TT Rockstars and World Book days where the children had opportunities to dress up (and adults too!).

We have many more lovely things planned for Summer Term!

Enjoy your Easter everyone!

Mrs Brewer, Miss Ryan and Miss B


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   Week Ending 28th March 2024

Posted 28/03/2024
by Joanna Morris

We have arrived at the end of our penultimate term in Brunel Primary; how has that happened so fast?

Year 6 have done a superb job of working their way through practice SATs last week and diligently completed their information texts on erosion this week. We are all incredibly proud of how they are applying themselves to their studies, and we know that they are ready for a well-deserved holiday before the final push towards the end of their time with us.

The summer term is a special one for Year 6, and we look forward to all of the exciting activities and special memories they will make together over the coming months. For now, relax, eat chocolate and enjoy some spring sunshine (hopefully).

Key dates:

  • 15th April return to school 
  • 6th May Bank Holiday
  • 13th May - SATs week starts
  • 24th May – No pupils – Community Day.
  • 7th June – Inset Day


    Polperro Primary Academy  

    Posted 28/03/2024
    by Emily Randle

    Chaipel have had a lovely last week of school! We have begun to create our final Basquiat-inspired piece of art and they are looking amazing so far. There will be time to complete the work at the beginning of next term!

    In English, we have beeen writing up our ending for The Midnight Fox. The children have really got into their writing and are looking forward to editing, improving and writing up their neat copies.

    In PSHE, we have been learning about basic First Aid and how to put people into the Recovery Position  - a vital skill to be able to do. 

    For our final day, we had an egg-cellent Easter Egg Hunt - thank you to FOPs and all involved: we had a great time!

    So, all that is left for me to say is...

    See you next term,
    Miss Randle, Mrs Clary and Miss Gilbert.


    Polperro Primary Academy   Happy Easter

    Posted 28/03/2024
    by Anthea Hillman

    This half term has raced by. At our end of term assembly to day we shared our favourite moments from the last 6 weeks which included World Book Day, Maths and English, our new playground leader games and ‘everything’ from several children. We also said a very sad farewell to Mr H who has been a wonderful TA here for the last three years and who has been connected with the school for even longer than that. I am sure you will join me in wishing him all the best for the future.

    After assembly the children had a visit from the Easter Bunny in the hall. Thank you to FOPS for helping to organise this.

    Football Success Well done to our football team who showed great sportsmanship during their match on Tuesday, winning 2-0 against St Germans.

    FOPS quiz fundraiser Another thank you to FOPS for running the very successful quiz last Friday which raised over £400 for school. It was great to see so many of you there.

    Reminder that there is still time to by a copy of our joke book containing all of the jokes the children bought in for our Comic Relief competition. Books are available from the office and cost £1 which will go to Comic Relief. Please send your child in with £1 if you would like a copy.

    Uniform If you are looking ahead to buying uniform, please remember that we have a good supply of nearly new uniform in school which is available for a donation (£1 minimum) to the school. Please ask at reception.

    Diary dates Looking ahead to the summer term, two important dates for the diary are Polperro Festival School’s Day which is on 18th June this year and Sports Day which will be on the morning of Tuesday 25th June with a reserve date of Thursday 27th June. Hopefully it will have stopped raining by then! Further details of both events will follow nearer the time.

    Wishing you a wonderful Easter break. We look forward to seeing the children back in school on Monday 15th April. 

    Mrs Hillman


    St Cleer Primary Academy   Give these a go!!

    Posted 28/03/2024
    by Jacob Lewis

    Keep that phonics learning on track!

    Please check any sounds that your child finds tricky in the Phonics Check booklets sent home then watch the videos and interact with them depending on the sounds you need to work on.

    Set 2 Sounds













    Set 3 sounds


    Special Speed Sounds



    Wadebridge Primary Academy  

    Posted 28/03/2024
    by Sorrel Beckett

    Spring 2 - Week 5- Recounts, Resistance and Rhythms!


    This week in English, we are coming to the end of our learning journey. At the start of the week, the children began to plan their recounts. The recounts were written from Xok the shark’s perspective. In the recount, they had to capture what it would have been like for him captivity and give a detailed recall of the key events. In the plan, the children noted phrases and vocabulary that they could later use in their writing. The children got out thesauruses to upskill their phrases and enhance the emotions they had selected.

    For the rest of the week, the children wrote their recounts. They used all of their skills and knowledge from across the journey to write their final piece. The children were able to write descriptively and used stylistic devices to enhance their descriptions. Towards the end of the week, the children then had the opportunity to edit, redraft and improve their work. They then filled out their toolkits, assessing themselves against their success criteria.


    In Maths, we also came to the end of our area and perimeter learning journey. The children showed off their learning in their end of unit assessments. However, some of the children found these quite tricky and this is where Mrs Callister and I decided we would need some consolidation.

    With Mrs C and her fantastic art skills, a double page spread of area and perimeter questions was created. The children at their own pace worked through the questions. Here they were able to ask of support in addressing misconceptions. We will also continue to embed this content in their morning work.

    At the end of the week, the children then completed their PUMA maths assessment. This is an opportunity for the children to demonstrate what they have learnt across the term. The children enjoy looking at their progress from autumn term and from this information set themselves targets.

    Wider Curriculum

    In Wider Curriculum we got wet and wild investigating water resistance. In the lesson, the children carried out an experiment, exploring how different shapes/surface areas can have didn’t levels of water resistance. The children were given balls of clay, where they formed a variety of shapes. They then checked their controlled variables before dropping the clay into water. With an iPad they timed which shape sank to the bottom the quickest, therefore having the least amount of water resistance. The children wrote out their methods, made predictions, recorded their results and wrote conclusions on their findings.

    Music Performance

    On Wednesday 20th March 2024, the children performed their Brass Performance to all of the parents. We were so proud of our children, who got up there and until the lessons, had never played a brass instrument before. We would also like to say a huge thank you to Tony, our music teacher, who guided the children through their lessons and their wonderful performance!

    Important Dates:

    ·      Parents evening - Tuesday 26th/Wednesday 27th March 2024

    ·      Easter Extravaganza – Own clothes! - Thursday 28th March 2024 

    Have a wonderful weekend, 
    Best Wishes, 
    The Year Five Team 


    Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   The end of the Spring Term

    Posted 28/03/2024
    by Joanne Pentreath

    A terrific end of term has been had here in Mousehole class! We have had fun using our Myth writing skills to create a completely different Myth, we have learnt about perimeter and rounded up our learning on Holy week in RE. The children thoroughly enjoyed our DT morning where they made their moving monsters. They are coming home today to be enjoyed-can your child explain how they work? In PE, we used a map of the school grounds to navigate in orienteering. 

    Check out our awesome cross country runners with their medals and our superstar readers of the week below:

    Have a super Easter break everyone!


    Wadebridge Primary Academy   Week 6 - What an egg-cellent week!

    Posted 28/03/2024
    by Kate Clarke

    Week 6 - What an Egg-cellent week! 

    We've had a really busy week to end our busy term with! 


    We finally finished our bean diaries this week - unfortunately because of the lack of sunshine, not all our beans had germinated but we have sent them home with the children so we're hoping if they keep them in the window, maybe they will by the end of the holidays! Some beans had germinated and others had grown roots, a stem and even some leaves. The children really enjoyed looking at the different stages. 


    We used our knowledge we have learnt about maps to good use on Monday by drawing our own maps of the KS1 playground. Children drew them from a birds-eye view, making a key to go with it so others could read their maps. We used vocabulary, such as near, next to, left, right, behind. 


    The children had fun writing their own poems about What's at the bottom of the garden using alliteration and we had some fantastic efforts. They really impressed us with their use of vocabulary and we had some great descriptions - wiggly worms, buzzy bees, slobbery slugs, to name a few! 


    We finished our ball skills unit with DT Coaching with some fun games this week and managed to carry on despite the heavy downpours by moving to the hall for an epic game of Duck, Duck, Goose, which the children all loved! They have been learning to catch and to throw using 3 different types of pass - a chest pass, a shoulder pass and a bounce pass. They have been able to put these skills to use in small games of handball, following the rules of 3 steps once they are holding the ball and only holding the ball for 3 seconds.

    Next half-term, we will have Pro 20 coaching on a Monday so please send your child into school in their PE kit on Mondays. 

    We hope you all have a fabulous Easter break and fingers crossed we get some much needed sunshine! 

    We look forward to seeing you back on Monday 15th April (in PE kits!). 

    The Year One Team


    Wadebridge Primary Academy   Welcome Miss Tiplady!

    Posted 28/03/2024
    by Luke O Dwyer


    My name is Miss Tiplady, I am 22, and I am currently undergoing training with the University of Exeter on a PGCE program to become a teacher. My educational journey began at Wadebridge Primary and later Wadebridge Secondary School, followed by Callywith College in Bodmin. I graduated last summer with a degree in BSc Psychology with Sports Science at Exeter and represented the university in netball and horse riding which are my two main hobbies. Teaching has always been my passion since a young age, and I find immense joy in witnessing the progress students make through my lessons. Building connections with each student and supporting them to reach their full potential brings me great fulfillment!

    I look forward to the rest of my time here at Wadebridge Primary Academy until the end of June!

    Happy Easter to all of you!

    The Year 2 Team 


    Looe Primary Academy  

    Posted 28/03/2024
    by Nicholas Bowden

    Easter Art for The Riverside Church

    As has become a tradition with the Year 6 and Year 5/6 classes, we created some artwork to display at the Riverside Church in Looe. This will be available to see throughout the Easter period. They look forward to seeing you there!


    Looe Primary Academy  

    Posted 28/03/2024
    by Nicholas Bowden

    Celebrating St Piran's Day

    We had fun finding out about the jolliest of the patron saints: St Piran. We researched the story and then used the main points to create comics to retell his journey from Ireland to Cornwall.

    We also looked at the culture and heritage of Cornwall and challenged ourselves with quiz questions in teams (plus parents) about our special county.


    Looe Primary Academy  

    Posted 28/03/2024
    by Nicholas Bowden

    Art Project- Sneak Peek!

    Year 6 had the opportunity to work with two local artists to contribute towards a collective project involving paint, collage and sketching. The theme of the project is identity and our understanding of ourselves. The creativity shown by the children throughout the sessions was superb and it was great to see their unique approaches to the brief. We will shared the finished results in due course but hopefully it will make for a fantastic piece of collaborative art.

    Well done Year 6!


    Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   Happy Easter!

    Posted 28/03/2024
    by Katie Grinsted

    End of Term!

    What a busy end to a super spring term! We really focused our efforts on finishing our polar bears to complete our ‘what do we know about ice and snow?’ topic. With the mod rock models dry, the children carefully painted them and used marker pen to add the details of the bears' faces and claws. They have turned out brilliantly and Tregantle team are delighted that we have been asked to display them at the front of the school!

    All the rain has been perfect for our science learning on weather. We have been able to measure the rain collected every day in our rain gauges and were amazed with how much we collected! By the end of the week we had 6cm!

    The EYFS children have been really focused in maths and have been using a part, whole model to show how numbers can me represented. They used the numicon to shows their ideas. We have welcomed some of our nursery friends this week who will be joining Tregantle Class after the holidays. Everyone has been very welcoming and showed great kindness in helping them to settle in.

    We wish you a very happy and restful Easter break, from Tregantle team!


    Polruan Primary Academy  

    Posted 28/03/2024
    by Jane Wills

    Easter is here

    We have arrived at the end of a very busy term, upholding the tradition of Spring term being one of the busier terms of the year. This year however, I think Summer term might take the top spot.

    Since the beginning of the school year, we have been working with the Fowey Port User Group to find ways of working together to encourage young people and children in our local area to get in and on the water. So far, we have welcomed The Harbour Master, Captain Paul Thomas, into school to talk to the children about what happens on our river and lifting the lid on how to run a working port. In addition, we had the crew from Morvargh spend a morning with us to share their experiences, discuss water safety and study at sea charts in and around our local area.

    Behind the scenes, Mrs Hughes has been busy creating a 6-week water sports programme for Tregeagle class working with Fowey Harbour Commissioners, Fowey Gallants Sailing Club and Paddle Cornwall. In these sessions, 7- to 11-year-olds will start to build knowledge and understanding of water safety, specifically on and around our river. They will have the opportunity to take part in Paddleboarding, Kayaking, Sailing and Motorboating. As always when we are looking at providing extracurricular activities to the children, we reach out to our amazingly generous community and yet again we have been able to secure funding to dismantle any potential barriers so all the children in KS2 can have this fantastic experience.

    We are incredibly grateful to:

    • Polruan Regatta Committee

    • The Nathaniel Symington Trust

    • The Polruan Ferry for transport

    Thank you for all you are doing to ensure the children are given the very best opportunities to thrive in their environment.

    Going forward, we plan to provide this as an annual offer to our Key Stage 2 class, something we are working with Fowey Harbour Commissioners to hopefully facilitate. Ideally, we would like to offer river-based opportunities to all children throughout the school so we are looking at ways to include the younger children going forward. 

    Tuesday was one very special day for the children in Canute class as they received a letter from Kensington Palace from The Prince and Princess of Wales. Before Christmas, the children wrote letters to the Prince and Princess telling them about life and learning in Polruan Primary Academy, walked to the post office to buy stamps and posted the letters in the postbox on the quay. The children were beyond proud to receive the royal letter and we have given it pride of place in the entrance hall of the school. 

    Achievement Assembly
    Mathematician of the week:
    Rylie for showing independence and resilience 
    Robbie for brilliant understanding of multiplication and division

    Stars of the Week:
    Liam for being a fantastic role model to younger pupils 
    Mya for her increased confidence to speak out in class

    We finished the Spring term with the Easter service at St Saviour’s - thank you to those of you who braved the weather to join us.

    We return to school after the Easter break on Monday 15th April. 
    Hope you have a lovely Easter break in our special corner of Cornwall. 
    Jane Wills


    St Cleer Primary Academy   Last week of Spring term.

    Posted 28/03/2024
    by Rebecca Whitty

    Our last week of spring term. 

    We have had a lovely last week here at Pre school. The sun shone, the rain came down, we even had a little snow and hail. But most of all we all had FUN!

    This weeks sound of the week was 'i' we learnt lots of words starting with the ' sound. ' ink, invitation, inch, inside, in, if,- Here is the video we watch. 

    You should all now have a copy of your child's name and the rhymes to help them form them. Please keep doing this at home and encourage them to write it on the line as well. Any questions please just ask. 

    Please keep practising number 1-10. Recognising  and making the number. 

    When we come back we will be in the summer term! Our new topic will be 'At the seaside' If you manage to go to any Cornish beaches during the Easter holidays please get a photo of your child and we can pop it on our map!  
    Also, if you collect anything that would be fantastic too!

    A few areas we will learning about are the  RNLI and what they do,  different beaches in Cornwall, animals of the sea, how to be safe ant the beach and Ocean pollution. We will keep you up to date on what we will be doing each week Via Tapestry. 

    We hope you all have the most amazing Easter holidays. Please take lots of pictures and add them to Tapestry for your child to share when we get back. We will see you from the week of the 15th.

    Miss Whitty and Miss Ronald :) 


    Looe Primary Academy   Happy Easter!

    Posted 28/03/2024
    by Jasmine Bolger

    Happy Easter!

    We have had a lovely week in the lead up to the holidays. The children have worked extremely hard to get the last of their learning for our topic finished before we move onto our next big question for the summer term! Our question for next term will be ‘Where do we live?’ and I am excited to explore this with the children.

    We have also had our annual Easter egg competition at Looe this week. The children had some fabulous entries and I can see they worked so hard. They look fantastic.

    We also had an exciting visit from the Easter bunny this morning. We designed our own eggs and sat on them yesterday and today we came in and they have hatched into chocolate eggs! We were all very excited. I hope you all have a lovely Easter break, whatever you get up to. I will see you all after the Easter holidays.

    Miss Bolger



    Polruan Primary Academy  

    Posted 28/03/2024
    by Jane Wills


    It is the end of a very busy Spring term and we have been spending the last few days finishing off projects, writing and maths. We can now honestly say that we deserve a break.

    We will carry on with our current enquiry the first week back after Easter. This will provide a perfect opportunity for the children to retrieve and link back to knowledge gathered during Spring term. We are hoping the weather will be just a little kinder so we can complete our Geography fieldtrip; creating a map of our local area to compare with the map from Plymouth.

    This morning we managed to dodge the showers so the children could complete their easter egg hunt. Remarkably, none of the clues blew away so everyone successfully completed the hunt and claimed their chocolate easter bunny kindly donated by FOPA. Photos attached below.

    It was lovely to see you for our Easter Service and we thank Mrs Butlin for providing the expert guidance for the singing performance.

    Have a lovely easter break, we look forward to welcoming the children back again on Monday 15th April.

    Mrs Wills and Mr Twaite


    Looe Primary Academy   Cross Country expert

    Posted 28/03/2024
    by Janine Waring

    This Year 5 pupil has a great deal to be smiling about!  He is a cross country addict and his determination to run well and to improve his times, run after run, resulted in a 3rd place at the final of the Cornwall Games Cross Country event in Newquay last week.  This was the end of a season of races that saw a number of Looe Primary children run amongst hundreds of children on a regular basis at various venues across the locality, including Landrake and Liskeard.  Some of the times and places achieved, often in very muddy conditions have been wonderful.  The weather has  been atrocious for many of the races, but the enthusiasm and the determination that all of the children showed was amazing.  This pupil qualified for the final along with another of his Year 5 peers.  They are great running partners and regularly place very close to each other in the events.  Congratulations to both boys, as although the other child did not place, he was very close behind and is as proud of his achievements as his friend.  Well done boys and we are looking forward to next season very much.


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