Class Blog for Year 3 4 B

An Easter Visit to St Cleer Church  

Happy Easter! 

This week 3/4B visited the church to learn about what Easter means to people of the Christian faith. They got involved in all sorts of activities including exploring bible stories through the use of props to making easter crosses and writing their own prayers. They learnt that if you want to you can say "amen" when praying together - this means, "I agree". The children were also able to ask lots of interesting questions and I was really impressed with how they engaged with the activities. Well done 3/4B and have a fantastic Easter holiday! 

Miss Boney 

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March 2024 

3/4B have been working on their Narnia-inspired narrative writing and produced some really lovely pieces of work! We have also used Narnia as the inspiration for our artwork, working on collage techniques and monoprinting. 

For British Science Week 3/4B enjoyed making water clocks.

In Science we have been learning all about light and have been exploring how light travels as well as how shadows are formed. We used torches and marbles to investigate what happens to the size of a shadow when you move it further away from the light source. 

In Maths, Year 3 have nearly finished their learning on fractions and have blown me away with their focussed work on this topic. They have represented fractions as bar models, compared fractions and found equivalent fractions. They were even able to link their learning from multiplication and division to find equivalent fractions in their heads - super work Year 3! Year 4 are also working extremely hard at their maths learnign, encountering mixed numbers for the first time and representing these on number lines. Year 4 are also doing lots of daily multiplication practice to get us prepared for the X tables test in June.  


February 2024 

Well, the first week of Spring 2 saw lots of rain and even some rainbows. I am reminded of the wonderful rendition of “true colours” performed by 3/4B in our assembly. Here is a clip from one of our rehearsals – what lovely singing voices!

This term we are developing our descriptive writing in English and basing our stories on “Imaginary Worlds”. We will then complete a unit on poetry, exploring Limericks.

In Maths we have moved from lots of work on number to learning about Length and Perimeter. The children are enjoying measuring items around the classroom and have really impressed me this week with their independence in their problem solving!

Our new Learning Adventure topic is Italy. We will be focusing first on understanding the physical geography of Italy & where it is in the world before talking about Italian culture and the destruction of Pompeii.

Please see the attached mind map for more information about what we are learning this term. As ever, please let one of us know if have any questions. Thanks for all of the  reading and KIRF practice you are doing at home.

8x table (multiplication and division facts) YEAR 4 KIRFS: 7x and 12x tables (multiplication and division facts)

Miss Boney 

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January 12th 2024 

This week 3/4B have made a cracking start on our new topics. In Science we began our learning by recapping what a plant needs to grow. We designed our own experiments and planted seeds to test the conditions in which a plant grows best. I wonder whether the plants we put in the freezer will grow? We also learnt what photosynthesis is and why it is so important for plants (and humans!)

In geography, we are learning about Mexico. The children have been asking lots of curious questions about Mexico, such as:

• Does Mexico have big forests?
• Does Mexico have volcanoes?
• How hot is it in Mexico?
• Where is Mexico?
• Does Mexico have rivers?
• What is the climate like in Mexico?
• How many people live in Mexico?

We will be finding out the answers to these questions throughout the term.

In English we have enjoyed reading "The Tunnel" by Anthony Browne which will inspire our own adventure stories. In Maths we are learning about multiplication. It is as ever extremely beneficial if the children can keep learning, and recapping, those KIRFs at home and reading every day please :) The KIRFs for this term are attached as well as a mind map explaining all of the topics we are learning this term.

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5th December 

Artwork and general update

This week 3/4B have been inspired the work of Sir Frank Bowling to create abstract watercolour paintings, using the different watercolour techniques we have learnt. Check out these gorgeous examples from Charlie, Millie, Hayley and Rosienna. They were all so beautiful it was very hard to pick just 4 to share with you!

The children have been working so hard on their Maths and English learning. In Maths we are coming to the end of a unit on multiplication so now and over christmas would be a great time to get lots of times tables practice in at home to keep these skills ticking over (see Y3/4 KIRFS.... TT rockstars is also brilliant for this).

In English we are making good headway with our non-chronological reports... the aliens are eager to find out what uses there are for the mysterious object that has landed on their planet. We have also been learning french vocabulary, and looking at how different food is grown and shipped around the world in geography.

Don't forget! Elf day tomorrow!
Children may come to school in their best elfy garments.

Homework is now live on Atom Prime. 

Children should be reading at home every day with an adult. Please do sign the reading records when this is done so the children can keep working towards getting their wristbands. 


Autumn 2  

Well, what an amazing start the children have made to this half term! They have blown us away already with their commitment to their learning and their enthusiasm for our new topics - and we are only on day 2. Our mind map and learning journey are attached for this half term - let me know if any queries about what we will be covering. 

We are pleased to have Mrs Fry back working with us in the afternoons. Welcome back Mrs Fry! 

Supporting your child at home with their learning this half term: 
  • I will begin setting home learning on Atom Prime. Their logins are in their reading records. This will be set on Tuesdays with a due date of the following Tuesday.4
  • The children have been working hard both at home and at school on TTRockstars (times table practice). Certificates will go out on Fridays.  
  • Maths KIRFs for the term are....... Y3s - 3 times table and related multiplication and division facts (e.g. 3 x 3 = 9. 9 divided by 3 = 3). 
  • Please read with your child every day and record this in their reading record. 
Don't forget - P.E. is on Wednesday and Friday until Christmas :) 
Happy Halloween! 

Miss Boney, Mrs Gamble and Mrs Fry

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Autumn 2  

Hello all, 

What an amazing start the children have made to this half term! They have blown me away already with their commitment to their learning and their enthusiasm for our new topics - and we are only on day 2. 

I will begin setting home learning on Atom Prime. Their logins are in their reading records. This will be set on Tuesdays with a due date of the following Tuesday.

We are pleased to have Mrs Fry back working with us who will be with us in the afternoons. Welcome back Mrs Fry! 

I have shared the mindmap, learning journey and KIRFS for the term. 

The children have also been asking about certificates for TTRockstars. I am pleased to announce that having the website does indeed let me do this so these will be going home on a Friday with any postcards and celebration assembly certificates for the week. All the more motivation to get practicing our times tables at home! 


  • If your child is in Year 4 their KIRFs are....... I can count in 6s. I know the multiplication and division facts for the 6 times table (up to 12x6).
  • If your child is in Year 3 their KIRFs are.......  I can count in 3s. I know the multiplication and division facts for the 3 times table (up to 12x3). 
  • PE is on Wednesdays and Fridays. 
  • Please read with your child every evening and record this in their journal.
  • Atom Prime home learning available on Tuesdays and due for the following Tuesday. 

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A super start to the year..  

Well done to the children for a fantastic start to the year.

Our learning adventure (Ancient Egyptians) is coming to an end and the children have impressed me with their enthusiasm and curiosity this term. After the break we will be learning about where our food comes from and I will update the blog soon to let you know what this will entail.

Thanks for everything you do at home; reading, KIRFs, TTRockstars – it makes such a difference! I have added a maths homework onto Atom Learning. The usernames and passwords have been stuck into reading records. Please  log on to access this and let me know if you have any problems.

The children have also loved learning about the scratch software in their computing lessons and this is freely available at for any budding programmers out there.

Finally, we are well on the way to filling our marble jar for our class reward. All being well, we will be having a class party on Wednesday afternoon. Please bring a toy of your choice that can be shared with classmates (no electronics). We will also be voting on a film.

Miss Boney and Mrs Gamble.


Welcome 3/4B!  

Welcome back! Welcome to Class 3/4B. It has been great welcoming the children into school this week - they have made a good start already and are settling in well.

Our Learning Adventure topic this term will be the Ancient Egyptians, which the children are very excited about! I have attached a document outlining what will be covered under this topic. I have also attached a mind map showing what we will be covering in the rest of the curriculum. I will update the blog with lots of your children’s amazing learning soon! Please come and say hello and reach out if you have any questions or queries! 

Miss Boney


• Please read every day at home.

• See attached document for Maths KIRFs (Key Instant Recall Facts) to be practised at home too please!

• Our weekly P.E. slot is Friday mornings, starting this Friday. Please remember to pack a P.E. kit.

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