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St Cleer Primary Academy   Open Classrooms Afternoon March 2024

Posted 15/04/2024
by Michele Spencer

Thank you so much for joining us on Wednesday 27th March for our Open Afternoon and for giving the lessons a go alongside your children and their class mates. It was wonderful to watch the lessons unfold over the afternoon - we had lots of Art, Science and Maths show cased by children and parents carefully supported by staff. Thank you to the staff team for going with this idea and for taking another opportunity to share the children’s learning with you.


Darite Primary Academy   Summer 1

Posted 15/04/2024
by Charlotte Godby

Welcome back for the Summer Term!

We hope you all had a lovely Easter break and are as excited as we are for the term ahead. 

Our enquiry question for our work in the wider curriculum this half term is "how sustainable is the UK's economic activity?" An overview of the areas of learning for this half term can be found below along with the homework menu and spelling packs for this half term.

Important Dates for the term ahead:

  • PE will continue to be on Monday afternoons and pupils are asked to wear their kits into school. 
  • The Mini-Police Team will be in and working with Class 3 Monday 22nd May - Thursday 25th May. 
  • SATs week for the year 6 pupils starts on Monday 13th May and pupils will be invited into school for breakfast Monday to Thursday. 
  • Class 3 Wild Tribe Day will be on Monday 20th May (weather permitting) and PE will go ahead as normal on this day. 


Looe Primary Academy  

Posted 14/04/2024
by Cathrine Pittas

Welcome Back!

Welcome back to this final term of the year.
Some things to be mindful of in the coming weeks.

PE - This is now on Thursdays with the coach. Children to come into school in school PE kit.

This Thursday (18th April). We look forward to welcoming you into school for 2 reasons. Firstly, Year 3,4 and 5 have prepared a celebration of their work all about Ancient Egyptians and would love to welcome you into the school hall at 2.30, later into their classrooms. Secondly, Thursday after school in the hall sees the residential meeting for Year 4 parents. Parents to please make their way straight after school. The meeting will begin at 3.30pm.

Please do check your emails for information for the next couple of weeks. There's lots going on for children and families. We warmly welcome you into school.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Clubs will be starting back in the second week, please do email the class teacher to try to guarantee a spot on your favourites!

Finally.  Please can you continue to support your children with their times tables.  If you would like another timetable sheet, please do get in touch.  A helpful website is and the ones I showed you at our Parent Teacher Meeting.

Many Thanks

Miss Pittas and Mrs Langan


Delaware Primary Academy  

Posted 11/04/2024
by Michaela Wright

March 2024

This month we have been studying the Vikings. Our history question was; ‘Who were the Vikings and what impact did they have on Britain?’ The children asked and answered questions about the past and evaluated the reliability of their evidence to discover more about this period in history. They uncovered where the Viking period came in our history timeline and then who the Vikings were, where their homelands where and where and why they came and settled here. They then looked at the impact the Vikings had on Britain by studying how Britain was before the Vikings came to settle, how it was during their raids and this era and then after the Viking era ended.

In Literacy this month we have been studying the story ‘Arthur and the Golden Rope’. We read the story as a class over the course of the month whilst completing VIPER activities and using our Fab Four characters to investigate the story in more detail. The children completed lots of SPaG work, particularly focusing on expanded noun phrases, direct speech and fronted adverbials before eventually planning, writing and editing their very own short story as an unlikely hero.

In Maths we completed lots of work on fractions. The children also spent lots of time working on their multiplications. We have been using Times Table Rockstars to help increase our recall of times table facts.

In Science this month we celebrated science week by completing several extra science investigations in addition to our electricity unit. The children spent lots of time investigating circuits in their unit of learning and looking at renewable and non-renewable sources and electrical safety. Our extra investigations involved the children researching farming of the future and then used the Tinkercad software to design their own farm of the future. They also used Scratch Jnr. to explore time travel. After researching what time travel could be the children demonstrated how it might look using the Scratch Jnr. app.


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   Week ending 29.03.24

Posted 05/04/2024
by David Parry

End of Spring Term 2024

The Spring Term has been a busy but exciting term. The children of Talland Class have learned how to add, subtract and multiply fractions. These are amazing skills which were made easy by the children's daily multiplication tables practice. Each step to successfully embracing this knowledge and understanding was made with enthusiasm, resilience and increased confidence. Well done, Talland Class!

The children's favourite part of this term was the visit to the Houses of Parliament in London. Not only did they embrace the magnificent views and landmarks of London - the London Eye, Big Ben and Tower Bridge - they also experienced an inside atmospheric view of the Houses of Parliament. This also included standing in the room above the cellars in which Guy Fawkes was caught with gunpowder in 1605. This was a fabulous and memorable visit for the children.

Enjoy your well earned Easter Holidays. We will see you when you return in April for some more exciting learning.

best wishes,

Mr Parry, Mrs Swabey and the Talland Class team (Mrs Walters and Ms Rowlands)

This week's jokes:

Why did the robot go on Easter Holidays?  He needed to recharge his batteries.

What kind of chocolate do they sell at the airport?  Plane Chocolate


Delaware Primary Academy   March

Posted 04/04/2024
by Johanna Thomas

Spring time and Science

Solids, Liquids and Gasses.

We have been busy with our science this term to witness the changes that happen during some solid and liquid experiments.

First we made Ice decorations showing that liquid can change to a solid and then back to a liquid using the freezing and melting method.

Secondly in science we cut up fruit and mixed with our liquid (yogurt) and froze it to see if we could make it into a solid. It froze and made delicious fruit lollipops.

When we froze water, milk, vinegar and apple juice, some of us thought the milk would freeze first, some the water and some the vinegar. The water froze first with the milk at a close second.

Finally we decided to see if we could turn a solid into a liquid by using the melting process. I think the boys enjoyed this the most. The water that reached boiling point during the melting process turned into a gas (we could see this by the the steam rising).


Delaware Primary Academy   March 2024

Posted 02/04/2024
by Rachel Tomkins

March has been an action packed month. We designed and made our Easter baskets using the weaving technique we had practised on paper. We learnt about the human body and how senses can be used to inform us about what is around us. We learnt about a significant figure in the world of paleontology - Mary Anning.
We had a great time on our Wild Tribe morning. We loved getting creative with crafts and stories out in the woods.
We went on a trip to The Box museum in Plymouth. We took the train and joined a local children's author in celebrating the International Day of Happiness. We each came up with ideas that the author made into a song. We sang the song together at Plymouth station. While at The Box we learned all about the detective work that natural historians do. We tried to match up animals skulls to their diets and their species. We met Mildred the woolly mammoth - she was magnificent and quite enormous! We also got to see some huge fossils up close which reminded us of our work on Mary Anning.
In literacy we have learnt about, told and written riddles about animals and about dinosaurs. We read our dinosaur riddles to Year 4 who had to guess which type of dinosaur was being described. 
|n maths we have been exploring numbers to 50 and going outdoors to use our length measuring skills.


Delaware Primary Academy   February 2024

Posted 02/04/2024
by Rachel Tomkins

In February we began thinking about a new big question - 'How do we know about dinosaurs?'. We began learning about fossils and paleontologists. 
In science, we learned about what different animals like to eat and whether they are carnivores, herbivores or omnivores. We also learnt that some animals make more suitable pets than others and explored the reasons for this.
This month we also learnt more about internet safety. We used the DigiDuck stories to explore how we should conduct ourselves online and we learnt that, when we see something online that makes us feel uncomfortable, we should stop, close and tell a trusted adult. 
We have also began exploring patterns, textures and colours in fabrics and have started to learn to weave by weaving paper. 
In literacy we have been reading and writing letters inspired by the 'Dear Dinosaur' story.


Looe Primary Academy  

Posted 30/03/2024
by Rebecca Marshall

Easter Celebrations

The children had a brilliant time creating some 'eggcellent' egg creations to enter into the whole school easter competition. Here are some of the entries from Year 3, there were some wonderful ideas. We even had many entries that followed on from our Ancient Egypt topic.   


Looe Primary Academy  

Posted 30/03/2024
by Rebecca Marshall


In Gymnastics this term we have been learning to use balances on the apparatus. We have been putting together sequences using different ways to travel between the apparatus. These sequences have been performed and evaluated so that we can help each other to improve. 


Looe Primary Academy  

Posted 30/03/2024
by Rebecca Marshall

Computing - Scratch

We have really enjoyed using Scratch, we have had to think creatively, reason systematically and work collaboratively. It has been good to explore the programme with our peers and everyone has grown in confidence and learnt something new.


Pelynt Primary Academy   Week Ending Friday 29th March 2024

Posted 30/03/2024
by Joanna Rickard

We have reached the end of Spring Term 2 and what a busy term it has been. The children have really enjoyed our focus on animals and birds with lots of activities and learning focussed on our enquiry question - Who left these footprints?  

Alongside this we have also celebrated World Book Day, St Piran’s Day, British Science Week and Easter. 

This week we have enjoyed lots of Easter themed activities, including egg hunts, egg decorating and even a lovely visit from Mrs Stanbury and 2 of her week old lambs! The children were very lucky to have a go at bottle feeding them and having lots of cuddles. The children and adults all absolutely loved having them visit.  

Some of our children joined the whole school over at church for an Easter celebration service with Reverend Richard.

This week we sadly had to say our goodbyes to Mrs Oliver, the children all made a handprint flower that were presented to Mrs Oliver as a bouquet. All of us at Pre-School will miss Mrs Oliver, but we wish her the very best of luck at her new school.

On our return to Pre-School, we hope to see some more settled weather so that the children can have more use of our garden area which will link in nicely to our new enquiry question for Summer Term 1 - Are plants alive? The children will experience planting seeds, looking after their plants, discovering minibeasts and learning about simple life cycles.  

From all the Pre-School Team we would like to wish you a very Happy Easter, hopefully we all get to enjoy some sunny days and family time.  

We look forward to seeing the children when we return on Monday 15th April.  



Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   w/e 28/3/24

Posted 29/03/2024
by Sara Mckillop

This week, we have had fun using our Myth writing skills to create a completely different Myth, we have learnt about andding annd subtracting fractions and rounded up our learning on Holy week in RE. The children thoroughly enjoyed our DT morning where they made their moving monsters. They are coming home today to be enjoyed-can your child explain how they work? In PE, we used a map of the school grounds to navigate in orienteering. 

Have a super Easter break everyone!


St Cleer Primary Academy   An Easter Visit to St Cleer Church

Posted 29/03/2024
by Eleanor Boney

Happy Easter! 

This week 3/4B visited the church to learn about what Easter means to people of the Christian faith. They got involved in all sorts of activities including exploring bible stories through the use of props to making easter crosses and writing their own prayers. They learnt that if you want to you can say "amen" when praying together - this means, "I agree". The children were also able to ask lots of interesting questions and I was really impressed with how they engaged with the activities. Well done 3/4B and have a fantastic Easter holiday! 

Miss Boney 


Polperro Primary Academy   Thursday 28th March 2024

Posted 28/03/2024
by Alice Gibbings

Have an Egg-cellent Easter!

What a lovely week we have had in Landaviddy!

We finished making our moveable volcano posters, by attaching a lever mechanism. The results were fantastic! You should all feel very proud of your hard work!

After a lot of effort in Computing, we managed to connect the microbit's to our class iPads and download the algorithms of our volcano animations. 

Jamie brought in some real pieces of solidified lava that his Granny brought back from her recent holiday. We couldn't believe it! The rock had a very interesting texture and smell. Thank you for sharing this with us.

We also had a visit from the Easter Bunny, which was very exciting! 

Congratulations to Arnie for being Landaviddy's Person of the Week! And a big well done for the whole of Landaviddy class for being determined and always trying your best.

Today, we have had to say goodbye to Mr H, who is moving on to a new job. We will miss you Mr H and wish you the best of luck!

I hope you have a lovely Easter holidays, enjoy some relaxation and sunshine (hopefully)! We look forward to seeing you back in school on Monday 15th April

Miss Gibbings and Mrs Phillips


Polperro Primary Academy   Penhallow Class Blog 28.3.24

Posted 28/03/2024
by Karen Taylor

Have a very Hoppy Easter Penhallow!

We have enjoyed a fabulous end to our spring term this week. 

We have learned all about the Easter Story and how Christians celebrate Easter. The week started with a wonderful assembly from Reverend Richard, we learned all about the relevance of the Hot Cross Bun and how Christians celebrate Easter by making Easter Gardens. The Easter Bunny paid us a visit today and delivered everyone a chocolate egg, which the children thoroughly enjoyed!

We had a fabulous lesson all about how important trees are and how we could look after our trees. We learned about climate change and since, the children have been telling me off for not using both sides of paper! Being very mindful of our environment.

Our PE lesson on Wednesday was altered to an Easter version, learning team games, Bunny, Bunny, Easter Bunny was thoroughly enjoyed by all!

Well done to our 'People of the Week' this week, Tommy and Emily for showing super examples of our school values!

I will update the twinklGO! activites throughout the holidays to keep you updated with our current phonics and maths learning. Please keep up with your fantastic reading, every day!

Enjoy a wonderful Easter break and we look forward to welcoming you back for the Summer term on the 15th.

Mrs Taylor, Mrs G, Miss Colton, Mrs C and Mrs Hodge.


Polperro Primary Academy   Talland's Class Blog 28.3.24

Posted 28/03/2024
by Ben Heasman-Langley



It's been a fun-filled week in Talland and everyone is very excited to sink their teeth into some well deserved chocolate. 

The children have become fantastic little gymnasts and have enjoyed assessing their rolls, balances and jumps and putting them into sequences. 

The Victorian Dolls House has been a success and looks brilliant - the design brief has been met - YAY!

Today, we managed to find all of the chocolate during our Easter Egg Hunt and created some (rather flimsy) baskets to pop our chocolate in. 

Well done to everyone for working so incredibly hard this term and congratulations to Harrison and Leo for being nominated as people of the week.

That's all from us. We all hope you have an absolutely incredible Easter Break.

 Signing off from Mr. Langley, Mr. Bishop and Mrs. Hodge. 


Wadebridge Primary Academy  

Posted 28/03/2024
by Donna Clayson

Spring 2- Week 6 - Happy Easter! 

We come to the end of Spring 2 and are so pleased with all the wonderful work that the Reception children have done this term. They have absolutely loved learning traditional tales and inventing their own, acting in the role play area (we spotted a quite ferocious daddy bear checking his porridge yesterday) and the joy and vocabulary that they have developed through their story telling has been magical. This week our learning challenge was to explore the different characters and describe what they were like in the story of Goldilocks and the three bears. We were amazed by the children's vocabulary when describing the characters; they used words which we have previously explored in learning time. The children also impressed us with their use of extended sentences with using 'because' to share their reasoning in their character descriptions.

In maths, we have been continuing to practise finding one more and one less for numbers up to 10, subitising numbers to 6 and getting to know the names and some of the properties of some 3D shapes. The children were so pleased when they spotted cones and spheres in our playground. 

After Easter,  we will move on to our new overarching topic of 'What is the world like outside our window?'. The children will be discovering other ways of life from around the world, we will be celebrating our town, county and country and we will be exploring the world through land and sea!

We hope you have a well deserved rest of the holidays and we shall see you all back on Monday 15th April.

Best wishes,

The Reception Team 


Wadebridge Primary Academy   Happy Easter!

Posted 28/03/2024
by Katie Elkins

Despite the very dark and gloomy weather outside today, our school was filled with bright colours and Easter fun. 

The children had a great time at the Easter Obstacle Eggstravaganza. They all hopped into activities such as egg rolling, bunny hopping, egg throwing and of course the classic egg and spoon!

Thank you to everyone that donated towards Mrs Bryant's Sky Dive challenge. We raised a fantastic amount of money for Childrens Hospice South West which is a charity very close to our hearts. 

Thank you also to our Year 6 Sports Leaders and Leadership Team, they were fabulous!

Have a great Easter. We look forward to seeing you all on Monday 15th April.

Best wishes, 

Mrs Lee- Elkins 


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   Week Ending 28th March 2024

Posted 28/03/2024
by Joanna Morris

We have arrived at the end of our penultimate term in Brunel Primary; how has that happened so fast?

Year 6 have done a superb job of working their way through practice SATs last week and diligently completed their information texts on erosion this week. We are all incredibly proud of how they are applying themselves to their studies, and we know that they are ready for a well-deserved holiday before the final push towards the end of their time with us.

The summer term is a special one for Year 6, and we look forward to all of the exciting activities and special memories they will make together over the coming months. For now, relax, eat chocolate and enjoy some spring sunshine (hopefully).

Key dates:

  • 15th April return to school 
  • 6th May Bank Holiday
  • 13th May - SATs week starts
  • 24th May – No pupils – Community Day.
  • 7th June – Inset Day


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