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St Cleer Primary Academy   Thank you PTA!

Posted 06/06/2024
by Michele Spencer

Last year we purchased a set of litter pickers which the children loved and have been asking for replacements for, for many months. Thank you so much to the PTA who agreed to replenish our stock and this week we received a brand new set of 10 litter picker packs! We are looking forward to putting them through their paces over the coming weeks to keep our site clean and tidy!


Polruan Primary Academy  

Posted 06/06/2024
by Jane Wills

Summer 2

This week, we have ben completing our exploration of Ancient Greece so we are ready to move to our new enquiry, Where does the water go?


Some of the children are studying the poem IF by Rudyard Kipling, learning about moral character and how to live your life well. Others are using the Oscar nominated short film Mr Hublot to support their learning of how to write an explanation text for mechanical system. This will be followed up with DT lessons next on mechaniocal systems to learn all the important technical language and a visit to Discovery 42 to see cause and effect in mechanical systems.


We had our first water sports session on Wednesday with Paddle Cornwall and it was so exciting! The children loved the “private ferry” crossing to Fowey and the walk through town full of anticipation of spending the morning on the water. During the session, we learnt how to paddle and navigate a kayak, how to balance on a super-SUP and the the chance to implent the water safety we have learnt as part of swimming lessons and in the assemblies with RNLI and the Harbour Master. Both Mr and I we’re super impressed with the children’s enthusiasm and sheer thrill at their own bravery and skills. They were magnificent representatives of our school and we look forward to next 5 weeks of paddle boarding, dinghy and powerboat sailing. Head to SeeSaw for photos of the day.


We had our first Forest School session on Thursday afternoon focusing on team work, resilience and determination. Thank you for your support in sending your child in wearing suitable clothing for outdoor learning, it makes a huge difference to the quality time we can spend in sessions when every child has the equipment needed to succeed.

Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs W


Polruan Primary Academy  

Posted 06/06/2024
by Jane Wills

Summer 2

What a start to summer 2. Lots of new and exciting things are happening in school to launch the new half term.

Canute Class
In Canute, Mrs Andrews had a lovely time with the class, who have warmly welcomed her and introduced her to all their learning and play routines. In addition to their new teacher, the class has also been particularly pleased with the weather. The kinder weather means that their outdoor continuous play provision is less battered, the pop-up tent has stayed dry and in place and they have been able to have the full length paper roll out for BIG DRAWINGS.

After School Clubs
Mrs Phillips has launched Yoga/Well-being Club on Tuesdays, and the children thoroughly enjoyed the first session; exploring Cosmic Yoga and activities to enhance well-being. Miss Taylor and Miss Talbot will start their club, Puzzles and Board Games next week, running Thursdays between 3:15-4pm for children in Year 1- 6. Please complete the sign-up form sent home this week for your child to secure a place.

Water Sports
Wednesday Tregeagle travelled across to Fowey Gallant Sailing Club for their first SUP/Kayaking session with Paddle Cornwall. They had a fantastic morning, learning how to paddle/navigate and enjoy being on the water while staying safe. We had lots of positive feedback following the session both from the children and the instructors, who were super impressed with the children’s enthusiasm and willingness to learn. One of the children remarked how lucky we are to learn something so exciting right on our doorstep – we can only agree with that. I have addd a few photos here below, but there are plenty more on your child’s SeeSaw so make sure to log in and check.

D-Day Assembly

We completed the week with Reverend Richard delivering a D-Day assembly, highlighting the importance of unity between nations in times of adversity and celebrated with a shared sing-along.

Reminder that tomorrow is Community Inset Day and we will see you all on Monday 10th.

Have a lovely weekend,
Jane Wills


Looe Primary Academy  

Posted 05/06/2024
by Rebecca Marshall

Our visit to the Heritage Centre in Looe

On Monday 3rd June, the children had a wonderful time enjoying the town of Looe. We went for a long walk into Looe and visited the Heritage Centre. It was so interesting and we found out so many wonderful stories about Looe. My favourite story was the one where we told about Nelson the grey seal. 


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   Week ending 7.6.24

Posted 05/06/2024
by Helen King

What a start to the last bit of the summer term...

Year 2 Math's SATs are done!  Well done to all the children in Lantic class, you have been amazing!!

In English, we learnt the poem 'Ten Things in a Wizards Pocket' - we had great fund with actions to go with the poem - photo is showing the action to 'A dark night...'

On Wednesday we have had a session on self-esteem with Lyndsey from the NHS Mental Health Support Team - the children really enjoyed talking and writing about why and how they are great!

The children this week also learnt about the D-Day landings and why they were so significant to helping towards the end of the Second World War - perhaps you will commemorate the 80th Anniversary of the event over the weekend?


Delaware Primary Academy   May

Posted 04/06/2024
by Jane Cansdale

Spring and Planting Time

It is lovely to see some sunshine in between the rain. The boys have been able to get outside and plant the potatoes they chitted. We also managed to plant the carrots and Sunflowers that we grew indoors from seed.

We have enjoyed looking at the Seasons and making Leaf/Clay impressions. 

As we have also been looking at using are senses this term, we enjoyed using our ears to hear different sounds in the outside environment.


Wadebridge Primary Academy   Summer Term 2

Posted 04/06/2024
by Janet Keat

Thursday 6th June, 2024.


We have just started to read our new story to inspire our creative writingIt’s called ‘Blue John’ and is about The Queen of Darkness who lives in the shadow of a mountain with her childBlue John is forbidden to leave his mother’s side but when a singing, dancing girl comes to the caves, Blue John must make a choice between living in the darkness or the light. 

We began by listening to a piece of music which inspired the author, Berlie Doherty, to write the story and we used it to form our predictions about the story plot.  Next, we began to use our ideas to write our own descriptive story. 



We have been learning to tell the time in mathsWe have been learning how to convert between analogue and digital time.   

Remember to practise telling the time at home. 


Design & Technology 

We have been practising our sewing skills in Design & Technology.  Our project is to design a felt book cover which is based on the theme of the Day of the DeadWe have designed our skulls using felt and sequins and used different stitching methods to attach them to the base of the cover. 


St Cleer Primary Academy  

Posted 03/06/2024
by Kimberley Appleby

Sunshine and smiles to end the term

Year 3/4 ended their Learning Adventure with a visit to Pendennis Castle, Falmouth.

As part of our topic on Tudors and Henry VIII, we wanted the children to deepen their understanding of how Cornwall played a part in the reign of Henry VIII and thought, where better than Pendennis Castle to really draw upon cultural capital. We know Pendennis Castle was part of Henry's defense preparations and having an awareness of how our own heritage, here in Cornwall, and how it played a part in the 'bigger picture' and his decision making whilst in reign, can only embed and compliment the learning we've had within lessons. 
It's important for children to have an awareness of historic, local settlements and the part they played, giving pupils a sense of place but also an awareness of local heritage in our Chronology and the British History timeline.
Visiting the castle enhanced and deepened their understanding of Tudor England and gave them a 'real-life experience' that we couldn't offer within the classroom setting. We had a fab day!

I've attached the Summer Term 2 KIRFS to practise.


Trenode C of E Primary Academy   End of Summer term 1

Posted 01/06/2024
by Bethany Pike

Year 6 SATS

A huge well done to our 2 Year 6 pupils for completing their SATs. They came in early for breakfast and revision and applied themselves tremendously making everyone proud. We then celebrated by taking them to McDonalds on Friday (at their request) and they had the afternoon outside playing and relaxing which was very well deserved. I'd like to say a special thanks to all the staff during SATs week who allowed Mr. Abraham and myself to support Year 6 and to all the children who showed respect, patience, and support during this time.


We have now finished our swimming lessons for this year for the whole school. The children have progressed very well over the weeks but we'd still like to encourage parents to take their children swimming to become even more confident. Living by the coast, means that this is a life skill and we want to children to be confident and safe when swimming. We finished the swimming sessions looking at what to do if you are not safe in the water and how to get help or help others. 

Upcoming Assessments for other year groups

Week commencing 10th June - Year 1 phonics screening. Children will read 40 words as part of this assessment to assess their understanding of sounds and word recognition. Please continue to read with your child as much as possible, to support their fluency skills.

Week commencing 10th June - Year 4 multiplication check. Children will have to recall 25 multiplication questions on an iPad with 6 seconds to answer each question. Please use the QR code which was sent out to practice this with your child. Also, you can use TTRockstars to build up their speed and confidence


Freezer Fri-Yay has already brought in over £120 over the last 4 weeks and we'd like to thank-you for this support. It has been a very big hit with the children. We will continue with this until the end of the summer term.

Our school disco raised just over £90 last week!

The PTFA bought board games for the school as part of our social skills development once a week. School council took ownership of collating the games requests and they are being enjoyed thoroughly each week.

We will be looking at booking in an alternative sports day including mini-segways in first half term back for the whole school using money raised by the PTFA in the summer term. 


Trenode C of E Primary Academy   DT-Tudor Houses

Posted 01/06/2024
by Bethany Pike

We have nearly finished our Great Fire of London enquiry question and I have been amazed by how much knowledge the children have retained and applied in their writing and across the curriculum.

During DT, the children designed a Tudor house that would have been suitable during 1666 and labelled what items they would need to create their house. They then made their house choosing their own materials. This included using our tool bench to saw wood for the Tudor design, using a hot glue gun to attach the items securely and problem solving how to make their roof remain the shape they wanted it to. 

We then evaluated our house applying our writing skills to talk about what we were pleased with and what we could do to improve it further.

Mrs. Pike loved how each house was unique and how independent the children were making their decisions with their design. Mrs. Pike was told by the children that her only job was to manage the hot glue gun and the tool bench to make sure everyone was safe as the children "knew what they were doing" with everything else. She listened and it is safe to say that the children proved that they did know what they were doing as their houses were outstanding!


Looe Primary Academy   End of half term Maypole fun

Posted 29/05/2024
by Helen Hoskin

We were lucky enough to end our half term on a high with a dance around the maypole! Maypole dancing is an ancient tradition that would originally have taken place around a tree, with towns and villages enjoying themselves with revelry that celebrated fertility of the land and celebrated new life. Of course, to us, it was a fun way of using our gross motor skills and learning coordination and cooperation!

Thankyou to Mrs Gregory and to Mrs Williams for inviting us to join them!


Polruan Primary Academy  

Posted 28/05/2024
by Jane Wills

Summer 1

It seems summer term 1 has flown by in a hectic flurry of learning activities. Canute class has been growing, planting and observing using science to explore how plants thrive and Tregeagle has been immersed in the world of the Ancient Greeks. The school has been teeming with enthusiasm and the children are very articulate about how they learn, what they learn and how they know they are making progress – fantastic conversations to have with them.

Reminder that Friday 24th May is an INSET day for staff training and we return to school on Monday 3rd June for the final half term of the academic year.

We say goodbye to Mrs Westacott, who is returning to Pelynt school, and we wish her all the very best. Her warmth and kindness have permeated school and she will be missed. In her place, we welcome Mrs Andrews who will teach Canute class on Wednesday, Thursday and Fridays. Mrs Andrews will be outside greeting the children on Wednesday 5th June at the start of the day giving you the chance to meet her too.

Achievement Assembly:

Writer of the week:

Erin for her fantastic creative ideas which makes reading her work a real pleasure
Zeniah for super sentences and positive attitude to writing

Star of the Week:

Nathan for resilience and bravery
Ava for being a fantastic role model for her peers

Have a lovely half term break,
Jane Wills


Polperro Primary Academy  

Posted 27/05/2024
by Emily Randle

Happy Half Term!

We have had a lovely last week in Chaipel. We evaluated our tie-dye T-shirts and were thoroughly happy with the outcomes! 

For Computing, we completed our investigation into using Micro:bits to record the temperatures of a range of rooms over a 5-day period. We then used a spreadsheet to input the data and then chose how to present our finding for analysis. Some represented using a line graph whilst others chose bar charts.

The House Captains and Vice Captains got together to count up the house points so far. It was very close, but the running order is...


Well done to all for showing our Bridge School Values in order to receive a house point - you are all most EXCELLENT!

We completed our enquiry into WHAT DO ALL LIVING THINGS HAVE IN COMMON? with a Kahoot quiz. Chaipel thoroughly enjoyed it and the results showcased everything that we had learned this half term.

That's all from me so have a lovely half term break and see you all back, ready for the final half term where we will be looking into Crime and Punishment with a distinctly Cornish theme!

Miss Randle and Mrs Clary.


Pelynt Primary Academy   Week Ending Friday 24th May 2024

Posted 25/05/2024
by Joanna Rickard

This week the children enjoyed the story of ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ with its many concepts of learning such as counting, food, days of the week and the life cycle of a caterpillar. We have also delved deeper into the wonderful world of ‘minibeasts' and discovered some weird and wonderful creatures.   

The children have enjoyed lots of time outdoors discovering where some minibeasts may be living. We have been careful to explore but not to disturb their homes. The children have been thoroughly fascinated with what may be living under a log, or in our growing areas, and obviously inside our very own bug hotel. This independent exploring has led to some wonderful conversations and use of vocabulary between the children, and it has been lovely for us adults to observe. Outdoor learning and discovery are the best forms of development for young children, and they have totally embraced that this week. 

Alongside our outside learning, we have created some amazing caterpillar and butterfly artwork. We used balloons dipped in paint to create our caterpillar, and for our butterflies we created a pattern on one half, then folded the paper in half to mirror our designs. They all turned out so uniquely different but beautiful.  
To develop our fine motor skills we have threaded cotton wheels on to pipe cleaners to make caterpillars.

Our runner bean plants have now been planted out into our big tyre planter in the playground. Also, the children's sunflower plants have started to be sent home. Please do send us pictures and how tall they are when they are in flower!  


We hope that everyone has a lovely half term week, we return to Pre-School on Monday 3rd June.
Also, a reminder that
Friday 7
th June is an Inset day for the whole school.

The Pre-School Team



Polperro Primary Academy   Thursday 23rd May 2024

Posted 24/05/2024
by Alice Wilkie

Happy Half Term!

Just like that we have come to the end of Summer 1, and what a week we have had!

Year 2 have been busy completing their Y2 SATs papers this week. I have been very impressed with their focus and dedication - well done! 

During our Wider Curriculum sessions this week, we enjoyed Art where we learnt about our final European artist of the half term, Salvador Dali. Can you recall the names of the artists we have learnt about? We loved exploring his surrealist paintings and experimenting by mixing primary colours to create swatches in our sketchbooks.

On Tuesday, we held the NSPCC assemblies, which all the children enjoyed. We know how to keep ourselves safe and to speak out to the safe adults in our lives.

We managed to get into the swimming pool for the first time this year, which was fantastic. We played a hot potato game and enjoyed our time in the water.

In English, we concluded our Biographies and began writing our own EXPLORERS acrostic poems. We collected a range of vocabulary and composed our poems using similes and alliteration. 

In Maths, Year 3 have been working on recognising equivalent fractions on scales and number lines. Year 2 have been recognising and finding a third of shapes and numbers. We have also been accessing Mathletics to assess our understanding of Fractions.

Congratulations to Lowen for being chosen as Landaviddy's Person of the Week, and a big well done to the whole of Landaviddy Class who were recognised for their excellence this week. 

Please continue to read your coloured book during the half term and practising your KIRFS. I have also uploaded spelling activities for you to access on TwinklGo over half term with the codes for Year 2 (DM1203) and Year 3 (YJ4019). 

Reminder - Class photos are on the day we return to school, Monday 3rd June.

We hope you have a lovely half term and enjoy a well deserved rest!

Mrs Wilkie, Mrs Phillips and Miss Cullingford


Polperro Primary Academy   Talland's Class Blog 24.05.24

Posted 24/05/2024
by Ben Heasman-Langley


Throw back to my favourite day this half term (MORWELLHAM QUAY)! Why not ask your child what their favourite memory of Summer 1 has been...

It's been a very busy week in Talland:

- Decimals in Maths for both year groups - CHECK!

- Persuasive letter in English written for the council asking for recycling bins and recycling service - CHECK!

- Art collage - CHECK!

- Swimming pool open and ready for business - CHECK!


I'd like to thank all the parents of Talland for your hard work and help this term. We couldn't have gone on our amazing trip without you! We couldn't have got our wonderful art pieces completed without you! AND, the children of Talland wouldn't be so amazing without you! So thank you, thank you AND thank you some more for being fabulous!

Huge congratulations to Aria this week for being chosen as child of the week. Also, well done to Harley and Nuala for earning their new badges on 99 club!

Parents, I have one final task for you over the holidays (if the time presents itself). Please, please, please practice, quiz and practice some more - your child's times table facts all the way to 12 x 12.  

That's all from us in Talland. We hope you have the most amazing break and we can't wait to see you for our FINAL half term (WOW, this year has flown by)! 

Signing off from Mr. Langley, Mr. Bishop and Mrs. Hodge.


Polperro Primary Academy   24.5.2024

Posted 24/05/2024
by Karen Taylor

Happy Half Term Break!

I hope you've enjoyed a wonderful inset day today! 

We enjoyed a fantastic last week to finish our first half of the summer term. 

The children have been working so hard in all of their learning this week and we are super proud of the amazing efforts they make everyday!

In maths, Reception have been exploring sharing and grouping. We finished the week off with some fabulous practical maths games exploring odd/even and doubling to 12. Year 1s have been working super hard in their fractions work and they can now recognise a half and a quarter of an object, shape or quantity.

English has been really fun this week where we continued to explore the story, What the Ladybird Heard. The children have really enjoyed re-enacting the story getting into the characters of Hefty Hugh and Lanky Len and using amazing vocabulary to describe the Ladybird.

We enjoyed the NSPCC assembly in our classroom on Tuesday where we learned all about Buddy and what he considered was not ok. 

We hit the pool for our first swimming lesson of the year and although a little chilly still, we very much enjoyed it!

Well done to our people of the week this week, Felix, Esme and Evie G. They all showed examples of being excellent in their learning this week.

We hope you enjoy a wonderful Whitsun break and look forward to seeing you back in on the 3rd of June. This is the class photos day so please ensure your child is in their full school uniform.

Our PE days are on Wednesday and Friday, please ensure your child has their kit in on these days (and swimming kits for the summer term).

Finally, please try and take any chance you can to enjoy some reading together over the holidays, head onto TwinklGO! for some more learning opportunities. Year 1s will be taking part in their phonics screening checks on the week commencing 10th June so any reading will help with this. Information was sent home in book bags on Friday.

Fingers crossed for some holiday sunshine! Take care and I can't wait to hear all about your adventures on Monday 3rd.

Mrs Taylor.

Mrs G, Miss Colton, Miss Cullingford, Miss Hodge.


Wadebridge Primary Academy   Weeks 5 and 6: Under the Sea!

Posted 24/05/2024
by Kate Clarke

Weeks 5 and 6: Under the Sea! 

Another fantastic fortnight of learning brings our half-term to an end and what a lot we've packed into it! 

This last week saw our fantastic Year 1 children go a visit to Blue Reef Aquarium and there was much dancing at the FOWPA disco. Here are some of the highlights: 


We have been looking at poetry and learning about our senses. The children looked at pictures of beaches and worked in groups to make mind maps of what they could see, smell, hear, taste and feel at the seaside. We then used these ideas and added adventurous vocabulary to them to make them more interesting, for example 'seagulls' became 'squawking seagulls' and 'ice cream' became 'scrumptious, sweet ice cream'. The children then used these ideas to create their own seaside senses poems, which they showed confidence in reading out aloud to their classmates. Some really fantastic work! 


We have been exploring fractions and started with finding a half of an shape and then finding half of a group or a number. The children used concrete objects to work practically and record their answers in their books. We then moved onto finding a quarter of a shape, group and number, again, working practically to solve different problems. We ended the week by looking at position and direction and using our mathematical language of left, right, forwards and backwards to navigate around a picture board and then write instructions for a friend to follow. 


We had a letter delivered from The Singing Mermaid who told us she had unfortunately scraped her tail on a rock and damaged some of her scales. She wrote to Year 1 to ask for their help in finding a material that would be strong, lightweight and waterproof (and beautiful of course!) that she could make some new scales out of. The children set to work learning about different materials and their properties before planning and carrying out 3 experiments to find the best material. They tested if a material was waterproof by dipping it in water to see if it absorbed the water or not, stretched the materials to see which was strongest and felt them to see which was lightest. They recorded their results and found out that plastic was the best material, which children then wrote back to The Singing Mermaid to let her know their findings. 


We have been very lucky to have Pro20 in this half-term teaching the children football skills, which they have loved! They have learnt to dribble and control the ball and have played some very exciting mini games of football! Next half-term, PE goes back to being on a Thursday and we will be doing athletics on the field - running and throwing and jumping - we can't wait! 

Our School Trip 

Wow! What a fantastic time we had at Blue Reef Aquarium - the children were fantastically behaved and showed much interest in what the Blue Reef staff shared with them. We took lots of photos and talked about them after the trip and it was amazing to hear how much information they had remembered! Not only did we have a fantastic time at the Aquarium but the sun shone for us on the beach and we were able to go and play in the sand with our friends! They were amazing on the trip and we really were very proud of them. A big thank you again to all the parents who were able to help us on the trip. 


School will reopen on Monday 3rd June and we look forward to seeing you then and hearing all about the children's adventures over half-term.

PE is now on a Thursday so please send your child in full PE kit on Thursdays. 

Library books will continue to be changed on Thursdays too. 

Please do continue to read with your children over half-term and encourage them to complete some of the activities in their phonics packs - they have been very enthusiastic about completing these already, which is great to hear! 

Phonics screening checks will take place on week commencing 10th June. 

Have a wonderful half-term break and we look forward to seeing you on 3rd June. 
The Year 1 Team 


Wadebridge Primary Academy   Summer 1, Week 6

Posted 24/05/2024
by Chris Wathern

Cornwall Air Ambulance Fundraiser
Congratulations to our Nursery and Reception children who had a great time on their sponsored walk. All the children made masks, flags and banners and took on the challenge of walking or running 4 laps around our school field. We had a special visit from Andy, the pilot from Cornwall Air Ambulance, to say thank you for raising money for them.

Many thanks to FOWPA, our staff, children, parents and Regal Cinema for supporting the recent fundraising events at school. We will be able to share after half term how much was raised from these the Uniform Sale and Disco ahead of the next event, the FOWPA Quiz.

FOWPA are hosting a Non-School Uniform Day on Thursday 13th June. Children may come to school dressed in normal, casual clothes of their choice! In return, we would like to ask you for voluntary donations of luxury hamper items to be used as raffle prizes for the FOWPA Quiz Night on Friday 28th June. Suitable items for donation would be a bottle (alcohol or other), chocolates or biscuits, for example, so that we can put hampers together. FOWPA volunteers will be stood outside the school office at drop off on Thursday 13th June with trolleys to accept your wonderful donations. Please note that alcohol donations MUST be donated by an adult to either an FOWPA volunteer or brought directly into the secretary’s office (where other donations can also be made at any time). All proceeds raised from the raffle go back into supporting the children at WPA.

Thank you as always for your support.
The FOWPA Team

Online Safety
Please check the link sent by email today for some useful information and tips about keeping children safe online.

Car Park
When we return after half term, we will let you know about some changes to the car park for drop off and collection. Unfortunately, there is no perfect solution – I’ve heard it has been tweaked many times already! We will need everyone’s support in helping make drop off and collection as smooth and safe as possible. Look out for an email from me in the first week back to update you on the new arrangements.

Summer 2024 Bridge Schools Trust Parent and Carer Questionnaire

A reminder that the school survey closes today, thank you. Please check your parent email for the link.

PE Days
Please note your child's PE day below as some year groups have changed days. This is due to external providers such as Pro20 and DT Coaching having set days to come and deliver quality PE provision to our pupils. The children only have one day of PE (or split days in Year 3) but have 2 lessons during the school day to ensure they receive the required time.

Reception: Monday with Pro20 (please send children to school dressed in their PE kit)
Year 1: Thursday
Year 2: Monday (Pro20 Sports Academy)
Year 3: Monday and Wednesday (DT Coaching). 2 days due to split lessons.
Year 4: Tuesday
Year 5: Friday
Year 6: Thursday

Class Photos
On Wednesday 5th June, the school photographer will be in during the morning to take class photos. Please ensure your child is wearing full school uniform on that day. If they have PE, they will need to bring in their PE kit to change into on that day. Thank you for your co-operation.

Important dates coming up:

Monday 3rd June: Back to school

Tuesday 4th June: 14:00-16:15 Year 5 and Year 6 Quad Games at Wadebridge Secondary School – please complete form recently sent by email

Wednesday 5th June: Class Photos – Children need to wear their full school uniform to school

Thursday 6th June: Year 6 Sponsored Dance-a-thon

Friday 7th June: Community Day for Royal Cornwall Show – School closed for children

Monday 10th – Friday 14th June: Year 1 Phonics Screening Check Week

Monday 10th June: (pm) Choir singing at St Breock Care Home

Tuesday 11th June: Year 4 Multiplication Check

Thursday 13th June: FOWPA Non-Uniform Day

Friday 14th June: 09:00 SEND Coffee Morning

Friday 14th June: (pm) Year 6 Transition – KS3 Team and Year 7 Buddies visit.

Thank you for all your support this half term.
We look forward to an exciting final half term of the year, seeing everyone back on Monday 3rd June.

With very best wishes,

Chris Wathern 


Wadebridge Primary Academy   Jam first!

Posted 24/05/2024
by Ellie Lake

We just wanted to say how proud we are of Year 2. Over the past few weeks we have been doing our KS1 SATS papers. The children have taken these on with such resilience and confidence. They have been amazing!

So to celebrate this and to celebrate (a week earlier than normal) we ended Summer 1 with a scone picnic outside to celebrate National Scone Day! This was a great link to our Wider Curriculum question 'Did the Cornish do a proper job?'. Safe to safe to say there were sticky fingers all round. See you after the half term holiday.
Many thanks,
Year 2. 


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We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.



We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.



We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.



We are passionate about learning.



We are the best we can be.



We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.

Sports Day Thursday 4th July - 9.15am EYFS/KS1; 1:45pm KS2.

© 2024 Bridge Schools trust is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Registration number 7736425. It is an exempt charity.