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Wadebridge Primary Academy   Year 3 WOW Day!

Posted 23/03/2024
by Lindsey Smerdon

On Wednesday 20th March Year 3 had their Roman and Celt WOW day! This day celebrated all things Celt and Roman with activities throughout the day including baking Rock buns, creating Mosaic tiles, a Roman Numeral challenge and designing our own Roman or Celt outfit. The day finished with an epic battle between the Celts and the Romans! Everyone fought bravely and safely but we all died in the end! The battle highlights can been seen at our upcoming class assembly- a must watch!

Also this week we visited the Church to talk to Reverend Steve about how Christians celebrate Holy Week and Easter. Year 3 asked some really good questions and enjoyed looking around the Church. 

We look forward to starting our new topic- How does the World Survive and Thrive next term. 

The Year 3 Team 


Pelynt Primary Academy   Week Beginning 18th March 2024

Posted 23/03/2024
by Rebecca Gravener

Well this half term is passing by so quickly, we have just completed the last full week of our Spring Term!
Nest week we just have 4 days before we break up for our Easter Holidays.

This weeks book was "Owl Babies" by Martin Waddell

The three owls Sarah, Percy and Bill all want their Mummy.
The Three baby owls awake one night to find their mother gone, and they can't help but wonder where she is. What is she doing? When will she be back? What scary things move all around them? Stunning illustrations from striking perspectives capture the anxious little owls as they worry.

We talked about where Mummy had gone and that she went looking for food for the three baby owls. 

We talked about Nocturnal Animals and why these animals come out at night! we listed Owls, Hedgehogs, Bats, Foxes, Mice, Moths and Hamsters.

We listened to different animal sounds to see if we could name them and did really well at spotting the Owls Hoot!

We were able to get outside lots this week without having to dodge the rain, which made a wonderful change, so nice to see the sun shining in the sky.
On Friday we put on our wellies and had a run/walk around the big school field to stretch our legs! We were also finding lots of play equipment that had been scattered on the field so decided to be helpful and collect it all up and put back into the school sheds.
We played on the tyre park area for a while and watched Mr Knights PE lesson that was taking place on the playground.

We made our own paintings of Owls and started to make some pom pom owls which we will complete next week.

Next week we will be doing all things Easter...

We still have a few poorly staff and children with a sickness bug. To prevent any further spread to children and staff, it is our policy that if a child has had sickness or diarrhoea, They must not be in Pre-School for 48 hours from their last episode of sickness or diarrhoea, whatever the cause.
If your child is going to miss a session or is absent due to sickness, then please let us know by calling Pre-School on 01503 220686 or by emailing us at by 9.15am.
Thank you for your continued understanding on this.

A few dates for your diary -

- Tuesday 26th March 2pm Easter Celebration at church (note change of time) All welcome.

- Thursday 28th March Pre-School and School end for children at 1pm

- Friday 29th March – Friday 12th April Easter Holiday

- Monday 15th April Summer Term starts


Polperro Primary Academy   Penhallow Class Blog 22.3.2024

Posted 23/03/2024
by Karen Taylor

Enormous Fun in Penhallow this week!

We have enjoyed a fabulous week of learning in Penhallow this week where we started retelling the traditional tale; The Enormous Turnip. The children have really enjoyed this story and there have been lots of vegetable linked activities around the classroom!

In science, we ventured out on a tree hunt to discover the evergreen and deciduous trees in and around our school grounds, we bought back some evergreen leaves and produced some beautiful leaf rub art work.

In maths, we have ventured into a new topic of measure and the children have enjoyed measuring objects with cubes and learning all about centimetres.

PE has been fun this week with lots of links to how we can work better as a team, encouraging others to do well and praising them when they succeed! We also enjoyed a very fun yoga session linked to The Enormous Turnip.

Well done to Iylah and Sonny for getting their next 99 club badge this week, showing real determination in their learning. A big well done also to our People of the Week this week; Molly, April and Amelia were picked this week for showing amazing examples of our school values. Well done!

We look forward to another fun week ahead, a little shorter as we come to the end of our Spring term. The children's Easter holiday begins at 1.30 on Thursday and this week we will be learning all about how Christians celebrate Easter starting with an assembly on Monday with Reverend Richard.

Keep up with the lovely reading and accessing TwinklGO! for more learning opportunities. Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Taylor, Mrs G, Miss Colton, Mrs C and Miss Hodge.



Polperro Primary Academy   Friday 22nd March 2024

Posted 22/03/2024
by Alice Gibbings

We've had another busy week in Landaviddy! As Scientists, we planned and conducted an investigation to see which surfaces a protractor would travel furtherest on. We then wrote up our conclusions. Were you surprised with your results?

In Geography, we learnt about earthquakes and the damage they can cause. We sketched and painted our volcanoes in DT, ready to complete our moveable volcano posters next week! And had a fantastic whole school singing session with Mrs Butlin this week - we really got into the spirit of Easter! 

In English, we have started a new unit on biographies. We read Malala's Magic Pencil and learnt about how she found her voice and used it to stand up for others. We have also read the biography of Marcus Rashford, which we all found fascinating!

In Maths, Year 2 have have finished their unit on Length and Height, and Year 3 have concluded multiplication and division! Next, we will be moving on to explore Shape.

Congratulations to Benjamin and Callum for being Landaviddy's People of the Week. And a big well done to Heidi, Zac and Arnie for achieving their 99 club!

It was lovely to meet with you all this week, to share the progress all the children have made during our parent consultations.  

Next week is our final week before the Easter holidays, where we will be finishing at 1:30pm on Thursday. Until then, we hope you have a great weekend and look forward to seeing you for some Easter fun next week!

Miss Gibbings, Mrs Phillips and Mr H


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   Week ending 22.03.24

Posted 22/03/2024
by David Parry

Digital photography

During this half term's focus on photography, the children have developed their photography skills in areas such as angle, light and position. This week, the children have consolidated the skills they have learned to create a mixed media picture. In this case (look at the photograph), a close-up photograph of a flower has been taken and it has been digitally enhanced with virtual drawing tools.


The children of Talland Class have now almost completed their own explanation text in reference to coastal erosion. They have included particular types of erosion which included water and wind erosion. During the writing process, all children have used a variety of sentence style to enhance it and some are confidently using the colon (:) in their writing. Well done, Talland Class.


Perseverance, hard work and dedication has finally helped the children's confidence in using fractions. They can now multiply a simple fraction with a whole-number and easily explain the method they are using. Thank you, Talland Class.

best wishes,

Mr Parry, Mrs Swabey and the Talland Class team (Mrs Walters and Ms Rowlands)

This week's jokes:
Why did the lion spit out the clown?  Because he tasted funny!

What is 'out of bounds'? An exhausted kangaroo!


Gunnislake Primary Academy   22nd March 2024

Posted 22/03/2024
by Lynn Cox

As we reach the end of another few weeks at both bases, I wanted to say thank you for supporting the various events which have been taking place during the last couple of weeks. 
It was lovely to see so many of you at our 'fashion parade' during World Book Day. The children looked fantastic in their book character costumes and they spent the day engaging in a range of reading related tasks. I want to than all of the teachers for planning these activities for the children and also Miss Owen for coordinating the event. I have had lots of children tell me how much they enjoyed being on the 'catwalk'!
Mrs Hannaford and the football team have really enjoyed playing in the Callington Arena league. They have had a few wins, but the most admirable thing is that they have played with passion, good humour and determination- well done to all!
Last Friday was Comic Relief. Across the two bases we raised just over £140 which is amazing! I want to particularly thank members of the school council at the Gunnislake base who bravely put themselves forward to be 'gunged' for money. 
Y1 had a fantastic 'Wild Tribe' day on Tuesday where they made magic wands from willow, played games and toasted marshmallows over a camp fire.
We are looking forward to the Easter Bunny Hop next Thursday- thank you for all of your donations for the tombola.


Delaware Primary Academy   22nd March 2024

Posted 22/03/2024
by Lynn Cox

As we reach the end of another few weeks at both bases, I wanted to say thank you for supporting the various events which have been taking place during the last couple of weeks. 
It was lovely to see so many of you at our 'fashion parade' during World Book Day. The children looked fantastic in their book character costumes and they spent the day engaging in a range of reading related tasks. I want to than all of the teachers for planning these activities for the children and also Miss Owen for coordinating the event. I have had lots of children tell me how much they enjoyed being on the 'catwalk'!
Mrs Hannaford and the football team have really enjoyed playing in the Callington Arena league. They have had a few wins, but the most admirable thing is that they have played with passion, good humour and determination- well done to all!
Last Friday was Comic Relief. Across the two bases we raised just over £140 which is amazing! I want to particularly thank members of the school council at the Gunnislake base who bravely put themselves forward to be 'gunged' for money. 
Y1 had a fantastic 'Wild Tribe' day on Tuesday where they made magic wands from willow, played games and toasted marshmallows over a camp fire.
We are looking forward to the Easter Bunny Hop next Thursday- thank you for all of your donations for the tombola.


Wadebridge Primary Academy   Rainforest Explorers, Romans, Celts... what a week!

Posted 22/03/2024
by Katie Elkins

Year Two Rainforest Café

Thank you to everyone  who joined us for our Rainforest café this week. It was wonderful to see the children excited to show you their learning that they have done over this term. There were lots of proud faces from the grown ups too! Thank you for all your kind donations we have raised over £100 that we will be use to hopefully adopt a rainforest animal. The children have been deciding which animal that will be. Not only this, the children did an amazing job in their class assembly to showcase all of their learning which included a powerful song ‘Anthem of the rainforest’. 

Year Three WOW Day

On Wednesday Year 3 had their Roman and Celt dress up WOW day. The children's costumes looked incredible, and the day was full of fun activities including baking Roman Rock buns, creating our own Mosaic masterpieces, and designing a Roman outfit. The day finished with an epic battle between the Romans and the Celts- the highlights of which will be shown at the upcoming Year 3 class assembly.

Bridge Schools Alternative Sports Day

On Thursday, six pupils from Year 5 and 6 went to Looe Primary School to join other schools from our Trust in an 'Alternative Sports' day. The children got to experience Ultimate Frisbee, Fencing, Street Surfing and mini Segways! Safe to say they really enjoyed themselves! The aim of the day was to promote teamwork and active participation, which our pupils certainly did! They were a credit to WPA.


Polperro Primary Academy   22nd March 2024

Posted 22/03/2024
by Anthea Hillman

In addition to the wonderful learning that has been taking place, This has been a great week for sport and fundraising at Polperro.

Cross-Country The Polperro team did brilliantly well in last week’s Landrake Inter Schools Cross Country Race; one of the muddiest races ever. Congratulations to the children who all completed their races, with or without shoes, and to Zac’s dad and Max S’s dad who dared to run alongside. Thank you to Mrs Turnbull for her team support this season and for running alongside the children too, and to parents and carers for transporting our runners to each race come rain or shine. An amazing effort all round from Team Polperro. 

Our School Joke Book Miss Gibbings has created a wonderful joke book containing all of the jokes the children bought in for our Comic Relief competition. Books are available from the office and cost £1 which will go to Comic Relief. Please send your child in with £1 if you would like a copy.

Fundraising for Marie-Curie Well done to our year 6s who have raised an amazing £692.05 For Marie-Curie by walking the distance from Talland Beach to Looe around our playground. Jack and Rosie have been writing an article about the event which will be published shortly on the Trust website as a Bridge Story.

Easter Activities The Easter break is fast approaching. Below are some activities you may want to do with your child/ren. Further information is attached to this blog.
• Easter Time2Move Holiday Programme This programme  aims to support families during the school holidays to ensure children have access to fun activities, healthy food and physical activity and to address those particular challenges for some families because of increased costs such as food, childcare and reduced income. It brings together providers across Cornwall who put on a wide range of diverse activities that are fully funded for those eligible for benefits related to free school meals but available to all children aged 5 to 16.
• Cycling Courses
• Looe Land Train

Please remember that next week, the last day of term is Thursday and school will end at 1:30pm.

Have a lovely weekend. 

Mrs Hillman


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy  

Posted 22/03/2024
by Suzanne Cooper

The penultimate week to the Spring term has been a busy and varied one.
Today, we were delighted to welcome the Minack Theatre back to Brunel to celebrate Shakespeare Week. A group of children (chosen from each class across KS2) enjoyed taking part in a workshop based on 'A Midsummer's Night's Dream'. Which was both great fun and thoroughly inspiring. Miss Pentreath, our English Lead, reported that: 'The children came back 'buzzing' with positivity and excitement and said how 'amazing, fun and, in parts, hilarious' it was. They thought that it had helped to build their confidence and they enjoyed being able to act as different characters and learn Shakespearean language!' The children of Y6 agreed and said that the team were brilliant, really made them laugh and that they'd had the best morning. Many thanks to the Minack team for coming such a long way to visit, educate and entertain us.
Yesterday a group of pupils from Y5 enjoyed taking part in the Bridge Schools Trust Alternative Sports Day. They took part in a variety of new activities, including Street Surfing, Fencing, Mini Segways and Ultimate Frisbee. Please see our Facebook page for photos. We hope to bring some of these events to Brunel in the near future.
Every fortnight we have special 'Reading' assemblies in for EYFS/KS1 and KS2, where we share carefully chosen stories that act as 'mirrors' or 'widows' for the pupils. Books are mirrors when readers see their own lives reflected in the pages. Books are windows when they allow readers a view of lives and stories that are different from their own. The stories up until now have been read by teachers but this week, one of our pupil reading pioneers read the KS2 book. She did an amazing job and we look forward to being treated to stories from other reading pioneers next term. Below are this week’s Achievers and Always Club. Congratulations and well done to all who were chosen.
Please remember that the last day of this term is next Thursday 28th March.


Polperro Primary Academy   Talland's Class Blog 22.3.24

Posted 22/03/2024
by Ben Heasman-Langley

Talland Class Blog 22.3.24

Four more school days until the Easter Holidays... I cannot believe how quickly Spring 2 has flown by!

We've been very creative in Talland this week (as you can see). Children have made the furniture for the Victorian Dolls house and painted them. Next week, we will move on to curtains and other furnishings. It's looking great.

Year 4's are coming to the end of fractions now. We have been finding equivalent fractions and turning improper fractions into mixed numbers. Very clever stuff!
Year 5's have completed their percentages and decimals unit and have moved straight into statistics. Why not ask them how to draw a line graph...

In English, Talland have completed their independent write for the newspaper article about the 'Workhouse Runaway'. I've been really impressed so far with what I have read. Next week, children will be writing their newspaper report up in best. I can't wait to see their finished results. 

In balls skills, children have been working in teams to think about tactics and using spatial awareness to help out their team mates. In gymnastics, we have learnt different rolls such as front rolls, straight rolls, teddy bear rolls and tucked rolls. It was really good fun.

We enjoyed looking at different states of matter in Science, where we found out how solids liquids and gases change state and the part particles play in all of this. What can you find at home that is a solid, liquid or a gas. Could you try and alter its state of matter by turning a solid into a liquid, or a liquid into a gas, or a liquid back into a solid (with adult supervision of course).

Well do to Leo for being noticed a s our special person of the week. He's always determined and enthusiastic at school and it's just lovely to see.

That's all from us in Talland. We hope you have a fantastic weekend!

Signing off from Mr. Langley, Mr. Bishop and Mrs. Hodge. 


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   Outside

Posted 22/03/2024
by Ruth Smith

As the weather begins to pick up we are enjoying being able to get outside more.

The newer children are so happy to be able to explore, dig, climb, run and slide in the outdoor area, as well as sail across the oceans, if they wish!


Polruan Primary Academy  

Posted 22/03/2024
by Jane Wills

Penultimate week of spring term

It has been a busy week across the school, with lots of enhanced learning experiences both inside and out of school, I think Tregeagle class have spent more time learning away from their classroom than in it this week. It is great to be able to enhance learning with offsite experiences. This does require added planning and preparation for the staff involved but the benefits to the children far outweigh this and the children’s enthusiasm and pleasure of these experiences more than makes up for it.

Head over to the class pages to read about your child’s week in their class.

Next week is our final week of the Spring term. We will finish the term with the Easter service at St Savour’s at 12:30pm. We hope that many of you can join us for some Easter stories and singing. As this is the final day of term, we will finish at 1:30pm.


Polruan Primary Academy  

Posted 22/03/2024
by Jane Wills

Penultimate week of term

It has been a super busy week with lots of fantastic experiences for the children.

The Year 5 and 6 children went to Fowey Rover Academy for sports. They learnt about football skills and had the chance to interact with children from other primary schools. Tuesday
The whole class went on a geography field trip to Plymouth and the Box. We parked in the historic Barbican area to give the children to chance to see the buildings and landmarks of historical importance to Plymouth’s history and to get a sense of place in terms of the geographical placement of Plymouth as a settlement. From our previous enquiry about the stone age, the children have good knowledge and understanding of settlements and topography, so we used this knowledge as a springboard to examine land use and explore how human features interact with physical features in a city. Inside the Box, we found evidence of the reasons behind the settlement and delved into Plymouth prehistoric climate and populations.
Swimming continues and the children are developing their skills with commitment. Living in a coastal village, the importance of water confidence is essential and it is a real pleasure to watch how the children embrace the learning on offer knowing this will make a positive difference to their summer time on the beach.
Half the class went to Looe for Sports and the other half had an experience day at school. The children arrived back from Looe tired but full of enthusiasm from the new experiences they’d had with fencing, segway, street surfing among many. Sounds like a resounding success. Back at school, we continued the class project of building a city using the Burgess model of layout. We split the day with science experiments, investigating chemistry with magic milk and glow lamps, baking a cake and a trip to the park to test the effects of gravity on slides and swings.
A day in the classroom with quiet focus on learning to end the week.
 Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs W


St Cleer Primary Academy   Spring is in the air!

Posted 22/03/2024
by Rebecca Whitty

Embracing Spring Fun!

Wow, we have had a lovely SUNNY week here at Pre school.  We have mainly spent the week outside in our outdoor area. 

The outside area of our school is abuzz with laughter and joy as children engage in various activities that celebrate the arrival of spring. From honing their scissor skills to mastering kicking techniques, there's never a dull moment.

Practicing scissor skills was in one of our tuff trays this week and all of the children enjoyed it. We have been looking at how to hold and how to snip with scissors. The children were able to cut up leaves, twigs, sticks and petals. All ready for next weeks magic potion making.

Meanwhile, in the gross motor area the children also were able to practice their kicking skills with the net, and their throwing and catching skills. We also had the scooter out again which everyone enjoyed. We all took it in turns to have a go.

We also had a lovely afternoon on Thursday in the forest school area with reception class. The children had to look for signs of spring.

This weeks sound was 't' the children thought of lots of different words that start with a 't' "Tango, TV, turtle, telephone, tree, tin, tan," and many more. They even had a go at forming the sound and all you could hear was "Down the tower across the tower" We are so proud of all the children and how the are trying to apply their phonics within their play!

We have a busy last week next week.

Tuesday is class photo day - if you don't come in on a Tuesday please feel free to come for normal time but if an adult can wait up in the reception area we will bring your child up after the photo has been taken! We'd love to have as many as possible.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Whitty and Miss Ronald :)


St Cleer Primary Academy   Spring 2 Week 5

Posted 22/03/2024
by Jacob Lewis


Wadebridge Primary Academy   Week 5 - Marvellous Maps!

Posted 22/03/2024
by Kate Clarke

Week 5 - Marvellous Maps!


This week, the children have shown off their skills in their reading assessments and we were really proud of how well they listened to instructions and for their brilliant reading and comprehension. We then started our poetry unit and learnt about alliteration where words with the same sound are used for impact in writing. We had fun trying to learn some tongue twisters, like "Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers"! 
The children came up with their own alliterative words, such as "dancing dog" and "Freddie fox". Children then took a poem about creatures under the sea and changed the adjective to one of their own. We had some great examples, including "squirty squids", "crusty crabs" and "shiny starfish". Next week, we will be writing our own poems about what is at the bottom of the garden. 


Children have continued learning about place value to 50 and have been looking at one more and one less than a given number to 50. For this, they have been learning to use number squares to 50 and have been able to find a number and work out one more and one less. We have been really impressed with their knowledge and how hard they have worked. 


We have been learning about maps this week and talked about where we find them - paper maps, on grown up's phones, in the car, in towns and cities, on the camel trail - they had some great ideas about where they were. We used Digimaps to find Cornwall and zoomed in to find Wadebridge and our school. We looked at the difference between a satellite image and a map and learnt what a key is. We then used our knowledge to go into the playground to look what features there are and to plot them onto a map. Next week, we will use this information to make a map of the playground. Children had to find different features and draw them in the correct place on their map, for example, the shed had to be to the left of the Year 2 classrooms and the climbing frame was next to a picnic bench. Children found it difficult at first not to draw the object from their viewpoint but to think of it as a "birds eye view". We studied some more maps in the classroom and talked about the difference. We are looking forward to drawing our maps next week. 


We have a shorter week next week with it being Easter and break up on Thursday at 1pm. 

We will still have PE on Wednesday so please send your child into school in their PE kit. 

Library day is Thursday - please do bring your books back in to change for the holidays. 

Please make sure your child has their book bag every day so they are able to read with adults in school, thank you.

Have a lovely weekend!

The Year 1 Team


Looe Primary Academy  

Posted 22/03/2024
by Rebecca Hughes

Week 5 

The children have had another wonderful week in Foundation/Year1 this week!

Can you believe we only have 3 ½ days to go until the Easter holidays!

This week the year ones have finished off some place value to 50 lessons and have been exploring partitioning larger numbers and also finding larger numbers on a number line. The year ones have then spent time being assessed on their maths knowledge. They all worked so hard, and the adults are very impressed!

In English the year ones have also been showing the adults what they can achieve by completing English assessments. The children tried so hard, even when it was quite tricky!

This week all the children have enjoyed exploring dinosaurs. We started the week with discovering dinosaur eggs. We then used vinegar ad pipets to hatch the dinosaurs form the eggs1 This was great fun! We have also been palaeontologists and used brushes to carefully uncover the fossils in the sandpit. We have also been using crayons to make rubbings of dinosaurs. We have explored dinosaur books and made dinosaurs from 2d shapes and Lego! We also drew dinosaurs, coloured them and SO MUCH MORE!

We have had a great week! Next week we will be exploring the Eden project and Easter!

We have definitely been great exploders this half term and I think the children can answer our big question: What’s it like to be an Explorer?

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend

Foundation /year 1 team.





Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy  

Posted 22/03/2024
by Sara Mckillop

w/e 22.3.24


Lanlivery Primary Academy   Spring term

Posted 22/03/2024
by Angie Couchman

Spring term

What a busy term we've had. We started the term learning about the United Kingdom, the 4 countries that make up the UK and their capital cities. The children then moved on to learn about space. The children loved learning about space and creating a variety of different art pieces. This term we have also enjoyed world book day where we focused on the author Oliver Jeffers. We were also lucky enough to win a competition to go to Plymouth Argyle for the day where we had a tour of the stadium, got a free football shirt, shot penalties against Pilgrim Pete and also played a mini match. We finished off the term enjoying some Easter craft activities and doing some yummy baking. 


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Sports Day Thursday 4th July - 9.15am EYFS/KS1; 1:45pm KS2.

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