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Polperro Primary Academy   15.4.24 - 19.4.2024

Posted 20/04/2024
by Karen Taylor

Welcome back to Summer Term 1!

Welcome back to everyone for the first half of Summer Term! We have got off to a great start where we introduced our new enquiry question: Is it a Bug's Life? We began by asking, are all animals the same and worked together to group animals that were the same.

In English, we have now written our own version of the traditional tale, The Enormous Turnip. The children have really enjoyed putting their ideas onto a story board in preparation to write our story as our 'best copy' next week. We have stories about colossal potatoes, enormous blueberries and huge carrots!

In maths, year 1 have been learning all about mass, weight, capacity and volume. They enjoyed weighing different things from around the classroom, learning which was heavier and lighter. Reception children have been exploring 3D shapes and patterns.

PE has been fun this week, especially as we have been able to get outside for our Ball Skills lesson. We also enjoyed our first yoga lesson on Friday, learning that Yoga originated from India, we therefore got into lots of monkey poses and recognised which muscles we were using to balance.

Our music lesson was a little different this week. We had a visit from the Polperro Wreckers. What a delight it was! Listening to a group of gentlemen sing songs all about where we live was a real treat and the children enjoyed talking about how important it was to appreciate different styles of music.

Our phonics lessons have also been a little different this week, the children enjoyed using ipads to explore twinklGO! on Friday, remember this is a resource that can be accessed at home and is updated regularly. Year 1s have been exploring 'alien'/fake words in preparation for our phonics assessments in June. It is important to keep up with daily reading and practising of sounds to ensure we are ready for this check!

Well done to our 'People of the Week' this week, all showing examples of our school values.  Emily, Felix and Evie G were recognised for this, this week. Well done!

We hope you enjoy a lovely weekend, especially now that the sun is shining!

See you on Monday for another fun-packed week of learning!

Mrs Taylor, Mrs G, Miss Colton, Mrs C and Miss Hodge.


Pelynt Primary Academy   Week Beginning 15th April 2024

Posted 20/04/2024
by Rebecca Gravener

Welcome Back To Our Summer Term.

We like to welcome you all back after our Easter holidays and to also welcome some new families to our Pre-School.

This week we have been lucky to see a bit of sunshine, we even had some of our children having a little sunbathe on Thursday afternoon!! 
It has been super to spend lots of our time outside exploring and playing without getting too wet. We also spent some time out on the "Big" school field which is so lovely as its such a wonderful place to be able to run freely and explore.

Our topic this term is "Are plants alive" and this week we have been exploring where seeds come from. We cut up some fruit and vegetables and talked about what we could see, we then used magnifying glasses to be able to see the seeds closer and look at all the different types of seeds we could find. 

We counted some of the seeds in an apple and found 5, we then looked at the seeds in a tomato and noticed that these seeds were smaller and different than the apples.

We have our own garden centre role play area and we will be making lots of plants and flowers to put into our little shop.

Our focussed book this week was Ten Seeds by Ruth Brown

By Ruth Brown Ten Seeds: ...

It tells the story of ten seeds, only one of which survives to grow into a lovely sunflower and produces new seeds to start the cycle again.

During this half term the children will experience planting seeds, watching them germinate, they will be looking after their plants plus discovering lots of minibeasts and learning about simple life cycles of frogs, butterflies, beans and sunflowers.

Have a wonderful weekend, and hopefully we'll see some more much needed sunshine.  

Mrs G, Mrs Rickard, Mrs Rowe and Miss Carr.

Dates for your diary -
St George’s Day Mufti Tuesday 23rd April will be a MUFTI day and we are inviting the children to come to school wearing the colours of the flag of St George, red and white. A voluntary donation of £1 can be given to the class teacher during registration.


St Cleer Primary Academy   History detectives

Posted 20/04/2024
by Thomas Hazlewood

History detectives

Our learning adventure this half term is investigating the legacy of the Ancient Greeks.  We started it off by looking at where Greece is on the map - and how the physical features of Greece impacted on how their civilisation developed.

Then we worked to create a timeline of important events in Greek history.  We were surprised that the Ancient Greeks were around at the same time as the Ancient Egyptians and the Romans.  We discussed some important features of Ancient Greek society - like the Olympics and democracy.  We had also heard of quite a few of the famous Ancient Greeks.

We had heard about lots of different Greek myths and legends.  One of the legends was Theseus and the Minotaur.  We wanted to think like historians - so we set up an evidence trail with lots of different types of evidence which would be available to historians today.  We needed to think about how these pieces of evidence could have proved that the encounter between Theseus and the Minotaur could have actually happened.  We enjoyed looking at the different historical sources, and we were great at thinking like a historian!!


Pelynt Primary Academy   Week ending 19th April 2024

Posted 19/04/2024
by Suzanne Porter

Welcome back.

The children have settled back into class routines exceptionally well. They have been enjoying the dry weather and being able to make the most of our large field especially at lunch times.

On returning to school, it was lovely to see all the children’s fabulous (finally dry) prints that we created last half term based on Hokusai’s, 36 Views of Mount Fuji series(pictured left).

During our English lessons this week, the children have not only finished their final draft of their newspaper reports, but they have also started a new learning based on Beowulf. The children summarised the story using their computing skills to digitally create a storyboard along with designing their own story maps to help them to retell the story off by heart. This week we have also been reminding ourselves of various word classes and their roles.

In our science lesson this week, the children learnt about solubility. They made predictions, carried out tests and reflected on their results.

During our PE lessons this week, we thoroughly enjoyed beginning our focus of touch rugby with Pro20. In our athletic lesson this week, we used the iPads to capture our running technique and time across a distance which we hope to improve on other this half term.

During PSHE, the children learnt about mental health and the balance between challenges and support.

We enjoyed our Music lesson with Mrs Butlin and look forward to music with her during this half term.

Homework has been set on Mathletics and Spelling Shed. Please also remember to read regularly and that we have Times Table Rockstar logins.

Points to remember:

PE on Mondays and Fridays

St George’s Day- red and white mufti Tuesday 23rd April

Clubs start this week

SATs week- 13th- 16th May

Residential- 12th-14th June – full payment due


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   Week ending 19.04.23

Posted 19/04/2024
by David Parry

The children of Talland Class have settled into the new term with enthusiasm, increased confidence and a willingness to learn. This is fabulous to see and experience and will put them on a good grounding to achieve their targets in all subjects this term. Well done, Talland.

During this week, the children have revised their knowledge and understanding of fractions (finding common denominators, for example), learned how to use the possessive apostrophe with greater understanding (Mary's coat, for instance) and have developed their knowledge of the history of the Tamar River through creating and annotating an historic timeline beginning from 936 AD when King Athelstan drew a boundary at the Tamar between Wessex and Cornwall. The children added their own specific important event on the timeline: for example, 2014 The year I was born and 2023 The year I adopted my dog. This week has set a solid foundation to build-on the children's learning for the rest of the Summer Term.

best wishes,

Mr Parry, Mrs Swabey and the Talland Class team (Mrs Walters and Ms Rowlands)

Why do magicians do so well in school?
 They’re good at trick questions.

What kind of school do you go to if you’re… …an ice cream man? Sundae school.
…a giant? High school.
…a surfer? Boarding school.
…King Arthur? Knight school.


Wadebridge Primary Academy  

Posted 19/04/2024
by Donna Clayson

Summer 1 - Week 1 - A Warm Welcome Back 

Welcome back to you all. It has been so wonderful to have our fabulous Reception children back at school this week, just as some glorious, warm sunshine arrived for us too!

This week in our maths learning, we have been exploring numbers from 10-20. We have learnt their names and have dug deep to explore the tens and ones in each number. This helps the children to embed that two-digit numbers are made up of tens and ones. We experimented with this in many ways. We started by using numicon pieces to make a number from 10-20. The children had to use the 10 piece numicon and then find the ones numicon piece to build the shown number.

We then moved on to making numbers 10-20 with two tens frames and counters. Again, we broke down how many tens it had and then how many ones the number had. The children worked in teams to make the given number on their tens frame. They first made the whole ten and then how many ones the number had. They had to count their counters altogether to double check it had made the correct number.

We finished our week by learning how to build number 10-20 using cubes.

In other news, we were more than just a ‘tad’ excited about the new members of Reception! On Thursday, we met our class tadpoles. The children are very eager to learn all about them and to watch them grow and develop. There has already been much hype about when they’ll start to develop legs and change over time. Today we have spoken about frogs being amphibians and how they change during their lifecycle. We are sure that you’ll hear much more about them over the next few weeks.

This week we have started to attend whole class assemblies on a Friday afternoon. The children were praised for how beautifully they came into assembly and sat and listened. We even got to leave assembly first as we had sat so well. Well done Reception!

Next week, we will start learning all about Africa through our class text - Handa's Suprise.

Reminders - P.E is going to move to a Thursday morning. We obviously have the children’s P.E kits in each day anyway for extra sessions we add in. Our weekly library session will now move to a Monday. We kindly ask for you to ensure your child’s library book is brought in, in their book bag, on a Monday.

We hope you have a fantastic weekend.

Best wishes,

The Reception Team


Polruan Primary Academy  

Posted 19/04/2024
by Jane Wills

Summer 1

We have returned from the Easter break to wind up our enquiry “What is life like in a City?”. It proved a perfect chance for the children to retrieve their learning and apply this knowledge in the final geography lessons. We went on a fieldwork walk around the village following a rote the children had traced on maps beforehand. Along the way, we looked for landmarks and discussed how we could show these on the map using symbols. Back in the classroom, the children sketched their own maps, adding a key to explain the landmarks.

In English, we are at the end of the sentence stacking and next week, the children will start planning their own stories and move on to writing and editing before sharing them with Canute class.

In PE, we continue swimming on Wednesdays and on Thursdays we have started Outdoor Adventurous Activities – OAA which provided a mixture of teambuilding, orienteering and forest school skills. Don’t forget to look at the fantastic learning on your child’s SeeSaw.

Have a lovely weekend
Mrs W


Polruan Primary Academy  

Posted 19/04/2024
by Jane Wills

This afternoon, we had a visit from RNLI to share the work the institution does and how the children can keep themselves safe in and around the water. The children showed keen interest and asked some brilliant questions, chipping in with their knowledge of the local area and learning from previous visits from the Harbour Master and Morwagh.

Both classes have been out and abut in the village, Canute class to look at plants in the National Trust Field for their science lessons and Tregeagle class for Geographical field work to sketch maps of the local area.

Next week, Canute are off to visit Nancarrow Farm on Tuesday. We look forward to hearing all about their trip.

Have a lovely weekend, Mrs W


St Cleer Primary Academy   Summer 1 Week 1

Posted 19/04/2024
by Jacob Lewis

A full catch up for this weeks learning - video in two parts below...


Polperro Primary Academy   Talland's Class Blog 19.4.24

Posted 19/04/2024
by Ben Heasman-Langley

Talland Class Blog 19.4.24

Happy Summer 1 everyone! 

We've kicked off with a busy but fun first week! We've also discussed our enquiry question for this term: Can 'CHANGE' change?

Year 4 have begun using decimals and in particular, looking at tenths.
Year 5 have begun their unit on shape. Why not ask them how to use a protractor. They are getting good a measuring angles up to 180 degrees. 

We have started writing instructions in writing. Talland have been looking at how to make jelly. Hopefully our instructions are good enough to make it successfully...
This term, we are focusing on ORIENTEERING (Mondays) and BADMINTON (Tuesdays). It will be lots of fun! Please make sure that your child has their kit in school ready for these fun and engaging activities. 

This term, we are delving into STATES OF MATTER. We have looked at the differences between solids, liquids gases and described their properties this week. We also looked at key language to help us describe different materials characteristics.

We will be focusing on collage this term. We have already began creating mood boards and looking at a range of different collages. Our final piece should be fantastic and one you might even want to have framed and put up in your home. Watch this space for updates!

I have attached the KIRFs for this term. It would be great if you could help your child practice them (if time allows itself).

That's all from us in Talland this week. We hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Signing off from Mr. Langley, Mr. Bishop and Mrs. Hodge.


Polperro Primary Academy   Friday 19th April 2024

Posted 19/04/2024
by Alice Gibbings

It has been lovely welcoming the children back after the Easter holidays. We started the term by designing posters for the Polperro Festival, which were fantastic! Well done everyone! 

We have started our new Enquiry question this half term, 'Could You Be An Explorer?'. As part of this, we have started in Geography by learning about the countries and capital cities in the United Kingdom. In Science, we have began to look at magnets and forces at a distance. We also loved our French lesson this week with Mrs Hillman, where we learnt the names of different ice cream flavours!

In Music this week, we were treated to the wonderful Polperro Wreckers, which was amazing! In Art this half term, we will be covering a range of European artists and developing our skills in a range of areas. This week, we learnt all about Anselm Kiefer and enjoyed looking at his artwork. We then applied our sketching knowledge to draw broken buildings, inspired by Anselm.

In Maths, we have continued to focus on Shape. Year 2 have been looking at lines of symmetry on 2-D shapes and drawing accurately with rulers, which has required lots of determination. Year 3 have been revisiting angles and horizontal and vertical lines, as well as being introduced to parallel and perpendicular lines.

In English, we have continued to look at biographies and have enjoyed reading about the life of Greta Thunburg. We have written emails from the perspective of Greta and role played interviewing her about the global climate crisis. Next week, we will be learning about the lives of some famous women from History.

Congratulations to Everly for being Landaviddy's Person of the Week! 

We hope you have a great weekend and look forward to seeing you next week!

Miss Gibbings, Mrs Phillips and Miss Cullingford


Looe Primary Academy  

Posted 19/04/2024
by Rebecca Hughes

Week 1 - Summer Term

What a fantastic first week back we have had! The children have come back to school with such enthusiasm, and it has been lovely to see! We have loved hearing all about their Easter activities at home too!

This week the children have worked so well. All children have been exploring a Kenning poem and have been exploring verbs ending -ing to make a noun verb phrase such as children eating, cars tooting. The children then imitated our Kenning poem into a poem about Looe and we were blown away with the suggestions the children came up with! The children have then been using their phonic knowledge to write the poem. They are amazing.

In maths the year ones have been exploring number bonds to 10 and have been working hard to add objects together to make 10, using part-whole models. The year one children have been exploring length and height, they have used key vocabulary and have measured objects using cubes and then learning about a ruler and measuring in centimetres.

Today we held our Alternative sports afternoon, and it was fantastic, the children had lots of fun joining in with all the activities and games. We will try and fit lots of these activities into our special sports in foundation/ year 1 over the last summer term.

The children have achieved so much this week and have explored so much learning.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend

Foundation /year 1 team. 


Wadebridge Primary Academy   Welcome back!

Posted 19/04/2024
by Chris Wathern

It has been a joy to welcome your children back to school this week. I’ve been so pleased to see their enthusiasm as soon as they get into school completing their early morning maths. Making every moment of school life count is vitally important, and so it’s pleasing to see this week’s attendance at 96%. Our overall attendance target for the year is 97%, so we aren’t far off. Thank you for your continued support.

Thank you to everyone for making me feel so welcome. I’m looking forward to continuing to get to know the school better, and build those all-important relationships with children, staff, parents and the wider community.

I’ve spent a lot of this week starting to get to know the children and staff. Going around the classes, it has been wonderful to see the wide range of learning taking place, such as the children in Big Nursery waiting patiently for butterflies to emerge from their chrysalises. It was impressive to hear them explain the lifecycle of a butterfly using all the rich scientific language.

This week’s Shining Stars theme was ‘Being Respectful’ – one of our golden rules. It was a pleasure seeing children receiving their certificates in assembly today and all the different ways they have demonstrated respect. I know the staff had a difficult time choosing who to give them to, especially in Year 6 (pictured). A special mention to our Shining Stars from Reception, who came into their first proper whole school assembly for the first time. Both classes were role models to all children – well done!

Next week, we will be sharing some of the confirmed dates for various events this term. This will also include some informal opportunities to meet with me, for instance at a coffee morning/afternoon. I’m really keen to hear from parents as to what you value about this wonderful school as well as your thoughts on what we can do to make it even better.

Wishing you all a restful (and hopefully sunny) weekend.

Mr Chris Wathern


Polperro Primary Academy  

Posted 19/04/2024
by Emily Randle

What a busy first week back we've had!

In Maths, we have been investigating Statistics; drawing line graphs, bar charts, pie charts (Y6) and tables and understanding why and how these represent data collection.

We have been editing, improving and writing up our best copy of our Midnight Fox in English. Chaipel have written the ending to our class story (which we are now reading to see if any of ours match the imagination of the author, Betsy Byars).

Our study into the Neo-expressionist Basquiat has concluded with the completion of our artwork and subsequent evaluation. Everyone has embraced this particular style of art and the finished pieces will make a great display to showcase the unique style of this incredible artist.

On Thursday we had the Polperro Wreckers in school to sing some Sea Shanties. They then joined us for our Music slot where we got to perform alongside them. It was amazing and the school were complemented by how well behaved and enthusiastic the pupils were!

Our new enquiry is...WHAT DO ALL LIVING THINGS HAVE IN COMMON? We will be investigating life cycles and classification - so very Science heavy. We will be Tie-dying in Art (I will send a letter with more info next week) and learing how to programme and code Micro-bits to measure temperature in Computing. Very exciting!!

That's all from me so have a lovely weekend and see you all on Monday!

Miss Randle, Mrs Clary and Miss Gilbert.


St Cleer Primary Academy   19th April

Posted 19/04/2024
by Jenifer Kite


Polperro Primary Academy   19/4/24

Posted 19/04/2024
by Julie Peat

It was grerat to be back to nursery this week and to see everyone. We welcomed our returning children and welcomed our new children and families to nursery for their settling in visits.
This week, we are exploring planting and growing and answering our enquiry question "What makes things grow?"
The children have enjoyed playing in the garden centre role play where they have been acting out the role of shop keeper and have been watering the flowers and selling seeds.
They have been exploring the tuft tray with interest, filling and pouring with the tubes and tubs and mixing colours with the paint blocks.
The children have started to plant seeds, which we will watch to see how they grow and see if we can make them as tall as a beanstalk.

At story time, we have been enjoying the story of Jack and the Beanstalk and have made a beanstalk in our book area.
In phonics, the children have been breaking down short words into sounds, making up silly rhyming words and talking about the sounds that different musical instruments make.

In maths, we are learning to name, order and write numbers from 1-5.

Have a great weekend and see you all next week.

Julie and Sarah


Looe Primary Academy   Welcome to Looe Nursery

Posted 19/04/2024
by Helen Hoskin

Welcome to Looe Nursery! 

Looe Primary welcomes children from 2 years of age into our nursery setting. 

Our staff have a wealth of experience and knowledge and work hard to create a safe and nurturing environment for the children in our care. We also recognise that parents are children’s most important teachers and therefore work closely with them.

Play is essential for children’s development, building their confidence as they learn to explore, relate to others, set their own goals, and solve problems. Children learn by leading their own play, and by taking part in play and learning that is guided by adults. We put early language at the heart of a broad curriculum, and spend time on quality interactions with children. 
We offer funded and non funded sessions for 2, 3, and 4 year olds. Government funding is available for children from the first term after their 2nd or third birthday and information about  this can be obtained from The Family Information Service. The following link explains how you can apply for help with childcare costs:

The nursery have very close links with the Reception Class and have a comprehensive and effective transition every Summer term for those starting school in September. Our staff work closely with the school's EYFS Lead who regularly visits.
We can offer hot meals, which in some circumstances can be free for some children. We provide a fruit snack and milk mid morning where children sit down together.

Please do contact the office for a visit if you wish to find out more.


Pelynt Primary Academy   Week ending Friday 19th April 2024

Posted 19/04/2024
by Lauren Forbes

What lovely weather we've had this week to welcome the children back to school for the summer term! It has been wonderful to spend some time outside in our outside area and for our PE lessons. We started our new learning for this half term, our big question is 'What is a superhero?' The children are very excited about this topic!

During our maths learning this week, we were focusing on building numbers and continuing patterns beyond 10. We practiced counting to 20 using the stable order counting principle. We practiced counting both forwards and backwards. We then explored counting and building amounts and explaining what number we had built. The children were starting to notice patterns they could see e.g. ten and 1, ten and 2, ten and 3 etc. They then said that "the number after the one was going up by one each time". We will continue with this strand of learning next week where we will be further investigating pattern and verbal counting. 

In English, to introduce our new 'big question' we begun the week by looking at some very familiar superheroes and writing their names and their superpowers.  Our story this week was 'Eliot Jones, Midnight Superhero'. We wrote about the superpowers Eliot used in the story and what he used them for. We also  looked at when speech bubbles are used in stories; we then wrote some speech bubbles for the characters in the story.

In RE we have started to discuss which places are special and why. We talked about places that are special to us, for example, places to be happy, to have fun, to be quiet or to feel safe. The children came up with some lovely ideas, including, the beach, the park, the woods, the playground and their bedroom.

In PSHE we have started our unit on 'Relationships' and this week we have been looking at our families. Mrs Forbes shared a photo of her family; if any of the children would like to bring in a photo of their family to share during our PSHE circle time next week on Wednesday we would love to see them. 

Our art learning this week involved creating a piece of artwork...more information to follow soon! 

The children each took their tricky word bags home on Friday, please see the note inside which provides some more information. If you have any questions please feel free to ask. 

School photos are next Friday - please ensure all children are wearing their school uniform. 

Class 1 Team


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   Welcome back!

Posted 19/04/2024
by Katie Grinsted

Summer Term

What lovely weather we’ve had this week to welcome the children back to school for the summer term! It has been wonderful to spend time outside in our fantastic school grounds. We have thrown ourselves into Tregantle’s new topic ‘What is life like on the farm?’ The children have been learning about the different types of farms including arable, livestock and dairy. The children were very interested to find out how farmers work so hard to produce food for us. In our science learning we found out about seeds and how they grow. We have even planted our own potatoes! As part of our learning on life cycles we have welcomed five caterpillars into our class! We will be observing them carefully over the coming weeks as they grow and change into butterflies. The EYFS children have started learning the text ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ whilst the Year 1 children are learning ‘Christopher Nibbles.’ On Wednesday Trgantle class had a music lesson from a visiting specialist music teacher. They learnt some great body percussion and kept to the beat of several pieces of music. We were lucky to take part in an alternative sports day on Thursday. The weather was perfect and the children absolutely loved trying some new games like ‘island attack’ and archery. Please see attached the curriculum overview for the summer term for more details of our areas of learning.


St Cleer Primary Academy   Take a trip on our new hall mural timeline

Posted 19/04/2024
by Michele Spencer

Over the Easter holidays Mrs Hillyard created a fantastic timeline in the hall - do pop in and take a look when you can!


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