Class Blog for Year 5/6 H

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All-sorts of science 

All-sorts of science

Our science focus this half term is on how we can 'classify' living things.  We are learning about the system which Carl Linnaeus devised to classify living things according to their different characteristics.

To get used to the idea of classification, we thought of all the different places we may see classification in real-life (eg: the fruit and vegetables in a supermarket, the stationery in our classroom trays) and thought about how we might go about sorting large groups of items into different categories.

We looked at sorting diagrams (classification keys) and thought about the type of questions we could use to help us sort different items into their own individual categories.  Then came the fun part.  Working together, we needed to create a classification diagram which would separate all of the different liquorice all-sorts into categories based on their characteristics.

We had all-sorts of fun - and every group successfully classified their sweets!


African countries in the Atlas 

African countries in the Atlas

To start our learning adventure about the Kingdom of Benin we first discussed what we knew about Africa.  We were able to ask Anenyasha about his ideas about Africa and he explained that Africa has many different countries and regions which have very different cultures and religions.

We used the Atlases to learn about the different countries which make up the continent of Africa.  We discovered that there are 54 countries - the most in any continent.  We used the Atlases to help us locate different countries on the continent of Africa and went on to discuss how we can use an 8 point compass to begin to be more accurate in our discussions about where different countries are in relation to each other.

We really enjoyed using the atlases and are looking forward to finding out lots more about the Kingdom of Benin.


Hockey Skills 

Hockey Skills

Despite the wet weather this week, we were able to introduce the children to hockey.  None of us had played hockey outside of school so our first session was about how to hold the hockey stick correctly and then a range of different drills to help us feel more comfortable running and dribbling with a hockey stick.

In the beginning we felt awkward and our dribbling skills were very slow and deliberate but after a few practice runs we were much more confident and dribbling with speed and accuracy.

We are very keen to get onto passing, pushing and hitting the ball in the weeks to come.


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