Class Blog for Year 5/6 H

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Information for a new half term 

Information for a new half term

Spring 1 in 5/6H

It has been an icy start back to the new term but the children have settled back into their learning with enthusiasm.


Our topics for this half term can be found in the overview that I have attached below. In addition to this you will find this half term’s Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRFs) to practice with your child. I have also included the Year 5 and Year 6 recommended reads and statutory spelling lists.


Our PE day has had to change to a THURSDAY – please remember that children should come into school in full PE kit.


We will endeavour to regularly update this blog to give you a flavour of what we have covered in class, and also pass on any important information. To help us with this, please make sure that all permissions are up to date on Arbor so that we can share images as soon as possible.


In Upper Key Stage 2, it is important to support the children’s learning at home as much as possible. A reminder that our home learning expectations are:

Daily Reading (15 minutes) – recorded reading record to contribute to a Reading Karate reward

Times-tables and KIRF practice (20 minutes weekly) using TTRS and the KIRF sheets below

Spellings (20 minutes weekly)

Online learning – set on Atom Prime (logins will be stuck into children’s reading record)

As always, if you have any questions or concerns please do get in touch.

All the very best, Mr H and the Year 5/6 team

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Incredible artists 

Incredible artists

We have really enjoyed getting stuck into our Art topic this half term about portraits.  Focusing on Lucien Freud (a celebrated portrait artist) we have enjoyed evaluating his famous portraits and trying to develop our own artistic styles.

We have considered Freud's use of colours and tried to develop different skin tones as well as working on our sketching skills.

We have challenged ourselves to move out of our comfort zones and use different styles and techniques than we usually would.  We are very please with the results so far!


Snow day activities 

Snow day Activites (21st November)

Unfortunately, the school has had to remain closed today due to the heavy snow falling in St Cleer.

Please see below some learning activities you can use today (mainly winter themed).
-  Learn the class text map (text map and WAGOLL text provided)
-  Solve the maths mystery
-  Easier, Medium, Harder maths challenge cards to try to solve.
-  Iceberg area challenge (remember - to calculate the area of a triangle you calculate WIDTH x HEIGHT...then divide by two).

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Year 6 residential 

Please find below some pictures from our Year 6 Residential to Beam House.  Please be sensitive about who you share these images with.

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Beliefs in Benin 

Beliefs in Benin

We have really enjoyed learning about the Kingdom of Benin.  At the start of our learning journey hardly any of us had even heard of the Kingdom of Benin, but we have enjoyed finding out all about life in Benin and why it is important for us in the UK to learn about the Benin Kingdom.

As a celebration of our learning, we finished our adventure by investigating what beliefs were common in the Kingdom of Benin.  We learned that the people worshipped many different Gods (making links to Hinduism) and also that they would offer sacrifices to try and please the Gods.  We learned that sometimes humans were sacrificed!  We also found out that people in Benin were Animists - who believed that animals had special powers.  Leopards were very important because they represented power, and crocodiles were thought to be guardians of the water.  We know this from artefacts found in Benin.

We created our own clay tiles to represent animals which might have been worshipped in the Kingdom of Benin.  Needless to say it was dirty - but fun!


Creating Automata toys 

Creating Automata toys

We had great fun in our DT project this half term - which focused on using cams.  Our design brief was to create a themed window display which used cams to make the display interactive.

First of all, we investigated different Automata toys and mechanisms.  We watched videos to understand how different automata work and also how cams of different shapes would impact the follower.

Then we started to create our frame.  We measured, cut and assembled the pieces of wood for our frame, and then measured and cut pieces of card to encase our frames.

Once our frames were completed, we considered the designs for our displays and also created the cams to place in the rod which went through the frame.  The final piece was the trickiest bit - 
fitting the cam rod so that the follower pieces were positioned correctly.

We were very proud of our finished designs!


Zero pairs (negative numbers) 

Using zero pairs

Within our maths unit looking at Place Value, the year 6 children have been building their confidence calculating with negative numbers.  As well as using number lines which continue past zero to help them - we introduced the children to the idea of zero pairs.

We used double sided counters to help them visualise positive and negative numbers - and they could easily see that +1 + -1 = 0.  They used this idea to spot zero pairs (where positive and negative counters cancelled each other out) and find out the answer to number sentences such as 'What is 6 less than 4?'

The children enjoyed using the counters to consolidate their learning and were able to use visual representations in their books to help them solve more complex problems.


Lots more activities 

Activities and adventures

We are still having a great time - but as teachers we are battling the very poor wifi.  We promise to share the many photos we have taken with you when we return.  Today we have been incredibly busy through the rain and sunshine.  We have climbed walls, battled the high ropes, leapt from the trapeze platform, built shelters and made fires and solved a multitude of different problems.

We have worked together, encouraged each other and built memories that will last a lifetime.  We finished the day off with a sing-song around the campfire!


Super start to day 2 

Super start to day 2

We settled down to sleep by 10:30pm - but we were awake very early!  We have managed to make our dorm rooms very cosy - and even got to dry out our wet shoes overnight in the 'dry-room' which was a nice surprise!  After a huge cooked breakfast - we have enjoyed activities such as the 'Trapeze', problem solving, abseiling and archery.

More photos to come shortly when we can get the wifi to work!!


Fantastic first day at Beam House (PGL) 

Fantastic first day at Beam House (PGL)

After a very early start - we have had a great first day at Beam house.  The bus journey was very smooth - and we arrived a little early.  After a short while to stretch our legs - we were able to get ourselves settled into our rooms and have our packed lunch outside in the sunshine.

This afternoon, we enjoyed activities such as archery, abseiling and the Trapeze (which looks terrifying)!  After a delicious dinner - we have played a great game of 'Ambush' in the dark (we loved the war-paints) and we are settling down for our first night 'sleeping' in our dorms!

A great first day!!


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