Class Blog for Year 5

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The moon is not made of cheese... 

The moon is not made of cheese...'s made of Jaffa cakes!

As part of our continuing journey of learning about the Solar System - we focussed on the moon.  We learned about how we can see the moon and what the moon is really made of - then we learned about the different phases of the moon.

We were interested that a new moon is completely dark (that seemed a bit weird) and that when the moon seems to be getting brighter it is called 'waxing' and when it is getting darker it is called 'waning'.

To consolidate our learning, we represented the phases of the moon using Jaffa cakes!  We weren't allowed to eat the Jaffa cakes until we had completed our poster!!  We loved this learning and can remember a lot of it...and we even left two Jaffa cakes for Mr H.


To infinity and beyond... 

To infinity and beyond...

We are loving our new science unit learning about Earth and Space.  We already know quite a lot of facts about the Solar System but we have learned a lot about each of the different planets, and how our understanding of the Solar System has changes over time.  We learned the mnemonic 'My Very Easy Method Just Speeds Up Nothing' to help us learn the order of the planets from the Sun (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune).  For some reason we just love saying the name Uranus??

We learned about the Terrestrial planets and the Gas Giants, and that they are separated by an asteroid belt.  We created an artistic model of the Solar System and also laid out a scale model of the Solar System on a piece of string.  The children were blown away by the fact that each centimetre on our scale model represented 20 million miles!!

We then moved on to learning about why we get day and night on Earth and how the Earth's orbit and rotation influences the different seasons.


Leaps and vaults 

Leaps and vaults

LIn our Gymnastics unit this half term, we have loved learning different types of leaps and rolls.  This week we extended this into learning how to vault.  Many of us have learned some of the techniques in our parkour and gym clubs outside of school.  We were learning to hurdle leap onto the springboard, vault onto the raised bench and then either Straddle or Pike leap down onto the crash-mat.

On the lower benches we could get a bit more creative with our leaps!

We set up different stations in the hall so that we could practise the different skills - and enjoyed learning how to vault (although it was quite scary for some of us to begin with)


Women in World War 2 

Women in World War 2

We have really enjoyed learning about World War 2 in our Learning Adventure.  This week we were focusing on the role which women played on the Home Front.

We learned that before World War 2, many women were not able to (or chose not to) work.  However, when the men were called up to join the war effort the country relied on women to fill the roles which were left.

We found out that women were employed as code-breakers, in munition factories, in the land army, in the women's auxillary air-force (WAAF), the women's royal navy (WREN), the air-raid precaution corps (ARP) and the women's voluntary service (WVS).

We created recruitment posters to try to persuade women to take on the different roles.  We looked at different recruitment posters from the 1940's to give us ideas and then we tried to recreate that style in our own work.  I think we did a great job! 


Tower of Babel and Mustard seeds 

Tower of Babel and mustard seeds

Lorem  We are really fortunate as a class to be able to invite Deborah in to teach us RE.  Her depth of knowledge is amazing and she finds ways to relate the key points to the children in meaningful and creative ways.

This half term, she has been focusing on the key question - What kind of king is Jesus?

We have tried to recruit a king with the values that we would like, and learned a lot from different bible passages.  We have also learned all about King Herod, and were interested to learn about what the bible says about the Tower of Babel.  This week, we learned about the parable of the mustard seed.  We examined different types of seeds - and then interpreted what the parable demonstrates to us about Jesus.  We're looking forward to learning what Deborah is going to bring with her next week.


Factor bugs 

Factor bugs

This week we started our new maths unit on multiplication and division.  We learned about multiples and found shared multiples.  Then we began our learning on factors.  We found out that factors are numbers which divide equally into another number.  We discussed how knowing our times-tables facts would be a real help when we were learning about factors.

To support our understanding we learned how to draw 'factor bugs' for different numbers.  We played a game of snakes and ladders - drawing a factor bug for each square that we landed on.  Once we had drawn a few factor bugs - we discussed how we could use factor bugs to recognise when a number was a square number - and also when a number was a prime number.


A new half term 

A new half-term

Welcome back to a new half term!  I hope that you and the children have had a great break.  We have a whole range of fantastic learning opportunities planned for this half term.  Please see some of the important details below.

Year 5 Mindmap
Attached below is a mind-map which details what we plan to learn across the curriculum this half term.

Parent Consultations
We have set aside two evenings for parent consultations this half term.  Monday 6th November (3:30 - 6pm) and Wednesday 8th November (3:30 - 6pm).  Please sign up for a ten minute time slot through Arbor - or speak to Mr Hazlewood directly to arrange a suitable time.

PE Lessons
Our timetable for PE remains the same this half term.  Our PE will be on Tuesday.  Children can come into school in their PE kit on PE days.

Supporting learning at home
We encourage learning at home to support the work we do in school and enable children to become more confident.  Our home-learning expectations are:

Daily reading (15 minutes) - reading which is recorded in your reading record will contribute towards your Reading Karate reward
Times-tables and KIRF practice (20 minutes weekly) using Times Tables Rock Stars (TTRS) and the KIRF sheets (attached below).
Spellings (20 minutes weekly) - focusing on our focus spellings and the Year 4/5 and 5/6 statutory spelling lists (attached below).
Online learning - This will be set on Atom Prime (logins stuck in thy front of children's reading records)

As always, if you have any questions or concerns please do get in touch.

All the very best,  the Year 5 team.

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Another great week 

Another great week

The weeks are flying by in 5H this year and this week has been a belter!   We started off on Monday learning our new class text map to help us with our WW2 diary writing.  We were so good at learning the text off by heart that we earned ourselves a reward.  As well as learning the text map, we have been learning about the features of diary writing and practising some of the sentence types which will be useful when we come to write our extended pieces.

In Maths we have been building our understanding of place value and are becoming much more confident using numbers up to one million!  We've learned how to order, compare, round and partition these numbers.

Deborah came in on Monday to teach us about what the bible tells us about love, and we have started to build towards programming our own Micro-bits.  We learned about Winston Churchill and Adolf Hitler in our learning adventure and we even linked our PE to the World War by completing freeze frames to create scenarios which people might have experiences in the World War.

Well done to Tristan and Ruby for winning the 'Star of the week' awards this week - well deserved!


A FUN first full week 

A FUN first full week

The first 9 days of term has absolutely flown by!  We have been so busy in class setting up the routines and expectations for the children - and also beginning our adventures in learning.

We have learned so much.  We have honed our poetry writing, using noun phrases, similes and metaphors to convey an emotion.  We have learned about place value and Roman numerals in Maths and even had a chance to play Yahtzee and look at a 'horse race'.  We have started to learn about the WW2 and the events that led up to the start of the war.  We've been excited to start reading our class novel - Letters from the Lighthouse and we've also had time to learn about Algorithms and look at the Gospels in the New Testament.

Its been a whirlwind first few days of the term.  Here are some photos of our learning - please remember to update your photo permissions on the parent section of Arbor so that we can share even more photos of our learning. 



Welcome to Year 5!

Welcome to Year 5!  I hope that all of the children are happy and will have a wonderful time in Year 5.  We have been busy setting up the classroom and making sure that the start of term can be as smooth as possible.


Our topics for this half term can be found in the overview that I have attached below.  In addition to this you will find this half term’s Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRFs) to practice with your child.  I have also included the Year 5 recommended reads and statutory spelling lists.  Copies of these will be sent home.


Our PE day has had to change to a Tuesday – please remember that children should come into school in full PE kit.

Class blog & photo permissions

In Year 5, we will endeavour to regularly update this blog to give you a flavour of what we have covered in class, and also pass on any important information.  To help us with this, please make sure that all image and publicity permissions are up to date on Arbor so that we can share images on the blog as soon as possible.

Supporting learning at home

As the children enter Upper Key Stage 2, we ask the children to consolidate their learning at home – however we never want this to become a battle! As a guide home learning expectations are:

Daily Reading (15 minutes) – recorded reading record to contribute to a Reading Karate reward

Times-tables and KIRF practice (20 minutes weekly) using Times Table Rock Stars (TTRS) and the KIRF sheets below

Spellings (20 minutes weekly)

Online learning – set on Atom Prime (logins will be stuck into children’s reading record)


As always, if you have any questions or concerns please do get in touch.


All the very best, Mr H and the Year 5 team.

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Our Values...



We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.



We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.



We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.



We are passionate about learning.



We are the best we can be.



We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.

Sports Day Thursday 4th July - 9.15am EYFS/KS1; 1:45pm KS2.

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