Class Blog for Year 5

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Colours, colours everywhere 

Colours, colours everywhere

Our art unit this half term has been focused on colour!  We have looked at Emilio Villalba's work and learned about his use of primary and secondary colours and also how he cleverly uses tint, tone and shade to create texture in his artwork.

We've learned about the colour wheel, and also experimented using different paints and materials.  We were also learning how to use different brush strokes to create different effects.

To finish off our project we created an artwork of a panda on a canvas.  We really enjoyed using different types of brushes and mixing all of the different colours just using the primary colours, black and white.  We loved our finished artwork!!


Super scientists 

Super scientists

This week we have been delving into the different properties of materials.  On Monday we investigated the solubility of different materials.  Using warm water as our solvent - we conducted a fair test to see which solutes would dissolve.  As you can see we had a lot of fun carrying out our investigation and we were surprised that cocoa powder didn't completely dissolve.

We then progressed our learning onto using what we knew about the properties of materials to be able to separate a mixture.  We learned about the processes of filtering, sieving, magnetic attraction and evaporation as methods to separate mixtures.  Again we had a lot of fun trying out the different methods  - and we were able to successfully separate all of the mixtures, even the saltwater!  It did get messy!!


Fractions aren't frightening! 

Fractions aren't frightening!

When we started out maths unit on fractions three weeks ago - lots of us said we were scared for fractions and found them really confusing!  BUT - HOW FAR WE HAVE COME SINCE THEN!  Now we are coming towards the end of our time focusing on fractions - and we are SO much more confident.  Our progress has been amazing, and today we played a game where we were adding mixed numbers.

To be able to do this we needed to demonstrate understanding of wholes and parts, recognise mixed numbers and improper fractions (and convert between them).  Use the rule of equivalence to convert fractions, and also use our times-tables facts to calculate a common denominator!  To do all of this - carefully and in the right order are amazing maths skills which we have mastered.

Fractions aren't frightening but I'm not sure we think they are fun yet either!!


Incredible insulators 

Incredible Insulators

Our science this half-term has focussed on the properties of materials.  Having examined the conductivity and magnetism of different materials, this week we focussed on thermal insulators.

We conducted an investigation into which materials would make the best thermal insulators.  Our challenge was to investigate which materials would keep the water warmest for longest.  We learned about heat exchange and then carried out our experiment.

We used different materials to insulate a paper cup (but left one cup completely uncovered as a control cup).  We measured the temperature of the water at 5 minute intervals to see which materials were keeping the water the warmest.  As well as learning a lot about properties of materials and fair tests - we also had a lot of fun!


Maps and Micro:bits 

Maps and Micro:bits

We have had a great week this week.  As well as learning about suspense stories in English, and converting mixed numbers and improper fractions in maths - we have had a chance to get into our new topics.

In our learning adventure we are learning about China - and comparing China to the UK.  We were excellent at using the atlases and maps to identify the different continents and labelling the UK and China.  We found out that although China has the worlds biggest population, it is only the third largest country in the world.

We looked at how China is separated into provinces, and autonomous regions and compared it to the UK, which is split into counties.

We also had the chance to learn how to use Micro:bits.  They are small computers which we can program on the i-pads.  We used our algorithms to create a name badge which displayed our names on the LED lights of the Micro:bits.  We can't wait to use the Micro:bits again as we were becoming a lot more confident!


Haunting learning 

Haunting learning

This week, we discovered that St Cleer is haunted by a ghost!  To launch our writing unit on 'suspense narratives' we were told the story of 'The Ghost of St Cleer.'

Year 5 and 6 were taken into the hall, given a candle to hold and all the lights were turned out!  Mr Hazlewood told us the ghost story.  Incredibly, while he was reading the story the fire-door slammed and at the end of the story we came face-to-face with the GHOST!!

Once we had calmed down, we learned our story map and are starting to learn about tricks we can use as authors to build and drop the tension in our stories!


Happy New Year! 

Spring 2 learning update

Welcome back to a new half term! I hope that you and the children have had a great half term.  We have a whole range of fantastic learning opportunities planned for this half term. Please see some of the important details below.

Year 5 Mind-map
Attached below is a mind-map which details what we plan to learn across the curriculum this half term.

PE Lessons
Our timetable for PE remains the same this half term. Our PE will be on Tuesday. Children can come into school in their PE kit on PE days.

Supporting learning at home
We encourage learning at home to support the work we do in school and enable children to become more confident. Our home-learning expectations are:

Daily reading (15 minutes) - reading which is recorded in your reading record will contribute towards your Reading Karate reward.

Times-tables and KIRF practice (20 minutes weekly) using Times Tables Rock Stars (TTRS) and the KIRF sheets (attached below).

Spellings (20 minutes weekly) - focusing on our focus spellings and the Year 4/5 and 5/6 statutory spelling lists (attached below).

Online learning - This will be set on Atom Prime (logins stuck in thy front of children's reading records)

As always, if you have any questions or concerns please do get in touch. All the very best, the Year 5 team.

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Christmas carols 

Christmas carols

This Thursday we were excited to visit St Cleer church for our Christmas Carol service.  We always enjoy our carol service and there were SO many of our parents and friends there to join us!

As well as singing some of the songs we have learned in singing assembly, we listened to poems from our student leaders and the sermon.

It was also a chance to perform the music we have been learning in our music lessons for our parents.  Mr Warwick said that it was the best we have ever performed the song!

Merry Christmas!


We've been elfed! 

We've been elfed!

There have been some suspicious events happening over the last few weeks!  Mistletoe - the school's mischievous elf - has gone missing and we've all had to help search for her!

We know that she is still in the school because she leaves clues - and mischief - wherever she has been.  Mrs Spencer's room had all of the furniture tuned up-side down.  Other classrooms have been glitter-bombed by Mistletoe and she has even kidnapped class teddy-bears!

Unfortunately, our class was elfed this week.  We arrived to warning tape across our classroom door - and it was clear that Mistletoe had left her mischievous gifts in our class.

After our initial concern that something might have been stolen - we soon realised that Mistletoe just wanted to bring some fun to our classroom!  Merry Christmas!


Thirza Schaap 

Thirza Schaap

Our art topic this half term has been about environmental art and sculpture.  We have been using the artist Thirza Schaap as our inspiration.  Thirza Schaap is a Dutch artist who also lives in South Africa.  She creates things of beauty using plastic that she has found which has washed up on the beach.

We have thought about what we like about her work and looked at themes she tries to convey through her work.  We have also studied her use of colour and will be creating our own environmental sculptures based on those by Thirza Schaap.

This week we considered how Thirza Schaap uses colour in the background for her sculptures.  We used chalk pastels to try and create some different effects which we might want to use in our final art work.


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Sports Day Thursday 4th July - 9.15am EYFS/KS1; 1:45pm KS2.

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