Class Blog for Pre School

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Week 3! 

A fun and exciting week in Pre school. 

This week we were very lucky to have the company ' Tiny Travellers' come in and teach us all about Africa! The children got to explore different countries within Africa. They got to try on clothing, look at jewellery, play different musical instruments and also smell different pots from that area. 

We have also had a lovely time again with coach James from Kixx, we really enjoy our time with him as we learn lots of new skills and this helps us with our physical development. 

This week we have been learning about Diwali, the children have made Diya lamps out of clay and have painted them! We spoke about how Diwali is the  festival of light and how they decorate using Rangoli patterns. The children really enjoyed this! 

On Thursday we had signing again with Mr Warwick all of the children LOVE this! Please don't worry if your child is not with us on a Thursday we do record the songs and learn them throughout the week, so everyone gets to learn the words of the songs we all hum. 

We were lucky enough not to get wet during forest school this week. The child had a lot of fun exploring and finding bugs. 

This week we have been focusing on recognising numbers - 0-5- please encourage your child to do this at home - while out on walks if you see a number encourage them to tell you. Even if it's 25 that's a 2 and a 5!  

Don't forget NEXT WEEK please bring in your Christmas boxes, as we are starting our activities.

Have a lovely / safe weekend and we will see you at your next session. 

Miss Whitty and Miss Ronald :) 


Week 2 Of Autumn 2 

Remembrance week  

We have had another fun week here at Pre school. Sadly the weather has been awful so every time we got outside the iPad stayed inside!

This week for our topic 'Celebrations' we have been learning about remembrance Sunday.  We made poppies. 

"Red ones for the humans and purple ones for all the animals" - C 
We watched the lovely BBC clip of the bunny (,vid:jeR5JWaIcpo,st:) The children really enjoyed this, we spoke about how the bunny would be feeling and how the music and colours changed . The children used a wide range of vocabulary. 

We have been really focusing on pencil grip in preparation for us learning to write our names in the coming weeks. The children really enjoy pen disco, this is where the children listen to different genres of music and make marks to how that piece of music made them feel. We look at how they move and hold the pencil. They all seem to enjoy this, it also acts as a nice 10 minuet quiet time where they can all relax and draw. 

Next THURSDAY is forest school please bring wellies and waterproofs! 

Have a lovely weekend everyone :) 


New half term  

Welcome back everyone. 

Welcome back to a new half term everyone, we have settled right back into the swing of things.

This week we have started our new topic 'Celebrations' we looked at the day of the dead, and bon fire night. We spoke  about what the day of dead is and we all designed colourful sugar skulls.  For bon fire night we looked at how to be safe around fire works and sparklers. We also made colourful fire work paintings. 

We are very lucky and our lovely PTA got us some boom wakaers, today we had a go with them! We are now working on a nursery rhyme. 

Come back next week to see what we have been up to. 

Parents now the weather is truing wetter and colder please ensure you have waterproofs and wellies as we do go out in all weathers. and of course a nice warm coat. 

*  Grapes - please can you ensure they are sliced. Thankyou.

Next Thursday - Forest school! please bring wellies and waterproofs. 

Have a lovely weekend and we will see you all next week :) 


Week 5!  

Another week of fun here at Pre school.

Wow, we have had another fun week here at pre school. Kick starting the week with our Kixx session on Monday. Please remember this is EVERY

We then have had signing with Miss Rowes class and we performed our harvest festival song to them.  We then went into the forest school area with them and had a blast.  We will be starting this every Thursday after half term - Thursday parents please look out for the Tapestry post.

This weeks number we have been focusing on is the number 4! We have learnt to recognise the number and how to touch count out 4 objects. Children have even had a go at drawing the number 4 number block and recognising that he is a square!  

Our mark making and junk modelling area is a BIG hit with all of the children. Nearly everyone has visited this area and had lots of fun!

I know a few of you have said that the children have been signing the nursery rhymes at home so here we go - 

Number song of the week -

Nursery rhyme - 

* Don't forget next Wednesday is school photo day - there is a Tapestry post regarding this.

Have an amazing weekend, we shall see you all next week.

Miss Whitty and Miss Ronald 


Another week of fun  

Another week of fun in the sun!

We have had another fun week here at pre school. 

This week we have been focusing on the number 3! around the tree, around the tree that's the way we make a 3! The children have loved counting out objects to make the number 3. 

We have had fun on the adventure play ground using all of our gross motor skills.

In singing time this week we have been singing the song we are learning with Mr Warwick ready for Harvest festival in a few weeks time. But we have also been singing all of our nursery rhymes. 

We have popped a post on tapestry but please start to get your shoe boxes ready for December - all the information is on the tapestry post. 

Next week we are starting to look into Autumn if you find anything on your walks please bring them in for our tuff tray. 

Have a lovely weekend and we will see you all next week . 

Miss Whitty and Miss Ronald :) 


So far in Preschool 

Look at what we have been up to so far...

We are all enjoying pre school and learning new things! 

We are focusing on our colours at the moment. We are all really enjoying the 'Rainbow song'  -

We have enjoyed exploring our outside area and our new outdoor music area! 

We are enjoying our music assemblies with Mr Warwick on a Thursday afternoon. Even if your child is not in on a Thursday we all still learn the songs! 

On Monday we had our first Kixx session of the year with Coach James and he said everyone was super star! This is every MONDAY so please make sure your child wears suitable footwear. 

It looks like the lovely weather has left us. Please can we ask that your child comes in with Wellie boots and water proofs, we do go out in ALL weathers. 

We have been focusing on the number 2 this week, the children have been going away and choosing 2 objects! You can do this at home. Also we have been learning to recognise what the number 2 looks like. When you are out and about please encourage your child to spot numbers in their environment. This could while out on walks ect. 

Come back next week to see what else we have been up to! 
Have a lovely safe weekend. 

Miss Whitty and Miss Ronald :)


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