Well done to all of 4/5S for learning the songs and the group that joined the schools performance on Monday 13th March. Thank you to family and friends who attended in support and particular thanks to Miss Strickland, Mrs Tamblyn and Mr Warwick for preparing them so well for the experience. We are so lucky to have such talented and committed staff - and the children were as expected incredible! Well done all.
Congratulations to all of those who took part in the Landrake Cross Country Run 2023 on Friday 10th March - you were the epitome of the school values as you bounded up grassy hills, free wheeled down hill and dashed through boggy flats! The weather was kind and you were fierce - I was immensely proud!
We are surrounded by the wonderful moors that speak to us still of the heritage we have been gifted of the toil and industry that the tin mines brought to our local area. We continue to visit these landmarks in our geography and history learning at St Cleer and we remember them in song today as we celebrate St Piran's Day 2023.
And shall Trelawny live?
And shall Trelawny die?
Here's twenty thousand Cornish men
Will know the reason why!
Thank you so much to everyone who joined us for our World Book Day Community Read activities! It was a really great afternoon with you all!
To celebrate World Book Day 2023 we have embraced all of your favourite book characters - we have met the Highway Rat, Alice in Wonderland, the Gingerbread Man, Stick Man, Cat in the Hat, Thing 1 and Thing 2 and many many more. Mr Tom and Mary Poppins highjacked our singing assembly too! Have you ever seen the like? We are looking forward to welcoming you at 2pm to read with your children before we go home and continue to design our reading pillow cases in classes. The PTA will be with us for refreshments - all donations received today will go towards books for the school.
Thank you to our very creative year 6 pupil whose art work has updated our school values postcards. This week in assembly we talked about how penguins share the responsibility for rearing their young in a very organised way.
We all agreed that we will show responsibility for:
*Our playground
*Our toilets/shared areas outside classrooms
*Our behaviour through the school
*How we treat each other
*Our learning
We are going to be responsible penguins. What will you take responsibility for this week?
Today is National Safer Internet Day. We are sharing Tips for Encouraging Open Discussions about Digital Lives to support discussion at home about staying safe online. Across this week we are also talking to your children about Mental Health and on Friday we will come to school dressed to express ourselves! We are looking forward to seeing everyone's expression of how they feel and who they are as individuals.
This week in classes we will share books in each key stage that will help us to explore how connecting with ourselves and each other helps us to stay mentally healthy. EYFS will read The Invisible String, KS1 will read Barbara throws a wobbler, LKS2 will read The boy, the mole, the fox and the horse, UKS2 will read Mighty Moe. What will you do this week to strengthen your connections?
Science club have been meeting each Friday to ask questions and explore - this week they looked at how Carbon Dioxide can be released from Hydrogen Peroxide using activated yeast! This is sometimes referred to as making Elephant Toothpaste. Follow this link to find out more if you are interested:
In assembly this week we looked again at our value of...be enthusiastic! We shared the word that describes what school means to us. School is a really positive place for us the majority of the time. We talked about what we can do if that changes or if we have worries to share. Our student leaders, team captains and anti-bullying ambassadors are here to help as well as the adults. Take time at home to chat about what school means to you.
We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.
We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.
We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.
We are passionate about learning.
We are the best we can be.
We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.
© 2025 Bridge Schools trust is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Registration number 7736425. It is an exempt charity.