Head's Blog

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A fantastic start to the new term! 

It has been a really successful start to the new academic year. It was fantastic to see the children so enthusiastic on return and they have settled into their new classes really well. In addition to the learning on site at school, this year we are busy planning clubs, trips, residentials and wider curriculum opportunities. Please bear with us as we set all of this up and we will share details with you once these have been firmed up. We will offer Bikeability again this year in Reception, Year 4 and Year 6 as well as swimming in Year 4. Full details of these will be communicated to parents across the year and we look forward to the learning at school and beyond.

We will soon be looking at elections for our Team Captains and Student Leaders 2023-2024 – Miss Kite will share further information with the year 6 parents/carers and we will hold a whole school election as we did last year. These ambassadors will support many things including enabling students in sharing their ideas for enhancing life at St Cleer.

As well as these ambassadors every class has an ‘I wish my teacher knew box…’ and there is an ‘I wish my headteacher knew…’ box outside my office for children to add thoughts, ideas and questions across the year. We always take their ideas into consideration.

Our focus value for assembly this half term is ‘Be creative…just like a chameleon!’



Welcome Back Academic Year 2023/24

We are looking forward to welcoming you all back for the new academic year. 
If you need any tips before you return visit: https://www.childline.org.uk/info-advice/school-college-and-work/school-college/school/ 
See you all soon.
Mrs Spencer


Parent and Carer Questionnaire 

Thank you in advance for completing the parent survey here if you can – your feedback matters to us.
If you would like a paper copy of the survey please let us know:https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=_2syUoq6KE2kTQgpDR9z3mxSE9HtK0ZFs5V0Irio-wBUQkxUWFZYMExINzNRMjY3NE9MV0U4TkFaVC4u

This year we used your feedback from the last parent survey to:
• Develop the parent curriculum maps to share the learning with you more
• Try to slim-line our communications to you
• Share dates of events in as much advance as we can
• Be available to you at drop off and pick up and meet/call you when we can
• Share the learning with you when you visit the children’s classes/assemblies


Excellence from a height! 

Our Year 6 pupils have been exploring lots this week - Adrenalin Quarry, Polzeath beach and Duchy College! They have taken brave leaps into the unknown this year and shown that by going for it you can achieve what you really set your mind to! Excellence in action!

In assembly this week we talked about needing to be brave, bold and determined to achieve excellent. It is only by revisiting things and practising (lots!) that excellence can be achieved - even when it is tricky or scary. What have you done this week to take that bold step towards excellence?


National Online Safety Guides for Parents - OMETV 

OmeTV is an emerging social networking app that aims to let its users connect, ideally forming new friendships or simply getting to meet interesting people from all around the world. It’s not particularly new technology, but it’s remained popular amongst younger audiences. OmeTV uses video chats to randomly connect its users, much like its better-known sister app, Omegle. Unfortunately, OmeTV still carries the same risks as its competitors. With so many users being so lightly regulated, there’s real potential for some unpleasant characters to make use of the app. Visit: https://nationalonlinesafety.com/guides for more parent guides and information to support.


Glee May 2023 - you really filled us with hope to dream, believe and achieve! 

Follow the yellow brick road...

Hold your head up high...

Revolting children, living in revolting times...


St Cleer Well Dressing 2023 

Thank you so much to Cornwall Heritage Trust for reigniting our long held tradition of dressing the well in St Cleer. Reception children presented their posies, year 5 presented their wonderful mosaic painting and year 4 stunned us with their Cornish dancing. A special mention to the Parish Council who supported us in keeping the children safe while moving to and from the well - much appreciated.
It was fantastic to hear the Cornish language being spoken this morning as well as reintroducing these long held traditions for our young people and community.
Meur ras!


Mosaic work for Year 5 in preparation for the St Cleer Well Dressing May 5th! 

Sean Hewitt, local artist, joined Year 5 this week to begin the work on the mosaic for the St Cleer Well dressing event on Friday 5th May. The mosaic is inspired by the tradition of adorning Cornish wells with dried flowers and seeds. The children added colour through small pieces of carefully placed card and adding detail through art pens. The black background adds impact and an abstract feel to the piece. We look forward to incorporating the piece in the well dressing procession. Sean was commissioned to work with us through the English Heritage Trust -  who have been carrying work on the well and support the community tradition of well dressing after the interruption of recent years. It will feel very special to be part of this tradition once again. 


Cornish Dancing in preparation for the St Cleer Well Dressing 

Year 4 were visited by the Davey team to lead them in two Cornish dances in preparation for our village well dressing on Friday 5th May. As well as year 4 impressing us with their moves, Reception will bring their posies to the well and Year 5 will be presenting a mosaic that they are designing and constructing with artist Sean Hewitt next week. It should be a lovely day!



I am always proud to be Head here at St Cleer and this term has really been a tough but fantastic one. There really have been so many magic moments that have emulated our values - phonics, cross-country running, writing, KIRFS, ECO responsibilities, music in the community - we really are stronger together and united in our values. Well done to all of the children and staff for their immense efforts this term. We look forward to welcoming you back for the summer term on the 17th April.


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Our Values...



We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.



We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.



We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.



We are passionate about learning.



We are the best we can be.



We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.

© 2025 Bridge Schools trust is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Registration number 7736425. It is an exempt charity.