Class Blog for Year 3 4 A

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More Rocks! 

Today in Science, Year 3/4A have been discussing how water can contribute to the erosion of rocks, acting out the affect of water turning to ice within cracks in the rock surface when temperatures drop. The constant thawing and freezing, will eventually cause rocks to break apart. Reece was the water!


Year 3/4A Creative Chameleons 

In the last couple of weeks Year 3/4A have been very busy and creative.
Year 4 have started their new Math topic on Area and Year 3, Multiplication and Division. We've been busy practising our KIRFs too, looking at the relationship between the x3 and x6 multiplication tables.

In Science, we've started to deepen our knowledge of 'rocks' and have looked closely at sedimentary rocks and fossils, creating our own from air-dried clay. Next lesson, we will carry out some tests on a selection of rocks to investigate their durability, permeability and density.

We've also started to write our own play-scripts consolidating our understanding of the WAGOLL; I'm sure some will be destined for Hollywood casting!

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'Make a noise' - The Diana Award workshop 13.11.23 

Year 3/4A enjoyed taking part in the Diana Award workshop today, starting our Anti-Bullying week here at St Cleer Primary. We certainly enjoyed 'making a noise'.
We also put our creative chameleon hats on and came up with a rap for the workshop competition- fingers and toes crossed!
Our rap

The Diana Award (

"Anti-Bullying Week 2023 takes place from 13th-17th November. This year’s theme is ‘Make a Noise about Bullying’, encouraging people to do something positive to counter the harm and hurt that bullying causes."

Anti-Bullying Week 2023 theme launch as 'Make A Noise About Bullying' (

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Reading Challenge  

Congratulations to these three smiling 'Book Worms'.

Well done to Harry, Kira and Archie (Maverick too!) - keep up these amazing reading habits.


Reading Challenge 

Congratulations to Willow for completing the Autumn Term 1 Reading Challenge - what a superstar! :)


Religious Education - Judaism 

Year 3/4a have experienced the Jewish festival of Rosh Hashanah today, sharing apple and honey which is symbolic for the 'Sweet New Year' ahead.

Rosh Hashanah
 is the birthday of the universe, the day God created Adam and Eve (The Creation Story) and it’s celebrated as the head of the Jewish year. During this time, Jews ask for forgiveness and reflect on the past year.

As a class, we reflected on what is important to us, what we are proud of and what we aim to achieve this year.

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Autumn Term 2- Week 1 

Fishy- Friends

A huge 'thank you' to the PTA for purchasing our new fishy friends. Year 3/4A have welcomed them in to the classroom and look forward to naming them :)

Reading Challenge

Congratulations to Reece who has completed his Autumn 1 'Reading Challenge'.
*All challenges to be signed by an adult an returned by Friday please :)

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Autumn Term 2 


I hope you're all having a fab Half Term and found 101 ways to enjoy the rain?
I've attached an amended timetable and the Autumn Term KIRFS.

A few reminders:

*Completed Reading Challenges to be handed in next week please :)       New RWI books will be given out on Tuesday 
**Please wear/bring PE kits on Wednesdays and Thursdays as we have Dance starting with Lily on Wednesdays (this is additional PE) and PE as normal on Thursdays.
***Please remember Reading Journals each day.

See you on Monday :)

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Happy Half Term :)

What a fantastic first Half Term! Year 3/4a have wrapped things up on their topic of Ancient Egypt, Place Value in Maths, Animals and Humans in Science and Traditional Stories and Poetry in English. 
Have a well-deserved break and see you in a week :)

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Year 3/4a  

Scratch, skeletons & skim and scanning the text

Year 3/4a have been busy bees!

We have deepened our understanding on Egyptian gods/goddesses through our guided reading sessions, imitated algorithms in our ICT lessons using the platform to learn how to program a sprite and debug and have discovered which animals have endo-, exo- or hydro-static skeletons in Science.


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