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Cornish Caretakers 2024 


World Book Day 2024 


Gool Peran Lowen - Happy St Piran's Day! 

Thank you for joining us for a St Piran's Day sing this morning in the sunshine! Some of the things we love about Cornwall are the pasties, the clotted cream, the beaches! We also mentioned our sense of community and being together. We also have a newly crowned indoor world champion pole vaulter - well done to Molly!
There is much to be proud of.
It was not cream teas and pasties, but metallic ore that made Cornwall one of the most mineral rich areas of the world.
“Hard rock breeds hard men / Who slip between earth’s cracks for a living….” The words of West Country poet James Crowden (“The Wheal of Hope”). 
Whatever you love about the county we live and work in I hope you enjoy a little of its sunshine today.


Cross Country Running at Liskeard 

Well done to all of our Cross Country runners who have taken part in any of the Primary Schools Cross Country League races this season. It really is a fantastic achievement - whether it has been 1 race or all 5 of the series well done!

Particularly well done to one of our Year 5 girls who has qualified for the Newquay Team Cross Country Finals on the 25th March.

There will be a presentation evening in Liskeard Public Hall at 7pm on the 27th March to congratulate all runners who took part. 



This week in assembly we had a visit from Jane who is one of the local representatives of Diabetes UK in the South West. She has lived with Type 1 diabetes for 50 years of her life and shared what this has been like with us. She spoke to us about the important job of the pancreas and red blood cells and showed us how her sugar level monitor works. We learned about how she manages a hypo and the children were full of lots of interesting questions. Thank you to Jane and her husband for coming to see us and to raise awareness of what it is like living with diabetes.


Staying Safe Online - Group Chats 

As a school we work with your children to support their understanding of using the internet and devices (including phones) so they know how to stay safe and know how to support their well being. This week Year 6 have a series of mini-police sessions including peer pressure and online safety which is another opportunity to support their self awareness and knowledge. We understand that many of you make or have made the decision to allow your child a phone/access to group chats/social media. It is important to remember that up until your child is 18 years old you are responsible for managing a contracted device and how it is used so regular checks and conversations at home will really support here. Here a poster from National Online Safety to support these discussions. A reminder that WhatsApp age rating is 16+


Year 5 and 6 Football Tournament at Liskeard Secondary School 

Well done to our Year 5 and 6 pupils who represented St Cleer at a Football Festival run by A-Level OCR sports studies students there. The children enjoyed the facilities as well as the chance to compete against other schools including Pensilva and Dobwalls.
Well done to all involved.


Geography Field Trip for EYFS and Year 1 

What a wonderful way to spend a day's learning - making food with local, fresh produce and then eating it with your friends in the sunshine with your friends! Well done to the EYFS and Year 1 team for bringing the learning to life in such a fun and memorable way!


Cross Country Super Stars! 

Well done to all of our cross country runners who took part in the third event this year at Cohetele. Comradery, determination and enthusiasm saw them through! Thank you so much to Mrs birch for recording the results and cheering them on from the side lines!


Glee make their Liskeard Food Bank donation in person! 

Well done to Glee who welcomed Sarah Riggs to our end of term assembly to present her with £197.35 for the Liskeard Food Bank. Glee performed to the school as well as to family and friends on the 5th December and wanted to show their appreciated to Liskeard Food Bank for everything they do to support our community. Thank you to everyone who donated and to all who give their time for free as volunteers to our local Food Bank. Merry Christmas from all at St Cleer. 


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We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.



We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.



We are passionate about learning.



We are the best we can be.



We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.

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