Head's Blog

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Make Your Own Kind of Music 

This week we welcomed Mrs Harris to the team. The children enjoyed their first singing assembly with her and she was very impressed by their musical talents. Year 1 and Year 2 enjoyed exploring wind instruments in their music lesson with her too.


Harvest 2024 

Thank you to everyone who came to join us to celebrate Harvest Festival this afternoon. There was a generous donation from the community to the Liskeard Food Bank who also attended in support. Have a lovely half term and see you on the 4th November. 


Cross-country racing season begins again! 

Well done to the 8 cross country runners who took part in the first of the 5 races that will take part again this year. We started in Trethew and we are looking forward to the next 4 races over the coming months. We show cased our new school banner and all of the runners were so fast zooming past me that I just about managed to get a few photos! These event are attended by around 400 pupils and the enthusiasm and energy as the runners take off at the start of their races is a thing to behold. Everyone did themselves proud and it was great to be there with you to cheer you on!


Grandma on the Moon at Sterts Theatre 

On Monday, Mrs Goldsmith and I travelled to Sterts theatre with 9 of out students to enjoy Grandma on the Moon written by Belinda Lazenby. “Grandma on the Moon!” is a beautiful, high quality piece of theatre exploring death and bereavement from a child’s perspective. It used movement, music and drama to show the importance of memories, keeping those we have loved alive within our hearts and minds, even though they are no longer with us. This play shows it is ok to have fun, even though someone you love has died. We really enjoyed the performance and being back at Sterts theatre!



It has been a great start back to the new academic year. The children are settling back into their classes and routines. In assembly we have been focusing on the positive learning behaviours we want to harness as we work together on the next stages of our learning journey together. We talked about the power of words and how our words have the potential to add so much to our positive experiences together and how we feel about ourselves.

We spoke together about the nicest things people have said to us and these words made us feel. In the words of Dr Wayne W. Dyer “If you have the choice between being right and being kind, choose being kind.”

We look forward to exploring these ideas together over the half term.


Cycling into Summer! 

A wonderful morning at Siblyback with year 6 and a calm morning back at school leads us nicely into the summer break. Take very good care and we look forward to welcoming you all back on Wednesday 4th September. 


Year 6 Farewell 

Year 6 - we are looking forward to our Siblyback farewell on Tuesday 23rd July - we will miss you all and wish you the very best as you move forward. You are well prepared for these next steps and we are so pleased that we have been part of your journey. Remember this is not an ending...it is just the part of your story where you turn the page.


Guitar performance 2024 

Thank you to Matt and well done to all of our guitar super stars this morning!


Get Summer Reading Ready with the Liskeard Library! 


Year 6 get a rush of adrenalin at Adrenalin Quarry! 

On Friday, the adults who went to Adrenalin Quarry with the Year 6s really had to dig deep and prove that learning can sometimes mean facing your fears and going for it anyway! The year 6s enjoyed a thrilling ride on the zip wire, a splash or two in the quarry and some speedy laps of the go-kart track. All were exhausted but elated - it was a magical day together (I did manage to open my eyes half way down and let go!).


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We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.



We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.



We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.



We are passionate about learning.



We are the best we can be.



We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.

© 2025 Bridge Schools trust is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Registration number 7736425. It is an exempt charity.