Head's Blog

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Thank you so much PTA!

A massive thank you to our fantastic PTA who organised the Halloween Disco here at St Cleer tonight. I am typing this Blog listening to the laughter and fun that the community are having and as this is my final post for the week I shall go and join them in the remainder of the fun. Have a safe and fun-filled weekend!



Cross Country Running

Congratulations to all of the children and parents who took part in the cross country event today. St Cleer was very well represented and the children did exceptionally well. Particularly well done to Tahlula who was the first girl to cross the finish line.

They have inspired me to complete my first park run this weekend. I hope that I am prepared for the rolling running hills of Cornwall! Wish me luck and thank you to the parents who gave me some advice and encouragement today to go ahead with it!



Reception 2020-2021

Thank you so much to all of the parents and to Mrs Rudd who make our meeting with prospective Reception children at St Cleer such a lovely experience today. It was so lovely to have time with all to share our vision and values for the early years and for those first steps into life at school.

We appreciate that this is a big milestone in your children's lives and are happy to support in this transition. If you were unable to attend the session today please do contact us and if a follow up session is required we can do our best to accommodate this.



Reading Workshop for Parents

Thank you so much to those of you who were able to make our Reading Workshop this morning. Mrs Birch and I shared our Reading Booklet for Parents which you can access on our curriculum page: https://www.stcleerprimary.co.uk/Learning/Our_Curriculum 

It was lovely to hear your ideas about how you support your children with reading at home and also offer guidance and tips to each other.

We were all in agreement that Reading acts as a key to unlocking the world for our children. Exposure to a variety of texts, time to discuss books and looking for opportunities to find the fun in texts were themes that wove through our discussions. I very much look forward to continuing to work with you at future curriculum workshops.

Some parents at the meeting expressed an interest in volunteering time to read with  children at school. If this is something you would be interested in please send an email to secretary@stcleerprimary.co.uk 



Harvest Festival

Harvest Festival celebration is Tuesday 15th October. Parents are welcome to come to the church from 9:30am (normal drop off at school). If children want to bring contributions for the food bank they would be gratefully received.

Urgently Required Items:
Milk (UHT/dried)
Meat (tinned)
Vegetables (tinned)
Fruit Juice (long life)



Vielen Dank! (Thank you very much!)

I want to take the opportunity this week to say thank you to our four Swiss students who come to the end of their three week placement with us here at St Cleer. They have been a pleasure to host and have brought with them a positive attitude to life and have embraced life in Cornwall wholeheartedly. We thank them for their enthusiasm and we hope they have enjoyed all of their experiences while they have been here—including Bike-ability in the rain, teaching German and sharing a love of Reading with the children.



Head Girl 2019-2020

Congratulations to our elected Head Girl for this year. She will work collaboratively with the Head Boy and the Team Captains to ensure that the children's voices and ideas are part of the journey here at St Cleer. Our Head Girl loves pandas and gymnastics!

"My motto is - Keep calm and love pandas! I think if you believe in yourself then you can do it!"



Head Boy 2019-2020

Congratulations to our Head Boy who has been appointed as our Head Boy for this year. He will work collaboratively with the Head Girl and the Team Captains to ensure that the children's voices and ideas are part of the journey here at St Cleer. Our Head Boy loves basketball and being outside. 

"Lots of people ask me the question why? I always say, why not?"


History Day at St Cleer 

A wonderful array of the eras...

Thank you so much for your support in making History day...historical! We had Dinosaurs, Egyptian cats, Victorian Royalty, Suffragettes and even Cornwall Miners. The children enjoyed sharing their costumes in assembly and exploring historical artefacts across the day. 


Responsible Citizens for the Future 

Luci Isaacson and Nick Hart visited us on Friday 20th September to launch our ECO focused music collaboration across the Bridge Schools Trust.

Luci brought her ECO friendly car to school to share with the children and we were very impressed that one of our families is also using this car!

The children shared their thoughts on pledges we could make to ensure that our planet is well looked after.

You will not be surprised to hear that the children had lots of fantastic ideas and really engaged with the session. There were a range of children from Year 1 to Year 6 supporting each other's campaign to become responsible citizens of the world.


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Our Values...



We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.



We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.



We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.



We are passionate about learning.



We are the best we can be.



We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.

Sports Day Thursday 4th July - 9.15am EYFS/KS1; 1:45pm KS2.

© 2024 Bridge Schools trust is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Registration number 7736425. It is an exempt charity.